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1、书面表达技巧明确咼考要求:高考写作要求考生根据题目进行书面表达。考生应能:(1) 准确使用语法和词汇(2) 使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。诠释高考要求:1. 词语正确、连贯、流畅;2. 语句简洁,用词确切;3. 句子结构有变化;4. 语言整体性、逻辑性强;5. 用语得体:能根据不同的情景选用合适的词语和句型。二考查特点(1) 注重考查考生运用常用文体表达熟悉题材的能力(2) 题材生活化,语境真实化(3) 命题形式相对稳定(4) 书面表达写作内容逐渐开放化(5) 对考生语言运用能力的要求逐渐加大三、应试策略五步走:审题构思拟稿润色抄写Stepl审题:就是判断短文的文体和类型,

2、是记叙文、说明文或是议论文等。若是书信、日记、通 知等还应注意格式。确立主题句,主体时态和中心人称。Step2构思:思考各个要点的用语和句型,过渡词或过渡句的使用,怎样结尾。Step3拟稿:当这些思考有数之后,在草稿上整理成文并修改。Step4润色:修改时要注意:1. 紧扣主题突出重点2. 表达正确、文字流畅、注意过渡词、连接词适当运用3. 结构规范、时态无误4. 单词、标点无误Step5:抄写:将修改好的短文,工整地抄写在试卷上,做到字迹清楚,卷面整洁,给阅卷人一个良好的第 一印象.在近几年的高考书面表达评分标准中明确指出:如果书写较差,以致影响交流可将分数降低 一个档次(5分一档),因此,

3、卷面整洁异常重要.四、典例调研典例汉语中有句谚语叫“有志者事竟成”请以此为题,描写一个有志气的同学,要点见下表格姓名陈林性别男年龄18年级咼二志向清华大学物理系事迹1、自幼父母双亡,被叔叔带大,家境贫寒;2、学习刻苦,成绩一直优秀3、今年参加世界中学生物理奥赛;夺得金牌,为祖国争了光。启示注意:1、词数100左右2、可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯文例剖析Where There is a Will, There is a Way Chen Lin is a boy who is eighteen-year-old.(-2), Now he is a senior 3 student.

4、His ambition is go to Tsinghua University to study physics.(-2)When he was a little child, his parents died. He was brought up by his uncle. His family situation is very poor.(-l) However, he studies very hard and his achievement was excellent.(-l).This year joined in the World Olympic Competition a

5、nd won a gold medal.高分范文Where There is a will, There is a WayWhere there is a will, there is a way. Do you believe this proverb? Perhaps my classmate ChenLin, a_ senior 3 boy of eighteen years old .can prove it through his experiences.Life is very hard for Chen Lin. His parents died when he was only

6、 a little child ,and he was brought up by his uncle. His living conditions are worse than most of us. He once said: I want to go to Tsinghua University to study physics .What a great ambition!Encouraged by the great will, he studies very hard .He won the gold medal in the World Olympic Physics Compe

7、tition this year, winning a great honor for our motherland.Chen Lin has set a good example for us .1 am sure his dream will come true, for Where there is a will. there is a way .(24 分 )六高分策略(1) 平时加强语言基本功的训练(2) 掌握五种基本句型,这是夯实基础的前提. S+V S+V+O S+V+O+OC S+V+P S+V+间0+直O(3) 掌握和运用高级语法结构,提升文章的表达档次,在掌握了五种基本句型

8、之后,尝试一些复杂 的语法结构,如强调句,感叹句,复合结构,独立主格结构,倒装句,三大从句,长短句交替使用,使行文富 于变化Eg:l,到家,我就把见到的一切记下来。Eg;2,昨天下午他才来这儿o(4) 掌握一些常用的过渡词1. 表起女台关系:first of all, above all according to ,so far, as far as ,to begin with ,in my opinion, etc.2. 表2K时间丿l|页序:first, now, then, afterwards, later, at last, finally after that, since th

9、en,immediately, soon, suddenly3. 表2K空间丿l|页序:on the right/left, on one side of ,on the other side of, at the top/foot/end of, in the middle of ,in front of ,at the back of, etc.4. 表ZK转折关系:but, yet, however, while, though, or, otherwise, on the contrary, at the same time5. 表示并列关系:or, and, also, too, n

10、ot only . but also, as well as, either . or, neither . nor etc.6. 表 zK 因果关系:because, because of, as, since, for, one reason is that., another reason is that., thanks to., due to., therefore, as a result (of)7. 表ZK条件关系:if, unless ,as (so) long as, on condition that etc.8. 表递进关系: Whats more, further m

11、ore, besides, what7sworse, to make the matter worse, also, still, on one hand., on the other hand.etc.9. 表ZK让步关系 though, although, as, even if, even though, who(what, when , where) ever, no matter who(what, when, where) etc.10. 表歹ll举事实:for example, for instance, such as., take. for example that is t

12、o say ,as follow, inother words, and so on etc.11. 表总结 in short, in brief, on the whole, in a word , in generally speaking, etc.运用举例:vl般表达:Computer is widely used in industry, agriculture, education and so on.高级表达:v2枯燥表达:When he was 16, he entered Jiangsu Badminton Team. When he was 18, he entered t

13、he National Badminton team. When he was twenty, he took part in the Olympic Games and won a gold medal.生动表达:v3般表达:Because he helped me in time, I passed the exam.强逻辑表达:v4一般表达:My brother was riding the bike and I sat on the seat behind him.生动表达:(5) 背诵经典句型和优秀范文七强化训练根据调查,每次考试时总有些同学出现头晕、乏力、睡眠不足和食欲不振等现象。 请你用英语写一篇短文,介绍一下你是如何对待考试及如何克服考试紧张情绪的。短文包括以下内容:1. 平时努力学习,正确对待考试2. 考前适当运动,正常作息3. 睡前洗个热水澡,喝杯热牛奶有助于睡眠注意:1、文章开头己给出,但不计入总词数。2、词数100字左右。How to Overcome the pressure of ExamsAs we all know , most of us middle school students feel somehow nervous whenever we7re taking an important exam.


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