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1、新标准英语六年级第八册Module 8 Unit 1 HelenKeller教学设计 宜宾市人民路小学 李莉一、 教学内容 外研社英语(新标准)第8册第8模块第1单元(Helen Keller)。 二、 教学背景分析 在六年级下学期这一阶段,教学内容主要是复习巩固以前学过的内容和继续扩展学习新的内容。本册的主线是继续和Daming一起了解美国,了解Daming回到中国之后为小学毕业、升入中学学习做的准备。这一学段学生对语言的综合运用能力需要进一步提高,为此,我们在课堂上应尽可能多地运用我们以前学习过的语言,坚持听说训练,同时进行相应的读写训练。 本课主要学习两个句型: (1)She was b

2、lind, she couldnt see. (2)She was deaf, she couldnt hear. (3)But she could learn. 本课重点、难点是学生能够用“could,couldnt”来描述过去所具备和不具备的能力。为了让学生对Helen Keller这位身残志坚的伟大人物有一个深层次的了解,教师精心查找资料为学生进行适当拓展,丰富学生的知识面。 在六年级学段,大部分学生对英语的学习积极性浓厚,基础知识扎实,学习方法得当,综合运用能力的能力较强;有少部分学生还是没有找到合适的方法,学英语仍旧吃力,针对此种情况,教师应充满耐心,精心备课,在教学中多鼓励他们,帮

3、助他们建立学好英语的自信心。 三、 教学内容与目标 (一)教学内容 1.新词汇: born, child, as, later, drew, herself, letter, all over, world, model。1. 2.新句型:She was blind, she couldnt see. / She was deaf, she couldnt hear. / But she could learn. (二) 教学目标 1.知识目标 通过创设情景和大量练习,让学生能够谈论现在和过去所具备和不具备的能力。 2.能力目标 通过开展步步为营的阅读活动,培养学生找读、寻读 、用英语组织语言

4、和用口语表达思维的综合运用语言能力。3. 情感目标 通过学习Helen Keller这位世界上着名身残志坚有志之人的优秀事迹,让学生学有所得,学有所悟,希望她的精神能激励和教育我们的学生在任何时候遇到艰难永不退缩;并由Helen Keller 的老师对她的帮助引导孩子学会感恩。 四、教学重点与难点 重点:学生能够用“could, couldnt”来描述过去所具备和不具备的能力。 难点:学生能够流利地使用正确时态来描述自己的能力,能够口头复述Helen Keller的伟大事迹。 五、教学辅助工具 多媒体,图片,PPT,展示台。 六、教学过程Step 1 Warming- up1. Greetin

5、gs T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello , Miss Li. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you too.Step 2 Presentation 使用类似语言认识三位学生。通过与其沟通引入新词:born, as。 多媒体课件播放Helen Keller视频,提问引入课题。 T: Who is she ? Ss: Helen Keller.Step 3 Text1. 感受生活美好。 Game: Blind drawing game. a. T: 让全班同学闭上眼睛画画。 c. T: We only couldn

6、t see and hear just now for a while, and felt hard to do things, can you imagine a lady who couldnt see, couldnt hear and even couldnt talk for almost the whole life? Can you imagine how terrible life she had ? Do you want to know whom she was? S: Yes. T: All right, look, listen and then tell me. (教

7、师利用多媒体课件出示Helen Keller生前照片。) T: Can you tell me whom she was? S: Helen Keller. 2.通过让学生亲身感受,引出本课的人物Helen Keller. T: You are right. Thank you. Its Helen Keller. Shes a great woman. She did many useful things. (多媒体播放课文录音) (教师第一遍播放课件,学生听音、看图,了解课文大意。第二遍播放课件,学生跟读,教学新词,第三遍播放课件,出示问题,解决问题。) (教师在这里用自身的例子让学生理解

8、be born的含义,同时教会学生“年”的时间表达法,如1880:18-eighteen 80-eighty,进而询问他们的出生日和父母的出生日,如果不明确的话,回家可以用英语问问父母,一方面培养孝心,一方面让学生练习在实际生活中使用英语。)T: Ask the questions. S: Volunteers to answer the questions. T: Award them. (及时鼓励和奖励学生,帮助他们增强学好英语的自信心。) 3. 教师卡片出示本课的较难单词、动词原型、过去式和新句型。 T: Show some words while teacher collected.

9、S: Read and review. 4. 重点句型练习。 T: Now, look at the important sentences on the blackboad, read them together.Activity 3 Game 破译句子密码.(每组准备一个密码) T: You really did a good job. Next lets relax and play a game-破译句子密码. Find sentences in the story. Every group will have a card. There are some big letters on

10、 it. If you see SCS, you can get from the story, which is “She couldnt see.” Lets see which group can be the first one to guess the sentence. 同样是刚才的小组,每组分到三个密码,如:“Helens friend wrote the word water on Helens hand.”该句的密码为“HFWTWWOHH”也就是该句子的每个单词的首字母组合成的。给每组发一个密码,在规定的时间内,哪个组最先破译出来就是胜利者。 (游戏使得学生在放松娱乐的同时,

11、感受Helen Keller成长的不容易。) Activity 4 Practise(学生拿出自己小时候的照片用该句型介绍) T: I know you have taken your photos here. Can you introduce something about that with “I was, I couldnt But I could” Activity 5 Assignment T: Boys and girls, compare with Helen Keller, we are happy and lucky! I think we should cherish w

12、hat we have and do more useful things. We should say thank you to our family , teachers and friends .Now ,lets swear.(出示课件,伴随着“感恩的心”音乐)。 T: Thank you for your good cooperation. So much for this class, see you. 板书设计:Hellen Keller Hellen Keller was blind, she couldnt see.She was deaf, she couldnt hear.But she could learn. She is a model for blind people , for you and for me.


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