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1、青少版新概念英语(入门级A)测试题姓名:分数:A. 听力部分 (共 20 分)1. 听音,排序 (10”)()()()()()2.选出你所听到的单词(5 ”)()A. girlB. boyC. brotherD. ball()A. hatB. catC. kiteD. car()A. motherB. fatherC. sisterD. grandmother()A. gameB. trainC. dollD. dog()A. tomatoB. pizzaC. tableD.ten3. 听音选出你所听到的句子 (5 ”)()A.It s a jelly.B. It s an oranget.C

2、. Its green.()A.It s a pandaB. Yes, it is.C.It s six .()A.No,it isn t.B. Yes,it is .C. No,it is .()A.Yes,I am.B. It s FloraC.Shes. s my mother.()A.That s my sister. B. That s RobertC.Thats. s a table.B. 笔试部分 (共 80 分)1. 英汉互译 (15”)family _ shirt _mouse _policeman _fat_ eight _ tomato _ rubber _teacher

3、 _ eye _insect _ dance _国王 _熊猫 _太阳 _动物园 _书_小型货车 _青蛙 _鼻子 _a red and yellow umbrellaa big and blue hathappy birthdayThe robot is in the car.。Here you are.。My dad is a doctor.。His brother is fat.。You arenttwo, you are ten.。这是什么?。那是什么?。2. 缩写 (10 ”)I m = _you re =isn t =that s =_ are not = _What is=_name

4、 is=_It s=_is not=_I am=_3. 划掉错误选项(5 ”) aan ball aan jellyaan anrackaan red appleaan green kiteaan small fish a an orange It sIt isn tan unbrella. It sIt isn ta rabbit. It s It isn ta bike.4. 选择填空 ( 30 “)() -Whatsyour name?-A. He is a postman.B. My name is Robert.C. She is Flora.()Isa pig?A. heB. sh

5、eC. it()-Is it a monkey?-, it is a dog.A. Yes, it isB. No, it isntC. No, he is()-Where is my T-shirt?-A. Your T-shirt is on the table.B. Hello!C. Here you are.()What colour is your pen?-A. Her pencil is blue.B. My pen is green.C. I m nine.()Look_ my nose .A . atB . on .C in()A . This is _banana.aB.

6、anC. the()A. isWhat_your name.B. areC. on()Happy birthday!_.A . You re welcomeB. . SorryC. Thank you!() A. I am_ name is Max. B .MyC. she()Is it an apple?A .No, it isnt. B. No, it isC. Yes, it isnt.() A. isHow old _you?B. areC. and() I m ten.What about you?A. I m nineB. I m fineC. Yes, I am.() Look

7、at _little nose.A. ItsB. it sC .its() _is my bone? A. Where B. whereC. What4. 选择正确的答语 (5“)() Whats your name?A.Yummy!() Whats that,Mum?B.No, Im not. () How old are you?C.My names Pop. () Is this a ruler?D.It s a salad. () Are you eight?E.Hurray! () Hello,Max!F.I m ten. () The king and the queen!I.Yu

8、k! () It s a fish!J.Thank you!5. 连词成句 (10 “) aboy Robertis. adoctorIshe? policemanAreyou a? yournameWhat s? mycapisThat. Isitpena? Isbookthisa.Thatanisapple.6. 按要求改写句子 (10 “) This is a book. ( 否定句 )_ That is a pen.(一般疑问句 )_ Iamten.(对划线部分提问)_ Is it a pencil ? (肯定回答)_Do you like English?(根据实际情况回答)_7. 默写 26 个字母( 10 “)


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