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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date英语六级听力冲刺浓缩7大技巧英语六级听力冲刺浓缩7大技巧英语六级听力冲刺浓缩7大技巧浓缩技巧之一 #六级听力短对话#最可能考四类题:1,小词题(包括地点、职业、话题、-ing )2,动作题(主听建议句型中动作和动作排序)3,人物意图题(抓逻辑词、语气和言外之意)4,推断题(选项信息比较筛选和同义替换)可考三类题:计算题(N年没考),排序题,态度题(选项均态度词) 浓缩

2、技巧之二 #六级听力长对话#1,细节题均优先视听基本一致加同义替换。2,注意but,so等逻辑词和unfortunately、unexpectedly等情节提示词。3,留心语气和语速变化的语句。4,注意说到的建议和解决方法。5,抓最高级和比较关系。6,注意第一次正式对话的回答部分。7,注意表总结的话。 浓缩技巧之三 #六级听力短对话续# 1,三项有同一词,原文念该词;两项有近义词,原文涉及该义;两项同话题不同细节或意相反,答案两者中选。2,选项的动宾结构搭配中有效信息越少,该项越容易正确。3,不得已蒙时,听见wish和怪语气就蒙反向,剩下的优先蒙短语替换项。 浓缩技巧之四 #六级听力场景词,只

3、说难词# 校园场景: (post)graduate school研究生院;alumni校友;compulsory course必修课;psychology心理学;extension延期;thesis论文;essay/paper论文;pop quiz不提前通知的小测验;periodical期刊;back number过刊。 浓缩技巧之五 #六级听力场景词,只说难词# 餐馆酒店租房场景: buffet自助餐;dessert甜点;steak牛排;dressing调味汁;mineral water矿泉水;make a reservation预定;suite套房;reception前台接待;lease租

4、契;maintenance维修;electrician电工;leak裂缝。 浓缩技巧之六 #六级听力短文简说# 1,首尾句群出题点;2,最高级和比较关系出题;3,重复强调、强调句和虚拟语气出题; 4,转折之后;5,因果关系;6,让步出题;7,特殊词后须注意。特殊词举例:only,nothing but,never,most,-est,above all,first,particularly,especially等。 浓缩技巧之七 #六级听力场景词,只说难词# 修理工场景:mechanic 机械工,electrician 电工, carpenter 木匠, plumber 管工, fix 修理,

5、 garage 车库, clutch 离合器,vacuum 吸尘器 refrigerator电冰箱, fuse保险丝,wire电线, heater加热器、电暖气 六级翻译-虚拟语气和倒装虚拟语气:与事实相反的 一、 if从句: 即 主句, if 从句 1、倒装代替if从句:HadWereShould ,主句 2、but for = without(如果不是)代替if从句, 两个都是介词 But for without + 名词 ,主句 3、with + 名词 ,主句 4、if only + (if 从句) 要是该多好 二、宾语从句: 1、I suggest(表示命令;建议;请求) that s

6、houle +do (在虚拟语气中,shoule have done = ought to have done,其他时候should 不等于ought to) 2、I wish that (用虚拟语气) 三、主语从句: 1、it is +adjn that + 虚拟 2、it is +done(表示建议、要求)that + 虚拟 四、目的状语: Lest或者for fear that + (虚拟语气)should do 五、隐藏虚拟语气:本打算做但结果没有做的 1、had hopedintendedplannedexpectedwantedmeant to do 2、hoped to have

7、 done 3、be(waswere) + to have done 4、wouldshould like to have done Would have done 表意愿、将来 Should have done 竟然做了、本应该做的 Could have done 有能力做 Might have done 表示猜测 Need have done 本来需要做的却没有做 主从句时间不一致情况下的虚拟语气 有时条件从句中的动作和结果与主句中的动作,发生的时间不一致,这时动作的形式应根据它所表示的时间加以调整。如: 1. 从句表示过去,主句表示将来: 、 If they had started th

8、e early morning yesterday, they would be here now. 、 If we hadn t made adequate preparations, we shouldn t dare to do the experiment next week。 2. 从句表示将来,主句表示过去: 、 If I were not to make a preparation for my experiment this afternoon, I would have gone to see the film with you last night. 3.从句表示将来,主句

9、表示现在: 、 If we shouldnt have an exam this afternoon, I would go shopping now. 4.从句表示过去,主句表示现在。 、 If they had stared the early morning yesterday, they would be here now. 、 If you had followed my advice, you would be able to finish the work now. 6.从句表示现在,主句表示过去 、 If I were you, I would have gone to her

10、 birthday party.如果我是你,我就去参加她的生日晚会了。 (从句说明现在,主句说明过去。 ) 7.从句表示过去,主句表示过去和现在 、 If you hadnt lent me some money, I couldnt have bought the new house and most likely I would be still living in the dangerous house now. 在不少情况下,虚拟式已变成习惯说法,很难找出其暗含的条件。 (1) You wouldnt know. 你不会知道。 (2) I would like to come. 我愿意

11、来。 (3) I wouldnt have dreamed of it. 这是我做梦也不会想到的。 (4) He told the story in such minute detail that he might himself have been an eye-witness. 他将那事讲的非常仔细,简直就象他亲眼看见一样。 条件从句中省略 if 采用倒装语序的情况 在 if引导的表示虚拟的条件状语从句中,有时可以把含有助动词、情态动词、 be或 have的虚拟条件句中的连词 if 省去,而将 had , should, were 等词提到主语之前,即用倒装结构。 1). 原句: If s

12、he were younger, she would do it. 去 If: Were she younger, she would do it. (把动词 were移到主语 she的前面 ) 2). 原句: If he had tried it, he could have done it. 去 If: Had he tried it, he could have done it.(把 had移到主语 he的前面 ) 3).Had he worked harder, he would have got through the exams. 4).Were he to leave today

13、, he would get there by Friday. 5).Were I in your place, I wouldnt do that. 6).Had I seen the film, I would have discussed it with them last night. 假如我看了那部电影,昨晚我就可以和他们一起讨论了。 7).Were I a bird, I could fly freely. 假如我是一只小鸟,我就能自由翱翔。 8).Should it rain next week the farmers would have a good harvest. 要是下

14、周能下雨的话,农民们就能有个好收成了。 如果虚拟条件句中有 were, had或 should时,把它们放在 if的位置上 ;但是如果条件句中没有 were, had或 should不能用倒装。 Should it rain tomorrow, what should we do?要是明天下雨的话,我们怎么办呢 ? Were I you, I would have asked him for some advice.要是我是你的话,我就向他请教了。 Were he to do this work by himself, he would get a lot of money.如果他自己能够做此

15、工作,他就会得到一些钱。 在 开放式条件句 和让步状语从句中 should是被省略了的。在这种情况下,如果 if省略,动词 be与主语的位置要倒装。 If any person be guilty of a crime, the court shall have the right to appeal. (任何人犯罪,法院有权起诉。 ) Be any person guilty of a crime, the court shall have the right to appeal. Whether she be right or wrong, she will have my unanswering support. (不管她是对还是错,我都会支持她的。 ) Be she right or wrong, she will have my unanswering support. _



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