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1、九年级(上)Unit 8 教学设计及教学反思Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.“九年级上册Unit8 Ill help clean up the city parks. Section A第1课时”的公开课,下面是我对这一节课的分析及反思:本课是操练课。在整个教学设计过程中,我遵循以学生为主体的原则,创设宽松、和谐、民主的氛围,设计了听、说、读、写的各项活动,联系实际生活,让学生整节课都在快乐当中学习和运用英语。本课的引入部分比较精彩,我利用多媒体课件展现了some pictures of people who need help,同时让学生展开合

2、理的想象,根据以往学过的知识和句型描述图片中人物的神态与需求,作为志愿者,同学们应该怎样做以帮助他们。这样提高了学生的学习兴趣,课堂气氛也活跃了起来。所谓Well begun is half done.1.自由交谈我用多媒体展现了some pictures of people who need help(e.g.Sick People, Homeless Children,.);同时让学生根据以往学过的知识和句型描述图片中人物的神态与需求,同学们应该怎样做以帮助他们。T: Do you like these pictures?S: No, they make me sad/unhappy/gl

3、oomy/.T: What can you see in the picture?S: There are some people who need help/are depressive.T: Can you tell me something about the picture 2?Why do you think so?What can you do to help them/What do you plan to do as a volunteer/What would you like to do?S: The children dont have money to go to sc

4、hool.they are very poor. 通过多媒体图片让学生充分展开想象力,针对每一幅图片进行描述,激起学生的同情心和对以下内容的兴趣。我试着让学生给出不同的回答,强调Id like to, could 和其他动词的搭配。不断强化句型,让学生有个模式进行后面的训练。让没有被点名回答的学生在课本中的横线处写下自己所看到、想到的答案。 通过上述训练,使学生有说的机会,培养了学生的口语表达能力,克服了学生害怕说英语的胆怯心理。且学生紧跟老师的思路走,可以使课堂气氛异常的活跃,为本课授新知做好了铺垫。1 感知 教材活动1b、2a、2b是听力部分。我强调听录音的同时就要用笔记下关键词。我放录音

5、,让学生边听录音边完成练习题-补全句子2a是判断正误。然后每个小组组长检查每组同学的答案正确与否,并向我汇报。另外,我来抽查前三排的部分同学。如果同学们听一遍不能写出所有答案,我视具体情况可多遍放录音,直到大家听懂并书写下来为止。电脑挂幕上的是活动1b、2b的不完整句子。通过上述听力训练,有效地提高了学生听和写的技能。学生通过自主、合作、探究式的学习,掌握新知,突破难点。既增强了学生合作的意识,也体现了教师为主导-学生为主体的“有效教学模式”理念。1 体验 让学生把1a, 1b, 2b中补全的句子和2c中的对话多读几遍,争取能记住大致的内容。然后我在挂幕上展示出volunteer, work

6、outside, cheer up, help sb with sth, give out, clean up, in the hospital等关键词,让学生用刚刚学到的目标句型来操练。若有学生不明白,我可以亲自示范一次。然后,抽查几对学生,让他们在全班面前,按照1a或2c中的模式进行对话(不必拘泥于书中原文和标准答案;可以打开思路,在不跑题的情况下自由发挥);让学生操练目标词汇、短语、句型,并为最后一个环节的运用与练笔打下基础。4.运用与练笔Speaking我提供一个情景:假设你有个朋友周末过生日,他打算在家开个生日舞会。但是他现在有很多事情,忙不过来,你能给他提供什么帮助?A: This

7、 weekend Ill have a birthday party at my home.But I have so many things to do, can you help me?B: OK, I couldC: Id like to让学生发挥自由想象,以小组为单位讨论后,找个别学生口头陈述.Writing将speaking 中的口头陈述形成书面文章. 我让一名学生到黑板上书写,并给予批改评价。其余学生在练习本上完成,作为课后作业。课后反思: 这节课我根据“有效教学模式”的理念,采取了自主、合作、探究的方式展开教学,打破了传统的按照教材编排顺序;自主的调整了教材的顺序,以“单元话题”

8、为主线,灵活、自由的处理了教材。在教学中,引导学生始终围绕“提供帮助(志愿者活动)”这一中心话题展开教学活动。帮助学生树立关爱社会,关爱他人,助人为乐的品质。既激发了学生的奉献精神,又教育了学生珍惜现有的美好时光,努力学习。总之,“有效教学模式”给我们教师提供和营造了千载难逢的机遇和平台;而反思教学又是教师成长的必由之路。通过贯彻“有效教学模式”的理念,能够提高教学水平,并能形成自己对教学的独立思考和创造性的见解。“没有反思,就没有感悟;没有感悟,就不能提升自己的专业能力。”因此,我愿在今后的教学中,遵循“有效教学模式”多多进行教学反思,使自己的知识结构和教学能力不断得到升华和提高。 附: 教

9、 学 设 计年级:九年级 课例: 第8单元第1课时 Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.教学内容 Section A (1a2c)教学目标1.Master these words: hunger, homeless, clean-up, sign, advertisement, set, establish. 2.Master these important phrases and sentences:clean up, cheer up, give out, put off, set up, think up,.Id like to work ou

10、tside.You could help clean up the city parks.Ill write down all our ideas. 3.Mainly develop students listening and speaking skills.教学重点 1.Train the students to offer help. 2.Master important words and phrases.教学难点 1. I will., I would like/love to., I could., I hope to. 2. Develop students listening

11、and speaking skills.教具准备 A tape recorder Multimedia教学方法 Listening and Speaking methods 教学步骤 1. 1a & 1b 1) Go through the instructions with the class. Point to the lists in Activity 1a and say, Their conversation contains the answers to the questions in Activity 1a. T: Now lets listen to a material i

12、n which some people describe what they want to do as volunteers. The first time, you should listen carefully to get the main idea of it. When you listen again, please complete the sentences in 1b on Page 60. 2) Play the tape for the first time. This time, students only listen. 3) Play the tape a sec

13、ond time. Ask them to listen to the recording and check their answers to Activity 1b. 4) Check the answers with the class. Invite a student to read the answers. 2. 1c 1) Read the instructions to the whole class. 2) Point out the example in the box. Ask two students to read it to the class. 3) As stu

14、dents work together, move around the classroom checking their work. 3. 2a &2b 1) T: Lets listen to another material in which some students are talking about ways to tell people about A City Parks Clean-Up Day. Before listening, please look at the pictures in 2aon Page 61.Listen to the tape and tick

15、the things the students are going to do. One minute later, play the tape and then check the answers. T: Now listen again and complete the sentences in 2b. Play the tape again and then check the answers. 2) T: In the listening, we have learned about some ways to tell people about the Clean-Up Day. Read the model dialogue in 2c and then work in pairs to try to make your own dialogues using the information in the listening. Get the students to make conversations th



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