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1、1) Im rellyorry:e:Oh,Im reall ry A yu O?Ana: Imfine Bt Im not very goot his.Td:eier am I.Sa,are you fom Suth America?Ana: Yes,I am oriially. was bon n Argenina.Td:Did you gr p here?na: Yes, di, bt my amily ove hreeig yeago whnI ws ighschool. Td: And where didyou larn o rollarblade?Aa: Here ithe park

2、. Thi is ny my ecnd time.ed:Well, itmy rt tie Can yogvme somleons?Aa: u. ut olwme.Td: he way, y nme i ea:And m Aa. Nice t meet you.ey, ey! hat was unTd: Hey, ey!thawa un.Tak you o helesson!na:N problm. So, tel me a litleoutoself.Wht doyo do?Td: I work n a trael gncy.Ana: Raly! Wh dou d ther?ed: Im i

3、n charge othr coputrs.Aa: Oh, so yure a ompuer secilist.Ted: Well, ort. Yeah,I guess oAna: Thasrat. he aye you an ive me some hepwit a comuter courseIm takig Te: Oh, sue.Bunl ifyou rmiset ge me smemorrlarbaing lssos.Ana: Its ade!() heeare yo fro orialy, uHoIerviewr: Whee ae yufro ornall,Yu Hong?Y Ho

4、n:Imfro Ch.from nerShghai.ntrie: An n did yomve hre?Yu Hng: cae ere atr I grdatd fom cllee. Tt was in 1992.nerviewr: And what doudonw?u Hong: Im a transporationenier.Iterviw: seeSoyo e an mmigrantt tented State.Yu Hong: Ye,hat rgt.Interviewer: Wt r some of dfficlies o beng an immigrant inheU.S.?YuHn

5、g: Oh, hatsnotan eas questiont awerTere re somanythings, really I guess onef the bigget ffculiess at I dnt hvearelaives ee I man, I healot ffren, t thts nothesme hing.Ihina, on tholidays r th eekend,we visitreatives. t sn thesme here.Itviewer:Adwhat d you mssthe motfro oe?YuHon: O, thteay: my moms s

6、oup! She mk gratsoup.I realmiss m oters cooing(3) H! Ae thse pictre fyouA:Hey!A hes picures ofyu hyouwered?B:eh! Tht me i fronfmyncles beach houe WheI was akid, w sed tsped tw weeks eeryr.A: Wow,Ibt that was fun!B: Yeah.We always hd a grea ti. very dy we usd to get arlad wk along e ea.I haveret shel

7、collcion. In fct, Itik i stil up inthe atic!A:Hey, I used to collect ell, o,hen I wsa . ut my rets hrewhem ou!A: You now what Iemme ostabout growig up?B:Wha?: Visiingmygrandparehuse? o kow, on oidays and stuf. They livd wa out n tcntry, nd y gandahad a e ed Blce.Htughtme ow to ie. I ustve hat rs-and

8、 se loved me, ! I sd to realynjoyspendingtimea my grandparent ouseAnd every ti I ame back, laci remembeed me.B:Ah, memies!Unit() hyithe nver auswhen yu wat one?A:Wh i thre ner bus we yu wan one?B: oo qstio. hee rent euhbuseon th rue.: Soetims I el lik wtinga leter to he paperB: God e. You shoul sa t

9、hatwe need mor sb line, too.A:YahThere shuldbe moepublic tranportatonin genra.: nd feer cars! hres too uch traffic.A: ay, hat ourbusomi?: Ye,t s ut look Itsfl!: h, ! ets o ad g aof coffe. We an lkabot th letter Imoin to writ.: So you are really going to wite aleter othe pape?: Sre.I goin o ay someth

10、ing about the uses. Teyretoo o.Weneed ore oern s? nicei-coditonednes.B:And th need to put more ssnthrad.A: Right. And ee e t manycrs downtown, an there ist enough parkig.B: Tha for sur Is mossble to find arking sa dowow tese ays: I think heyshould bn pria cars downtow between nie and fie.: Oh, yu ma

11、 they houldnt llow anyas exept taxis and buses rg the reguar workday. Hm?thatound lie a reallyood idea.(5)Qit nuer fthingQite a umbe ftin ha bedne t help lv taff probes in Singapre. Forexample, moorists mst bu a speialass ifthe wnt t drie nto the dwntowbusiness sr.hey cangoio he bsinessdsrict onl if

12、 they hae he sisplayed o ter indshield.Athrh Singapoe hs dnis ake t more diffilt o buy crs. People hav aply or a crtificte fthey anttobuya r. And e number of cerifcate is imited. No veryoncan oeThe is alo a hig taxocrs, soi costs theeor ourtimes a much to uyacar iSaore s i oes in, say,the ited States orCaada.The other thing Sigapre has done is tobuid xcllent uc rnprttionstem. Their sub


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