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1、仁爱版初中英语知识点框架七 年 级 上单元标题话题语法1Maki ng NewFrie nds1. Welcome to Chi na!1. 一般现在时:am/is/are2. Where are you from?1. Wh-开头的疑问句: What/Where/Who2. 人称代词主格3. What class are you in?1. 指示代词2. Wh-开头的疑问句:What/How3. 冠词:a/an复数2Look ingDiffere nt1. I have a small no se.1. 一般现在时:have/has2. What does she look like?1.

2、Wh-开头的疑问句:What3. Whose jacket is this ?1. 物主代词2. Wh-开头的疑问句:Whose3. 名词所有格3Getti ngTogether1. Do you like En glish?1. 人称代词2. 一般现在时:to like/want/speak 2. What does your mother do?1. Wh-开头的疑问句:What/Where3. What would you like to drin k?1. Wh-开头的疑问句:What2. 可数名词和不可数 名词(I)4Enjoyi ngYourselves1. What can I

3、do for you?1. Wh-开头的疑问句: How much/How many some/a ny2. 可数名词和不可数 名词(II)2. Would you like to go for a pic nic?1. Would you like ?2. How about ?3. What about ?3. What time is it?1. Wh-开头的疑问句:What2. 时间的表达七 年 级 下单元标题话题语法5Our SchoolLife1. How do you usually come to school?1.问频率2. He is running on the play

4、gro und.1.现在进行时3. My school life is very in teresti ng.1. 一般现在时2. 现在进行时6Our LocalArea1. Is there a computer in your study?1. There is/are2. 介词2. What kind of home do you live in?1. There is/are3. Which is the way to the post office?1. 介词2. 祈使句7The Birthday Party1. When is your birthday?1. 一般过去时(I)2.

5、 基数词3. 序数词2. Can you dance or draw?1. 情态动词:can/cant could/could nt2. 选择疑问句3. We had a wo nderful party.1.一般过去时(II)8The Seasons and the Weather1. Whats the weather like in spri ng?1. 一般现在时2. 一般过去时3. 构词法2. The summer holidays are coming.1.Wa nt/pla n/wish/hope/w ould like to 3. Lets celebrate!1.复习八 年

6、级 上单元标题话题语法1Sports andGames1. Are you going to play basketball?1. Be going to 结构的一 般将来时2. Would you mind teachi ng me?1. Would/Do you mind doing sth?3. Which sport will you take part in?1. Will结构的一般将来 时2Keep ing Healthy1. Youd better go to see a doctor.1.情态动词(1)2. I must have a good rest ton ight.1.

7、情态动词(2)3. Must we do exercise to preve nt the flu?1. 情态动词(3)2. 反身代词3Our Hobbies1. What hobbies did you use to have?1. Used to过去常常2. What sweet music!1.感叹句3. What were you doing at this time yesterday?1.过去进行时4Our World1. Pla nts and ani mals are importa nt to us.1.形容词的比较级和最 高级2. Are you sure there ar

8、e UFOs?1. Be sure 确信3. The workers used live models, did nt they?1.反意疑问句八 年 级 下单元标题话题语法5Feeli ngHappy1. Why all the smili ng faces?1.联系动词+形容词2.1 feel better now.1. 原因状语从句2. 同级比较3. Many things can affect our feeli ngs.1. Let+宾语+动词2. Make+宾语+名词3. Make+宾语+动词4. Make+宾语+形容词6Enjoyi ng Cycli ng1. Were goin

9、g on a spring field trip.1.不定式2. How about explori ng the Mi ng Tombs?1.时间状语从句3. Bicycles are popular.1.条件状语从句7Food Festival1. We are prepari ng for a food festival1.宾语从句(I)2. Cook ing is fun!1. 宾语从句(II)2. 动词的比较级和最高 级(I)3. Welcome to our food festival!1.动词的比较级和最高 级(II)8Our Clothes1. What a nice coat

10、!1. Sothat2. So that 3. Suchthat2. Different jobs require differe nt un iforms.1.宾语从句(III )3. Lets go and watch the fashi on show.1.宾语从句(IV )九 年 级 上单元标题话题语法1TheChangingWorld1. My hometow n has become more and more beautiful.1.现在完成时(I)Have/has don e Have/has bee n to Have/has gone to 2. China has the

11、 largest populatio n.1.现在完成时(II)Already, yet, just, ever, n ever3. The world has cha nged for the better.1. 现在完成时(III)For, since2. 构词法2Saving theEarth1. Polluti on causes too many problems.1.直接引语和间接引语2. All these problems are very serious.1.不定代词和副词3. Would you like to be a gree ner pers on?1.并列复合句or

12、, and, while, but3En glish Throughout the World1. En glish is used more and more widely around the world.1.被动语态(I) am/is/are+过去分词2. En glish is spoke n differe ntly in differe nt coun tries.1.现在进行时表将来3. Could you give us some advice on how to lear n En glish well?1. Wh-+to do4Amazi ngScience1. Space

13、ships are mainly con trolled by computers.1.动词+宾语+补足语2. When was it inven ted?1.被动语态(II)was/were+过去分词3. I dont think alie ns can be found in space.1.被动语态(III) 情态动词+be+过去分词九 年 级 下单元标题话题语法5Knowing About Chi na1. How much do you know about China?1.定语从句(I) that, which2. Im beco ming more and more in ter

14、ested in Chinas history.1.定语从句(II)Who, whom, whose3. The drag on has become a symbol if the Chin ese n ati on.1.连接词和主谓一致Either or Both and Neither no r Not only but also6En terta inme nt andFrie ndship1.1 would rather watch sports shows tha n those on es.2. Who is your favorite character in literature?3. I will remember our frien dship forever.


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