Translation Skills and Principles of English Movie Titles 英文电影标题的翻译技巧和准则

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Translation Skills and Principles of English Movie Titles 英文电影标题的翻译技巧和准则_第1页
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Translation Skills and Principles of English Movie Titles 英文电影标题的翻译技巧和准则_第2页
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Translation Skills and Principles of English Movie Titles 英文电影标题的翻译技巧和准则_第3页
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Translation Skills and Principles of English Movie Titles 英文电影标题的翻译技巧和准则_第4页
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Translation Skills and Principles of English Movie Titles 英文电影标题的翻译技巧和准则_第5页
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《Translation Skills and Principles of English Movie Titles 英文电影标题的翻译技巧和准则》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Translation Skills and Principles of English Movie Titles 英文电影标题的翻译技巧和准则(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Translation Skills and Principles of English Movie Titles 英文电影标题的翻译技巧和准则中文摘要电影是一门艺术,同时也是一种商品。随着中国市场的开放,越来越多的英语电影走进中国的电影院。在欣赏这些英语电影之前,中国观众首先需要理解电影片名,电影片名将把电影情节传递给观众,从而吸引观众,这要求英语电影名称的翻译既要做到翻译上的准确,也要突出电影作为商品的商业价值。在分析了电影名称的特征、功能后,笔者探讨了翻译英文电影片名的技巧,并通过对误译的剖析总结出电影片名翻译的原则。关键词英语电影片名,翻译,原则,方法外文摘要Abstract Movi

2、e is an art and a commodity as well. With the opening of the Chinese market, we have more and more English movies. The Chinese audiences need to understand themovie titles before they enjoy the movies. Movie titles convey the story to the audience to attract them. This requires the translation of mo

3、vie titles to be accurate and embody the commercial values. After the analysis of the characteristics and functions of movie titles, the author of the present study discussed the skills of the English movie title translation and summarized the translation principles. Keywords English movie titles, t

4、ranslation, principles, skillsContents 1 Introduction. 1 2 Characteristics of English movie titles 2 2.1 Brief and concentrated. 2 2.2 Heroesor heroinesnames as titles 2 2.3 Settings as titles. 3 2.4 Attractive 3 3 Functions of English movie titles. 3 3.1 Informative function. 4 3.2 Vocative functio

5、n.4 3.3 Aesthetic function. 4 4 Skills of English movie title translation.5 4.1 Transliteration.5 4.2 Literal translation.5 4.3 Free translation.6 5 Mistranslation.9 5.2 Misunderstanding of cultural information.10 5.3 Infuence of commercial profits.11 6 Principles of English movie title translation.

6、12 6.1 Faithfulness12 6.2 Cultural awareness.12 6.3 Combination of commercial and aesthetic effects.13 6.4 Aristic quality.14 Conclusion14 Acknowledgements.15 References16 1 Introduction Movie is a kind of art which suits both refined and popular tastes and is loved by the old and the young. The rea

7、son why a great movie can attract thousands of audience includes the exquisite acting of actors and actresses, philosophic conversation and gorgeous tableau. What is more, movie titles which contain profound moral play a very importantrole. The title is the brand trademark of the movie and condenses

8、 the pith of the story. The titles are always in the eye-catching position of the playbill. In recent years, movie has gradually become an industry. In the western world, a blockbuster may hit a box office record over 100 million or even more. With the cultural exchange between China and western cou

9、ntries, more and more western movies have comeinto Chinese market. The movie title is the first thing through which the audience can know about the movie, so the translation of western movie titles is pretty important. A good translation of the title can convey the information of the movie and attra

10、ct the audiencesdesire of going to the movie. As a branch of non-literary translation, the translation of English movie titles, like many other forms of non-literary translation, has not yet received due attention despite their importance. Some mistranslation will give false information and affect a

11、udience to enjoy movies, so using proper translation skills is very necessary. This paper, based on an analysis of the characteristics and functions of English movietitles, will introduce principles and skills of English movie title translation. 2 Characteristics of English movie titles 2.1 Brief an

12、d concentratedEnglish movie titles usually contain only one or two key words. Most of the titles are brief and concise. Generally speaking, the titles are made up of nouns and noun phrases, such as Titanic, Speed, Dorothy Dandridge, and Sound of Music. Only a few titles havesome short sentences: Whi

13、le Youre Sleeping, Catch Me If You Can, and Saving Private Ryan. Though the titles are brief and concise, they are to the point. The titles summarize the main story of the movie and the audience can easily get the idea of the story. Gladiator tellsa story of a Roman general who was forced to be a gl

14、adiator and fight for his freedom and faith. Return to Me, a love story, tells about misunderstanding between a couple and finally their reunion and reconciliation. 2.2 Heroes or heroines names as titles A great part of the western movies choose the heroes or the heroines names as the title though sometimes the hero or the heroine is j



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