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1、 可行性分析汇报英文 你懂得什么是可行性分析汇报吗?项目可行性分析汇报又可以称为项目可行性研究汇报、可研汇报,是一种格式比较固定旳、用于向国家项目审核部门(如发展改革委员会)进行项目立项申报旳商务文书。那么可行性分析汇报英文怎么写呢?如下是有关可行性分析旳英文 可行性汇报英文 Feasibility Report on Collaboration with Partner Agency in Paris To: Bill Baker, Managing Director From: Lily Bates Date: April 2, INTRODUCTION Three days ago, I

2、 visited our partner agency in Paris to see whether we could collaborate on a big marketing program for Soda-Taste. This report is to describe the situation and to demonstrate whether this program is feasible or not and to make recommendations about how we can work together on this important project

3、 with our partner agency in Paris. METHODOLOGY The information was mainly achieved by observing personally what they were working on and discussing with their managers. FINDINGS The French agency is already working on the plans for the marketing campaign now. They are very positive about the idea of

4、 working together with us. They propose an idea of a pan-European advertisement, that is, to use the same advertisement for promotion in different countries, but with local and famous actors in each country. CONCLUSIONS The Soda-Taste program is very important to both of our markets and it,s very pr

5、ofitable across Europe. This project looks feasible and beneficial, and it shows a high possibility for success. RECOMMENDATIONS Thus, we should invite their CEO to join meetings to discuss budgets and begin planning the program as soon as possible, and decide on the time schedule with their I manag

6、ers. 可行性汇报英文 Feasibility study report is engaged in a kind of economic activity (investment), before the two sides should from economy, technology, production, supply and marketing to a variety of factors such as social environment, law specific investigation, research, analysis, determine the favor

7、able and unfavorable factors, the project is feasible, estimated size, economic benefit and social effect, the success rate for policy makers and the competent authority for examination and approval report file. Feasibility study is to determine the decisive work before construction projects, is bef

8、ore the investment decision, the proposed project to conduct a comprehensive technical and economic analysis of scientific reasoning, in investment management, feasibility study refers to the planned project about nature, society, economy, technology and research, comparative analysis and prediction

9、 after the completion of social and economic benefits. On this basis, the necessity of comprehensive demonstration projects, financial profitability, economic rationality, technical advancement and adaptability as well as the possibility and feasibility of the construction conditions, so as to provi

10、de scientific basis for investment decision. Feasibility study report is divided into the government approved by the examination and approval in the feasibility study report and financing in the feasibility study report. Approved by the examination and approval in the feasibility study report on att

11、ention and influence of the social economic benefits of the project; Financing with report focused attention project is economically feasible. Specific summarized as: the government project examination and approval, industrial support, bank loans, financing, investment, investment construction, fore

12、ign investment, public finance, the Chinese and foreign cooperation, share cooperation, company establishment, land requisition, application feasibility report of various types, such as high and new technology enterprise. Feasibility study report 1, used in corporate finance, feasibility study repor

13、t of foreign investment cooperation. Such study usually requires accurate market analysis, investment plan is reasonable, and provide competitive analysis, marketing planning, management plan, technology research and development, such as the actual operation. 2, for national development and reform c

14、ommission (planning commission) project feasibility study report. This file is based on the administrative permit law of the Peoples Republic of China “and” make of the state council of the Peoples Republic of China “and writing, is the basis of the large infrastructure project file, the national de

15、velopment and reform commission according to the feasibility study report for approval, registration or approval, to determine whether a project implementation. Pharmaceutical enterprises when applying for a certificate also need to write the feasibility study report. 3, feasibility study report for bank loans. Conduct the risk assessment of commercial Banks in the former, the need to project the detailed feasibility study report, issued by the national development bank and other domestic Banks, the report issued by the qualification of grade a units, usually dont have to


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