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1、S4 Owners ManualS4用户手册Contents容 Owner1s Manual用户手册 Assembly Manual组装说明书 Monitor Manual电子表说明书 Warranty Information保修说明 Contact Information联系信息Owners Manual用户手册Congratulations on becoming a WaterRower Owner.祝贺您成为沃特罗伦划船机的使用者。Rowing is universally recognized as the peifect aerobic exercise - smooth, low

2、 impact, rhythmic and full-body - unrivalled for its physiological benefits and aesthetic pleasures.划股是呗世界公认的兀卖附书素后切 动作流畅、冲击力小、富有节奏且全身运动,是 一种无与伦比的身心享受与锻炼。Rowing, indoors or outdoors, at any exercise level of intensity, requires a greater exercise expenditure than any other aerobic activity. Calories

3、 are burned in relation to the number of“任何强度的室或室外划船,都比其他任何 有氧运动需要更大的体能支出。卡路里的消耗, 与运动中所使用的肌肉数量、运动强度及持续时 间密切相关。在滑动座椅上划船需要高强度地使 用大量的肌肉群,如上肢、下肢及身体躯干muscles used and the intensity and duration of the exercise. Rowing with a siiding seat uses a very large muscle mass since the upper, lower and trunk musc

4、lesC埃弗雷特库普博士如是说一一美国前 公共卫生局局长are used vigorously. HDr. C Everett Koop- Former US SurgeonGeneral虽然大多数划船机模拟了实际的划船运动, 但只是机械的动作,因此缺乏船只及划船者在顺 流时的自然动态感受。While most rowing machines imitate theEnglishTranslationaction of rowing, they do so mechanically, and therefore lack the natural dynamics experienced whe

5、n a boat and crew glide down a river.At WaterRowei we have focused on replicating the physical dynamics of rowing, with the knowledge that this will achieve all of its physiological benefits, as wel1 as much of the aesthetic pleasure.To maximize the enjoyment from using your WaterRower, we recommend

6、 that you fol low our suggestions on rowing technique and exercise programs. We hope that some of the discussion points in this manual will improve your general exercise knowledge, so that you are better able to fulfill your specific exercise objectives.Your WaterRower has been carefully handcrafted

7、 to provide years of trouble-free use. We recommend that you closely fol low the assembly detai Is provided, particularly by assembling the machine in the correct sequence and adhering to the suggested maintenance schedule.We hope you enjoy using your WaterRower for many years to come.而沃特罗伦公司则十分注重将划

8、船的物理动 力再现于该品牌的划船机上,因此可实现所有生 理上的益处,并尽可能达到审美愉悦。为了您能够最大限度地享用您的沃特罗伦划 船机,建议您按照我们提议的划相技术和锻炼项 目进行练习。我们也希望本手册中的部分观点能 提高您对运动的一般性认知,从而使您能够更好 地实现特定的运动目标。您的沃特罗伦划船机由手工精心打造,能够 确保您无虞使用多年。但是,我们建议您严格按 照所提供的组装细节进行划船机的组装,尤其需 要注意正确的组装顺序,并坚持按建议进行阶段 性的保养。我们希望您在后续多年中,能够尽享沃特罗 伦划船机带来的运动快乐。OWNERrS MANUALOperationThe WaterRow

9、er is unique in using the effect of drag to provide an exercise which is entirely self-paced. Because drag is 1 inked to speed, a crew rowing down a Iiver chooses its intensity of exercise simply by altering the pace at which they ro以.The faster the boat travels the greater the drag and the harder t

10、he crew must work; there is a similar effect in swimming.By replicating these dynamics, the用户手册运作原理沃特罗伦划船机是唯一的可完全由操作者通 过拖拽来实现自我调速的运动设备。因为拉力与 速度相关,现实中划船者的运动强度仅由划桨叛 率的变化而决定:若要使那速加快,就要加大划 桨力度,划船者就要更加使劲。这优点类似于游 泳。通过将这些动力学原理再现,沃特罗伦划船 机无须手动调节即可增加水流阻力:若需要产生 更大的水阻力,只需更快及更用力地划桨,而后WaterRower does not require

11、mechanical adjustment to increase resistance; if a more intensive workout is required, simply row with greater intensity and the WaterRower will respond accordingly.Water LevelThe volume of water in the WaterRower tank is designed to simulate the weight of the boat and crew gliding down the river.We

12、 recommend a level of 17. which we feel closely simulates the feel of a double scul1 and is suitable for al 1 users.It is unnecessary to vary the water level to change resistance; increasing/ decreasing the water level simply simulates a heavier/ lighter type of boat.Like a boat gliding down a river

13、, WaterRower, s unique self-regulating resistance alters resistance proportional to the speed of the moving water.Indeed, by the relationship we call ”the rule of cubes“ t doubling the speed of the water produces an 8-fold increase in drag and necessitates an equal increase in work to maintain that

14、speed.NOTE - Fill the Tank with ordinary municipal water. Municipal water contains additives which will deter the growth of algae. Distilled or purified water has these additives removed, promoting algae growth; and should therefore be avoided. (Refer to the section on Preventative Maintenance for a

15、dvice on Water Treatment).沃特罗伦划船机就会做出应有的反应O水位水箱中的水量是对船身及划船者实际入水重 量的模拟。我们建於您采用17升的水位,这一水位在 极高程度上模拟了双人双桨的运动体盼,并且适 合所有使用者。无须通过水位来改变水阻力。增加或减少水 位只是模拟更重或更轻的船身。类似于船在水中滑行,沃特罗伦划船机独一 无二的自调阻力可通过水流速度来改变水阻力。水位完全根据用户个人喜好或使用者级羽而 定;运动强度则完全随既定水量的划动快慢而改 变。计数器下方的水箱上设有一个水位计。事实上,水. 百与水阻力被称立方美 系“,即水流速度翻倍时,水阻力变为原来的8 倍,而且需

16、要相应地增加做功来维持这一速度。注意:水箱应注入日常的市政用水。市政用水所含 的添加剂可阻止藻类的生长。蒸馅水或纯净水已 去除这些添加剂,反而能促进藻类生长,因此应 避免注入水箱。(水箱中的水处理,请参看设备 定期维护的部分)。Heel Rest PositionThe Heel Rest has been designed to be adjusted for maximum comfort. The Foot Strap is designed to cross the foot at the塑料踏板定位塑料踏板设计为可调节式,力求舒适度的最 大化。脚部固定带跨过所有脚趾的支点(脚拇趾 、 一pivot point of the toes (


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