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1、Friendship Qualitiesby FA true friend may have many different good qualities, but the basic qualities that all good friends share with one another are the most important.Although true friendships can begin very quickly, they do take time to build into lasting and valuable relationships. Many people

2、have said good friends are hard to find and even harder to keep, but everyone needs good friends even if they are far and few between. A true friend can have many different good qualities, but the qualities that add up to true friendship may be the most important.If you have a few good friends, you

3、are lucky, and if you take a closer look at the qualities that your friends have that make them true pals you will find that they share an essential group of traits, values and beliefs that all add up to honesty and good character. People can have many good qualities, but the traits that your true f

4、riends have are all tied together by a core of basic qualities that all good friends share with one another. Listed here are some of the most essential qualities that a person needs to have in order to qualify as a true friend:Loyalty Loyalty is a quality that everyone looks for in a friend. A loyal

5、 friend will stick with you no matter what the situation is and you can always count on them being on your side.Intelligence Being a good friend involves being aware of your needs and recognizing your values, and when a person is ignorant and uncaring, it is hard to consider them as a friend.Sensiti

6、vity Sensitive people make good friends because they often see life on their own terms which allows them to understand the thoughts and feeling of others.Humor Life is better when approached with a good sense of humor and people that are happy and outgoing are a lot more fun to be around than someon

7、e who is depressed, moody and sees the empty half of the glass all the time.Honesty Honesty may be the most important quality for friendship as it is difficult to befriend anyone who tells you lies and cant be trusted. If you can trust someone to do the right thing in all situations and they are not

8、 tempted by temporary gain, its a good bet they will make a lasting friend.Listening If someone just doesnt “hear” what youre saying when you confide in them, they wont make a very good friend. Communication is a two-way street and being a good listener is one half of the equation.Supportive A good

9、friend will be supportive of you and your goals, and they will act accordingly. A true friend will help you become the person you want to be and know how to help you handle problems.Generosity A good friend is openly generous in personality and character. They will be generous with both their time and their money, and they wont hesitate to help you when needed



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