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1、阅读理解 11Read the following sentences and the given choices and then pick out the most appropriate one.The Skyscrapers in New York CityNew York is the most exciting city in the United States. It is not only the center of commerce and business for the United States, but also one of the three “world cit

2、ies”. Together with London and Tokyo, it controls the worlds finance. There are many high-rise business buildings in this city. People call them skyscrapers. The tallest skyscraper was the World Trade Center. It had 110 floors. Sadly, this building was destroyed(被摧毁)by the terrorist attack on Sep. 1

3、1, 2001, and yet, the glory and image of it still remain vividly(生动地)in the memory of the world people. The Empire State Building is not as tall as the World Trade Center, but it is the tallest building in New York City now. It has 102 floors. The skyscrapers in New York City are world-famous for th

4、eir grandeur and their beautiful architecture(建筑). Every year millions of people come to visit them.1.What kind of city is New York? It is_. A. the biggest city B. the most beautiful city C. the most exciting city D. the hottest city2. Why is New York very important? Because _. A. its in the middle

5、B. it controls the worlds finance C. it controls the worlds banks D. it has many people3. How do people call those high-rise buildings? They call them _. A. skycrapers B. skyscrapers C. skys D. scrapers4. How many floors did the World Trade Center have? It had _. A. 112 B. 92 C. 102 D. 1105. What is

6、 the Empire State Building famous for? It is _. A. the tallest B. beautiful and majestic C. the greatest D. the oldestKeys: 1-5 C B B D B阅读理解12判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 This is a picture of the twins room. It is a nice room. Lucys books are on the desk. Her schoolbag is on the floor. Lilys pencils are o

7、n the books. Her bag is behind her chair. Their coats are behind the door. We cant see Lucy and Lily in the picture. They are not at home.( ) 1. This is a picture of Lily and Lucys room.( ) 2. Lucys schoolbag is behind the chair.( )3. Lucys and Lilys coats are on the chair.( )4. Lucy and Lily are no

8、t at home.( )5. Their room is nice.Keys: 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T阅读理解13This is Jims room. Its not big, but its very clean. There is a bed in the room. Its near the door. Under(在下)the bed, there are two balls. There is a desk and a chair near the window. There is a bookcase beside the desk. On the bookcas

9、e, there are many books and newspaper(报纸). There are two pictures in the room, too. They are on the wall.根据短文选择最佳答案。1. The balls are _.A. near the window B. on the desk C. under the bed D. beside the desk2. Jims bed is _.A. near the door B. near the window C. on the bookcase D. on the wall3. _ are on the wall of Jims room.A. The books B. The balls C. The newspapers D. The pictures4. Jims _ are on his bookcase.A. books B. newspaper C. pictures D. A and B5. Jims room is _.A. big B. not clean C. dirty(脏的) D. not bigKey: 1-5 CADDD


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