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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 中考英语24个话题书面表达专背题话题一.个人情况十月的广州,万商云集。假设你在“海交会”上碰到一位来自澳大利亚的商人,你从他那里了解到下列表格中的情况,请你根据以下表格的信息用英语写一篇介绍Bill Smith的短文。要求:语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范,内容可适当补充。词数80左右。姓名:Bill Smith性别:男年龄:45国籍:澳大利亚 职 业 商人 爱 好 电脑、音乐 家庭成员 妻子(医生)、儿子(学生) 性格品质工作努力、认真,心地善良、乐于助人 其 它已开办两家大工厂,在他的帮助下十名贫困孩子完成了学业相信花园城市一广州会越来越美、人民

2、生活会越来越好参考词汇: start(开办) , finish ones studies, the Garden City, live a better lifeBill Smith is a businessman from Australia. He is 45 years old. He.likes computer and music. (There are three people in his family. ) His wife is a doctor and his son is a student. He works hard and carefully. He is kin

3、d-hearted/kind and helpful. Bill Smith has started two big factories in Guangzhou. With his help, ten poor children have finished their studies. He is sure that the Garden City-Guangzhou will be more and more beautiful and the people here will live a better life in the future.话题二.家庭、朋友和周围的人Everyone

4、need friends . A friend in need is a friend in deed .请以my best friend 为题写一短文。(80词)内容包括: 1) What does he / she look like ? 2) What does he like ? 3) Whats her /his personality (个性) ? 4) Why do you think he/she is your best friends ?Bill is my best friend. He is 15 years old . He is in No 5 Middle Sch

5、ool. He is tall with short hair . He is very handsome and lovely. He is a good student. He always does well in his lessons .After school, he likes playing football and plays very well. So he is very strong . He is also very outgoing and helpful. He likes helping others and all his classmates like hi

6、m. Once I have difficulties ,he always encourages me to come over them. We are good friends . 话题三周围环境你所在的班级将要举办一次主题为“What Can We Do for Our School?”的英语演讲比赛。请写一篇英语演讲稿,要求从以下四方面中任选一至二个进行阐述,并举例加以说明。1.关心他人;2.美化校园;3.受护学校设施;4.营造良好的学习氛围。注意:1.不要在书面表达中出现所在学校的校名和本人姓名,否则本节判为零分;2.词数:100左右;3.参考词汇:爱心love and care;

7、校园campus; 设施facilities; 氛围environmentHello, everyone. Its nice to speak about what we can do for our school, and I think each of us can do something. The first thing we can do is to make our campus more beautiful. Every one of us may plant a tree in the school, or organize a thorough cleaning on the

8、 campus. We can also form a good habit of putting the rubbish in the trashcan. The second thing we can do is to protect the facilities in our school. When we leave the classroom, we should never forget to turn off the light or close the door. We should not leave the tap water running or waste any ma

9、terials in the laboratory class.If everyone does one thing for our school, I believe we will turn our school into a better place to Study and live in. Thank you for listening!话题四.日常活动你班班委会决定将于6月18日上午举行初三离校前的最后一次班级活动。假如你是班长,请你根据表格中的活动内容,用英语写一篇短文,向你班外籍老师汇报这次活动的安排。时 间内 容8:009:001谈谈“长大后你想做什么?”2谈谈如何过暑假9:

10、0010:101唱歌、跳舞 2表演短剧3其它10:1011:001打扫教室 2修理桌椅3其它11:0011:301拍照 2互留电话号码、地址3其它说明: 1请自行设计表格中“其它”的内容,所设计的内容必须具体、合理; 2要求语言连贯,条理清楚; 3词数:70左右 Our class is going to have a farewell patty on the morning of June 18. At eight, well begin to talk about what we are going to do when we grow up. And well talk about h

11、ow we are going to spend our summer holiday. At nine, well sing, dance, and put on short plays. Well play games together. From 10:10 to 11:00, well clean the classroom, repair the desks and chairs. Well clean the teachers offices. At eleven, well enjoy some fruit(s) and drinks, take photos and give

12、each other telephone numbers and addresses. At 11:30, the party will be over.话题五.学校生活你作为交流学生到过加拿大。你的好朋友李华11月将作为交流学生到加拿大学习一段时间。她来信询问你有关在加拿大生活学习的情况。请你给她写一封英文的回信,向她提一些在加拿大生活的建议。内容包括: 注意的方面建议天气寒冷多带暖衣服寄居在加拿大家庭1 进入别人房间前先敲门;2 使用电话前先询问;3 礼貌待人,多些交流;重要物品随身携带或存入银行注意:词数80左右(开头已写好,不计入词数)1 可适当添加细节,但不能透露个人的任何信息(例如

13、:具体的学校和姓名等)Dear Lihua, I am happy to hear that you are going to study in Canada. But it seems you are worried about living there. Now I want to give you some advice. The weather in Canada in November is quite cold, so youd better bring more warm clothes with you. Because you will live with an Canadi

14、an family, you have to remember not to enter others room without knocking at the door. Before you use the phone, please ask the family first. Everything will be fine if you are polite and ready to talk to them. They will enjoy having you in the house. If you have something important, such as money,

15、you should carry it with you all the time or you can keep it in the bank. Hope you will enjoy your life there. Yours, Lihua话题六.兴趣与爱好这是某中学学生的爱好调查表。请仔细阅读,先描述该调查的结果,然后选择其中两项内容发表你自己的观点,并说明赞成或不赞成的原因,并给英语辅导报撰写你的观点文章。注意:1开头和结尾部分已写好。 2可适当增加谈论话题时经常用到的话语,使所写内容连贯。3所写内容必须包括表格中的内容和你自己的观点。 HobbiesAgreeDisagreeSurfing the Internet3614Eating snacks2525Favorite


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