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2、前,在实务界和理论界都十分关注盈余计量与确认等相关问题。各领域的研究学者不仅注重对盈余数量大小的分析,还将盈余质量作为研究重点进展一系列调研活动。在分析盈余问题时,就必须考量到上市公司收入与本钱费用的配比程度,它不仅会对公司盈余数额产生影响,同时也在一定程度上影响着盈余质量。及其合理的把控收入与本钱费用的配比性原则也成为会计工作的重中之重,它能够有效地将企业或公司在具体时期的收入与本钱费用情况进展确认、整合,不仅能够帮助企业更好地掌握部动态开展情况,还能够帮助企业及时作出切实可行的决策和调整,以此来帮助改善运营情况。 关键词配比性原则 配比程度和表现 收入与本钱费用Chinas listed

3、panies ine and cost ratio of se* researchAbstract With accrual accounting practice and implementation in the market, matching principle to bee one of the important principles of them, and by the market and the importance in enterprises, it is related to a listed panys operations development. At the

4、same time, it is the basis of profit and loss information disclosure of listed panies in China. The so-called principle which means the ratio of listed panies need to make sure the actual ine obtained in one cycle, must be confirmed with the corresponding costs and e*penses situation. Matching princ

5、iple is fundamentally a period of time is a measure of the specific circumstances of the listed panys actual revenue and cost e*penses. The quality of listed panies can be reflected in a specific phase of the business performance directly from the ratio of degree. Under normal circumstances, the sur

6、plus situation will be related to the value of listed panies and investors to judge and evaluate the performance, the more it can reflect the actual operating status of listed panies to give investors as a reference. Currently, practitioners and theorists are very concerned about the surplus and oth

7、er measurement and verification related issues. Researchers in various fields not only focus on the analysis of the size of the surplus quantity, earnings quality will be the focus of research as a series of research activities. In analyzing the surplus problem, we must consider the e*tent of the pr

8、oportion of listed panies revenue and costs, which would not only affect the amount of earnings, but also affect the earnings quality to some e*tent. Its reasonable proportion of the revenue and cost control principles of accounting has bee a top priority, it can effectively be business or pany with

9、in a specific period of revenue and cost situation for confirmation, integration, not only to help panies better understand the internal dynamics of development, but also help enterprises make practical decisions and adjustments in order to help improve operations.KeywordsThe matching principleThe m

10、atching degree and performanceThe ine and cost. z.-目录一、绪论1 一选题背景及意义1 1、选题的背景1 2、选题的意义1 二研究现状综述21、国外研究现状22、或研究现状2二、选题理论分析3 一理论分析3 二研究主体3三、研究设计4 一样本选取4 二变量定义5四、实证结果5 一实证结果分析5 1、配比程度的变化趋势5 2、影响配比程度的因素7 二建议与对策7 1加强对工程合同的管理8 2企业加强对本钱的评估和控制能力83做好工程的根底工作本钱审计84提高财务人员的素质9五、结论 9参考文献 10. z.-一、绪论 一选题背景及意义 1、选题的


12、从实质上来说,该原则的提出也反映出了在实际的财务审计过程中收入与本钱之间的重要联系。因此,不难看出,在实际的审计过程中必须将各项经济事项进展配比,然后再根据其活动时间进展配比,使其各项容能够有效的对应起来。而在2006年该准则又被进一步完善,一般原则被舍弃,取而代之的是新时期的会计信息质量要求,在这项准则中并没有将配比原则作为重点容。然而,就新时期的社会市场开展而言,配比原则是否行之有效,抑或是不再需要原先的配比原则,还是说审计分析师不再依赖于配比原则来解决收入本钱之间的关系等等,这些问题还有待进一步思考和研究。 2、选题的意义所谓的配比性原则即是指上市公司需要在一个周期确认实际获取的收入,必

13、须确认与之相对应的本钱与费用支出情况。配比性原则从根本上来说也就是衡量一段时期上市公司实际收入与本钱费用支出的具体情况。上市公司在*个具体阶段的经营业绩好坏可以直接从配比程度上反映出来。通常情况下,盈余状况将关系到投资者对上市公司价值与业绩的判断和评估,它能够更加反映出上市公司的实际运营状况来给投资者作为参考依据。现阶段的体系中,配比原则只运用于局部利润容,所以为了不混淆概念,没有将其纳入到新的准则之中,但却实际存在于计量过程里。合理的把控收入与本钱费用的配比性原则仍旧是会计工作的重中之重,有效地将企业或公司在具体时期的收入与本钱费用情况匹配,不仅能够帮助企业更好地掌握部动态开展情况,还能够帮助企业及时作出切实可行的决策和调整,以此来帮助改善运营情况。从一定角度上来说,会计信息质量取决于收入与本钱支出情况的匹配程度。本文将以我国上市公司作为研究对象,选取适当的行业样本对其收入-本钱费用的配比程度进展详细的了解分析,根据样本研究过程中配比程度的变化趋势来进一步探究影响配比效果的相关因素。无论是收入和生产本钱配比程度还是收入和营业本钱配比程度表现情况各异。二研究现状综述 1、国外研究现状国外自二十世纪初期就已经存在关于收入本钱配比的相关研究,其研究时间开展较早,有着比较系统化的研究体系。在二十世纪四十年代,以Paton作为研究代表的相关学者就在研究会计



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