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1、句子框架:1. 我们应当强调或确保we should emphasis that it should be stressed (underlined) thatstress should be placed(laid) on the notion thatthe ideology should be brought under spotlight 聚光灯之下we should reinforce the view that_we should ensure that_place a premium onsth should be placed at the top of the agenda/

2、sth is high on the agenda of sth2. 我们不得不去做:We are compelled to doWe feel constrained to doWe are bound to do3. 协调一致: (两者是一类事物)Reconcile with _ be consistent with _ accord with _ come to term with 达成一致Identify _ with 4. 服从于 :(两者类型不同) conform with/to comply with (前两者都不能表示屈服于人) obey (可表示屈服于人) submit/yi

3、eld to give in to 5. 导致 /造成 / 激起Contribute to Result inPose _Generate Arouse Stir up Give rise to6. 归因于 / 源于Be attributed/ascribed/accredited/ toStem /result fromBe derived/descended/arised from_ depend on _7. 两者冲突Conflict/clash/collide withBe compatible/inconsistent with8. 偏离:Steer away fromDeviate

4、/depart from9. 建议 / 忠告 / 警告 _不要去做Tip/advise/10. 努力尝试去做Attempt/seek/strive to doShould go the extra mile for sthWe should go to full lengths to do11. 思考Contemplate 沉思Deliberate over 审慎自考Reflect on 反思Dwell on 总是在想 / 说(贬义)12. 表示易于受到影响be susceptible/subject/vulnerable/sensitive tobe influenced bybe immu

5、ne to 不受的影响13. 倾向于做Be apt/prone/liable to do14. 惊奇/ 惊讶It amazes(褒)/startles(贬)us to see/knowIt is remarkable that (中性)不可思议的the most thrilling explanation is 最让人感到震惊的是(贬义)15.句首连接短语:1. 表示与前一句相反On the contrary,Instead,However,By contrast, 与此形成鲜明对比的是Conversely, 相反的是Conversely is equally true 反之亦然2. 表示对前

6、一句的肯定3. 表示的观点,在看来For one s perspective,4. 谈做法、步骤的 1、 2 、 31. 首先 :First and foremost, 首先第一个要谈的是The top priority is to do 最首要的是去做 /is the top priority to do sth2. 其次Moreover,3. 最后The last resort is to do 不得已而为之的是做 /is the last resort to do sth5. 倘若、如果Provided that 5. 除了Apart/aside fromin addition to t

7、his, 除此之外6. 时间上的连接句At the time 这时By the time等到了的时候In recent years, 近几年In the long run(term)长远来看in the years ahead在未来的几年中in all phases oflife在人生的所有时期at the same time 与此同时At this point 在这个时候for a long period of time 过去很长一段时间for the year as a whole 全年over the past couple ofyears在过去的几年中in some cases =so

8、metime的时more recently 最近In many casesf艮多情况下until recently, 以前in the past,过去Just short of 差点7. 副词型连接句Normally, 正常情况下Markedly,明显地Equally,同样的Increasingly越来越明显的,Typically通常地Frequently 常常地small wonder, 难怪at some level,在一定的程度上in particular,具体地说as a result, 此引起的结果是,on anothehevel,另一方面sad to say遗憾的是scanty不多

9、地curiously,奇怪的是certainly,确实most notably, 最突出的是, In any case, 不管如何Inevitably,毫无疑问readily ,轻而易举地likewise, 同样virtually,实际上in response,作为回应to be fair,公正的说mistakenly 错误地there and then 立刻in this sense从这个意义上来讲8. 因为、由于since有“因为”的意思on the chance 连接成分,意思是“因为”on the ground that_ 因为(后者)what account for sth 什么是

10、发生的因素呢 in that 9. 表示程度by a large margin大幅度地at some level,在一定的程度上At all costs 不惜一切代价Just short of 差点perhaps most important of all, 更重要的一点是to a large extent 很大程度上10. 套入式连接句it is said that 据说是What we should +V , is that the overall result is整体的结果with respect to = in respect of= with regard to 就而言which

11、helps explain why what has happened is that 现在的情况是The proper formulation is 最好的诠释是This does not mean that 这并不意味着 sth goes to the heart of 是的关键it never occurred to me 我万万没有想到What is harder to establish is 更加难以确定的是Without giving sufficient thought to sth 没有给予充分的考虑 it now appears that 现在看来 as the true

12、of sth 同一样the point is that 问题在于 this account for 这解释为11. 其他连接句:even as 即使I would not go that far ,我不会说的那么绝对Here is an exampletake advantage of sth, 为了利J用which helps explain why for the teenager of my generation 对于我们这一代年轻人来说in the face of 面对at will 随意地all the same 实际上 /in effectAt an end 穷途末路Just sh

13、ort of 差点as well (旬末)也it now appears that 现在看来on the part of sb 对于来说as the true of sth 同一样nothing could be further from the truth 事实远非如此keep in mind: 请记住as well as 就像for mercifully_ 庆幸的是 _there is one more point I feel I ought to touch on 还有一点我必须要说明 adding to is 2 除了之外,是sth well be the truest saying 再正确不过了



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