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1、静海一中2018-2019第一学期高一英语(9月)学生学业能力调研试卷考生注意:1.本试卷分第卷(选择题)、第卷(非选择题)和第卷(听力)三部分,满分120分。2. 试卷书写规范工整,卷面整洁清楚,酌情减2-3分,并计入总分。知 识 技 能学习能力习惯养成总分内容语言知识语篇能力听力理解表达技能卷面整洁120分分数30分30分20分40分减2-3分第I卷 (选择题)第一部分: 英语知识运用(共两节)(满分30分)(基础题)第一节:单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. -We are going to see the ne

2、w movie Mission: Impossible 6 this evening. - _! A. How fun B. Have fun C. Make fun D. For fun2. The _ expression on her face suggested she was _when she heard the news.A. amazed; amazedB. amazing; amazingC. amazing; amazed D. amazed; amazing3. Mrs. White prefers _some voluntary work in a local hosp

3、ital, rather than _nothing all day long.A. to doing; do B. to do; to do C. to do; do D. doing; to do4. My brother stayed up late last night _he got up late this morning and was late for work. A. so as to B. in order to C. so that D. as a result of5. - Ill go and see you off at the airport this after

4、noon.- Thanks, but the plane _ at 5:45, and you will be still working.A. took off B. takes off C. is going to take off D. will take off6. - Do you have any problems if you _this job?- Well, Im thinking about the salary. A. offer B. will offer C. are offered D. will be offered题组训练一(易混易错题组)7. I intend

5、 to buy a present for my mothers birthday, _at the proper price but of great value.8. No pleasure can match _of realizing ones dream. A. one B. it C. that D. everything题组训练二(规律总结题组)9. With my homework_, I cant help my mother do some housework.10. With a lot of work _, I have time to help my mother d

6、o some housework. A. doing B. done C. to do D. do第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。As a teenager, I felt I was always letting people down. I was rebellious (反叛的) on the outside, 11 on the inside, I wanted people to 12 me.Once I left home to hitchhike (搭便车) to California wit

7、h my friend Penelope. The trip wasnt 13 , and there were many times I didnt feel safe. One situation in particular 14 me grateful to still be alive. When I returned home, I was different, not so outwardly sure of myself.I was happy to be home. But then I noticed that Penelope, who was 15 with us, wa

8、s wearing my clothes. And my 16 seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be 17 if I werent there. I told my mom, and she explained that 18 Penelope was a lovely girl, no one could 19 me. I pointed out, “ She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been.” My mom said these were

9、 wonderful 20 , but I was the only person who could fill my 21 , She made me realize that even with my 22 and there were many I was a loved member of the family who couldnt be replaced.I became a searcher, wanting to 23 who I was and what made me unique (独一无二的). My 24 of myself was changing. I wante

10、d a solid base to start from. I started to resist (抵抗) pressure to 25 in ways that I didnt like any more, and I was 26 by who I really was. I came to feel much more 27 that no one can ever take my place.Each of us holds a 28 place in the worldYou are special, no matter what others say or what you ma

11、y think. So 29 about being replacedYou 30 be.11. A. andB. butC. asD. for12. A. leaveB. respectC. admireD. like13. A. easyB. hardC. funD. long14. A. succeededB. keptC. managedD. remained15. A. playingB. eatingC. stayingD. running16. A. familyB. friendsC. relativesD. class17. A. lovedB. mentionedC. ca

12、redD. missed18. A. beforeB. afterC. thoughD. unless19. A. scoldB. compareC. replaceD. match20. A. qualitiesB. girlsC. peopleD. times21. A. characterB. roleC. taskD. job22. A. faultsB. advantagesC. mannersD. pities23. A. look forB. look backC. find outD. give up24. A. pictureB. viewC. senseD. drawing

13、25. A. thinkB. learnC. changeD. act26. A. thankfulB. delightedC. disappointedD. hopeful27. A. sureB. doubtfulC. happyD. lonely28. A. good B. special C. only D. unique29. A. talkB. forgetC. careD. argue30. A. mustntB. shouldntC. cantD. neednt第二部分:阅读理解(共15 题,每小题2分,满分30分)(基础题) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中

14、,选出最佳选项。AFrank looked at us and said, “My Dad was a fisherman. He was a big man, and he was strong from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch. When you got close to him, he smelled like the ocean. He would wear his old canvas(帆布), foul-weather coat and his overalls(围裙). No matter how much my Mother washed them, they would still smell of the sea and of fish.”His voice


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