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1、第一章 基本翻译技巧单词的翻译技巧:有些英语单词是一词多义, 或有不同的词性, 因此要根据在句中的上下文来确定其含义。根据词类确定词义:(短文写作及英汉翻译),p2191 With over 1.3 billion people, a united, prosperous China will dwarf her Asian neighbors. 一个拥有13 亿多人口,统一的、繁荣的中国雄居亚洲,将令其所有邻国相形见绌。2 The pole-vaulter bettered the world record by six inches. 撑杆跳运动员把该项世界纪录提高了六英寸。 3 “wil

2、l anyone second the motion?” “I second it, Mr. Chairman”. 有人赞成这个提案吗?我赞成,主席先生。4 The union had very little say in the new pay agreement. 工会在新制定的工资协议中很少有发言权。5 He has radioed the pilots. 他已经给飞行员发了电报。6 This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate

3、goals but of possible consequence in the future.给某些与当前目标无关、但将来可能产生影响的科学研究予以支持,看来通常能有效解决这一问题。 根据上下文确定词义:短文写作及英汉翻译P 2201 The woman astronaut said: “I am in good shape”.女宇行员说:我身体状态良好。2 The free electron model should be tailored to meet the challenges of recent discoveries. 自由电子模型应该修正,以解决近来诸多新发现的问题。3 He

4、 addressed himself to the main difficulty. 他着手解决主要问题。4 He soldiered on for a dollar a month. 从军5 Dont brother me. 称兄道弟6 Clean surface is a must. 必然7 Blue collar blues.痛苦,烦恼。8 A simple trick emptied that criminal .倒空,彻底交待9 The wildlife population is thinning out. 使稀少10 He is briefing the press. 对。 做简

5、报11 After a long struggle we bested them 击败12 Best foot first. 右脚,吉利的脚13 China suffers a serious brain-drain. 人才外流14 She looks prettier without make-up.化妆品15 The computer crashes often.死机16 He could hardly keep his gravity. 严肃,认真(态度)17 Screenager is a coined word. 杜撰18 He is well known for his intel

6、ligence, industry and honesty. 勤劳选择符合汉语习惯的搭配:1 Enjoy free medical care享受公费医疗2 Enjoy advantages具备优越条件3 Enjoy national protection受到国家保护4 Enjoy mass support得到广大群众支持5 Enjoy access to internet有机会进入因特网6 Enjoy prosperity处于繁荣时期7 Enjoy a special place占有一个特殊地位8 Enjoy a double-digit growth每年以两位数的百分比增长9 Enjoy a

7、 revival 重振雄风10 Enjoy an economical honey-moon在经济上打得火热11 Enjoy a fine day(某地区)天气晴朗12 Enjoy constant attention一直为人们所关注词的褒贬色彩:有些词既有褒义又有贬义,需要根据上下文来判断词的褒贬色彩。1 She knows Peter to be industrious and clever. 聪明2 He is too clever for us. 狡猾3 He is very much interested in politics.政治4 Mary always gets what s

8、he wants by playing office politics. 手腕词义的引申:翻译过程中,有些词的意思要超出其表面的意思,要根据上下文,从该词的基本意义出发,变通或进一步引申,选择恰当的汉语词汇来表达。引申的两种主要方法是具体化和抽象化。抽象-具体:1. He is somebody in his home town but nobody here. 知名人物,小人物2. The tight control of surface microdefects, contamination and foreign materials is the major problem to be

9、solved in microfabrication. 严格控制表面微缺陷、表面沾染和杂质是微米技术亟待解决的问题。3. The disaster of Challenger fueled the debate on space exploration. 美国挑战者号航天飞机的惨案(空难)激化了关于宇宙空间探索的争论。具体-抽象1 Strong feelings and a large brain were its parents. 深厚的感情和先进的思想孕育了这个。 2 Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有甜和苦。3 Can you se

10、ll your boss your new ideas?你能让老板接受你的新想法吗?4 These young scientists are talented and ambitious and they will go a long way. 这些有才华、有雄心壮志的青年科学家,将来会大有作为的。5 Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are felling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas,

11、while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above. 大众通讯的显著发展使各地的人们不断感到有新的需求, 并不断接触新的习俗和思想,由于上述原因,政府常常推出更多的改革。适当进行词性的转换:要确切表达原文内容,又是必须改变英文的语言的表达形式。名词-动词1. In some cases, deserts are the creation of destruction of virgin forest. 沙漠有时是人类毁坏原始森林造成的。2. I

12、t leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all. 这种说法从一开始就讲讨论引向两个极端,它使人们认为应该这样对待动物:要么像对待人类自身一样关切体谅,要么完全冷漠无情。形容词动词:1 I am certain he will succeed. 我深信他

13、会成功。2 Are you satisfied that he is telling the truth?你确信他讲的是真话吗?介词动词1 She is in politics. 她搞政治。2 I had been at work all day. 我整天都在工作。副词动词1 We are two days ahead of schedule. 我们比计划提前了两天。2 Why should we let in foreign goods when we fail to let out products made in China pile up in the warehouses?我们中国制

14、造的产品堆满库房还推销不出去,为什么还让外国或进口呢?动词名词形容词名词副词名词动词形容词名词形容词副词形容词形容词副词短文写作及英汉翻译P 225-229(复印短文写作及英汉翻译228-229的练习,答案:272-273 )灵活运用增减技巧词的增补增补概括性的词:1 Heightened environmental consciousness, changing trade pattern and emerging high technology are all having a major impact on the nature of basic metal industries. 对主

15、要金属产业产生深远影响的三个重要因素是:强烈的环境意识、贸易格局的变化和新兴的高科技。在部分英语名次或动名次前后补充汉语名词:1. The tension in the Middle East has attracted much attention of the world. 中东的紧张局势引起全世界的广泛关注。补充汉语动词1 The electron microscope is chiefly an instrument of solid structure characterization. 电子显微镜是主要用来表征固体结构的一起。增补解释性的词:1 According to reliable sources, China will build her own space shuttles. 据消息可靠人士透露,中国也要研制自己的航天飞机。


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