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1、 6. to be done 将来的被动(1)在要求动词后(作宾语) :avoid 避免 appreciate 感激 /欣赏 acknowledge 承认 /自认 admit 承认 advocate提倡/主张 consider 考虑 cant help 不禁 cant stand 受不了 contemplate 细想 complete 完成 confess 坦白 dislike不喜欢,讨厌 deserve 值得 delay 延迟 deny 否认 dread 可怕 defer 拖延 detest 嫌恶 enjoy 享有/喜爱 envy 嫉妒endure 忍受 excuse 借口 escape逃跑

2、/逃避 finish 完成 forgive 原谅 fancy 幻想/爱好 favor 造成/偏爱 figure 描绘 /计算 hate 讨厌 imagine 设想 involve 卷入/包含 keep保持 miss 错过 mention 说到/讲到 mind 介意 pardon 原谅/饶恕 permit 允许 postpone 推迟 practice 实行/实践 prevent 阻止 quit 放弃停止 risk 冒险 recall 回想 resist 抵抗/阻止The film is very moving.+动名词;名词 s+动名词。例如: Having been done, the wo

3、rk was checked by the leaders.attempt 企图 afford 负担得起 arrange安排 appear似乎,显得 ask 问 agree 同意 believe 认为、相信 begin 开始 beg 请求 bother 扰乱 /烦恼 care 关心,喜欢 choose选择 claim 要求 consent 同意,赞同 contrive 设法,图谋demand 要求 destine 注定 determine 决定 dread 害怕 desire 愿望 decide 决定 enable 能够 expect 期望 endeavor努力 fail 不能 hate 憎恨

4、/厌恶 happen 碰巧 hesitate 犹豫 hope 希望 intend 想要 incline 有 倾向 long 渴望 love爱 learn 学习 mean 意欲,打算 manage 设法 neglect 忽视 need 需要 omit 忽略,漏 offer 提供 pretend 假装 plan计划 prefer 喜欢/宁愿 prepare 准备 profess 表明 promise 承诺/允许 propose提议 refuse 拒绝 swear 宣誓 start 开始 seek 找/寻觅 try 试图 undertake 承接 volunteer 志愿 vow 起 wish 希望

5、 want 想要To work means to earn a living 工作就是为了生活。如果主语是以 aim,duty,hope,idea,happiness,job,plan,problem ,purpose, thing,wish 等为中心的 名词,或以 what 引导的名词性从句,不定式作表语是对主语起补充说明作用。His wish is to buy a luxurious car in the near future 他的希望是在不远的将来买一辆豪华轿车。The function of Louis Sullivans architecture was to provide l

6、arge uninterrupted floor areas and to allow ample lightinto the interior.The most important thing is to negotiate with them about the future of the plant 省 to 的动词不定式1) 情态动词 ( 除 ought 外,ought to):2) 使役动词 let, have, make;在被动语态中则 to 不能省掉。The boss made themwork the whole night. = They were made to work

7、the whole night.3) 感官动词 see, watch, look at, notice , observe, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find 等后作宾补,省略 to。在被动语态中则 to 不能省掉。I saw him dance. = he was seen to dance.注:感官动词还可以接现在分词,表示一个(短暂)动作正在进行;不定式则表示动作的整个过程。I saw him dance.(整个跳舞的过程)I saw him dancing.(我看见他时,他正在跳舞。强调动作正在发生)A cook will be immediatel

8、y fired if he is found _ in the kitchen.A. smokefind sb. doing sth 意为 “发现某人正在做某事 ”。4) 表示个人意愿或倾向的 would rather ,had better,might(just) as well :rather than 置于句首时。B. smokingC. to smokeD. smokedRather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bike.If you are planning to spend your money h

9、aving fun this week, better _ it you ve got some big billscoming.A. forgetB. forgotC. forgettingD. to forget5) why / why not 6) help 可带 to,也可不带 to, help sb (to) do sth :7) but 和 except:but 前是动词 do 时,后面出现的动词用不带He wants to do nothing but go out.to 的动词不定式;是其他动词时,则要带to。He wants to believe anything but t

10、o take the medicine.8)不定式做表语时,一般要带to,但若主语部分中含有do 的各种形式时,符号 to 可省去。Weve missed the last bus. All we could do now is walk home.9) 通常在 discover, imagine, suppose, think, understand 等词后,可以省去 to be:He is supposed (to be) nice. 他应该是个好人。10)当两个或多个不定时短语由连词and,but 或 or 连接时,后一个或几个不定式符号to 常省略。但若表示对比、对照关系时,则不能省略

11、。He wants to move to France and marry the girl.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, not to make it more difficult.6. to be done 将来的被动The work to be finished tomorrow is important.= The work that will be finished tomorrow is important.= The work that is to be done is difficult to f

12、inish.7to have done 在要求动词后表完成的动作(一般用在句中 )Mr. Chen is said to have done the job. = Mr. Chen is said that he did the job.Chinese menbasketball team is reported to have accepted a good training before the Olympic Games.3 = Chinese menbasketball team is reported that they accepted a good training before

13、 the Olympic Games.8. to have been done用在要求动词后(有过去时间或过去动作)The job is said to have been done by Mr. Chen. = The job is said that it was done by Mr. Chen.9. done 被动;完成(一般或普遍时间)Seen from the moon, the earth looks like a blue ball.= When it is seen from the moon, the earth looks like a blue ball.The wor

14、k done is important.= The work that has been done is important= The work that was done is importantPeople cannot but feel puzzled,for they simply cannot understand how he could have made such a stupid mistake.二、出题形式1空格在句首:(1)句子分前后两部分,后面分句的主语能发出前面的动作,前面空格用主动,否则用被动;(2)be interested in; be faced with;

15、be devoted to; be delighted with; be addicted to; be seated on; be dressed in; (be)used/accustomed to; be armed with; be involved in; be concerned about/with; be attached to; 等在句首只能用 -ed 形式Faced with so many difficulties, I work hard every day.Devoted to my work; I care nothing else.2空格在句中:(1)空格前面的名词能发出后面的动作,空格用主动,否则用被动(2)要求动词(后接 doing 的动词;后接 to do 的动词)(3)有些动词后使用动名词和动词不定式作宾语的差别forget to do 忘记要去做某事(此事未做)stop to do 停止、中断(某件事) ,目的是去做另一件事remember to do 记住去做某事(未做) remember doing 记得做过某事 (已做)forget doing 忘记做过某事(此事已做过或已发生)stop doing 停止正在或经常做的事


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