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1、Unit 5 复习词组1. 对这个奇妙事情感到惊奇be amazed at the amazing thingsbe the same size from birth 在出生时at birth3. 停止生长stop growing 停下来去休息stop to have a rest4. 大四倍four times larger than5. 一个不明飞行物a UFO 一个不寻常/寻常的不明飞行物an unusual UFO/ a usual UFO6. 看看那个有着亮灯的飞机look at the plane with bright lights7. 有趣的事实fun facts 玩得很开心h

2、ave a lot of fun8. 一些奇怪的事情/没什么有趣的事something strange / nothing interesting9. 像往常一样as usual 和一样大as big as TVs can be as large as 152 inches.10. 听到从灌木丛中传来的一阵低语声hear a whisper from the bushes11. 转过身、掉过头turn around12. 仔细寻找这只虚弱的小猫look for the weak cat carefully 什么也没找到find nothing13. 回答我reply(replied) to m

3、e / answer me14. 在某人去上学/电影院的路上on ones way to school / the cinema 在某人回家的路上on ones way home15. 告诉他一切tell him everything (told)16. 想要知道want to know = wonder17. 搜寻灌木丛找这只失踪的小猫search the bushes for the lost cat18. 自言自语say to oneself (said)19. 捡起这只小猫pick up the little cat / pick it up20. 那天稍晚些时later that d

4、ay21. 把这只小猫带到动物中心区take the cat to the animal centre 在弱、不擅长be weak at22. 对这个让人惊讶的消息感到惊讶be surprised at the surprising news 做某事很惊讶be surprised to do sth = do sth in surprise 令某人惊讶的事to ones surprise这只奇怪的兔子吓到了我The strange rabbit surprised me.23. 朝某人大声嚷嚷shout at sb.24. 到达博物馆get to / arrive at / reach the

5、 museum25. 理解了一些想渡渡鸟一样奇怪的鸟learn about some strange birds like dodos26. 11厘米高11 centimetres tall27. 生活在陆地上,树丛里和水里live on the ground, in the trees and in water28. 在寒冷的冬天吃的少或不吃长达数月eat little or nothing for months in cold winter29. 嗅觉很灵敏/ 闻起来香smell things well / smell good30. 没有水能生存很长时间live without wate

6、r for a long time 没有吃任何东西就去上学go to school without eating anything31. 听说过这个年轻人hear of/ about the young man32. 骑自行车环游了80多个国家travel(travelled) around over 80 countries by bicycle33. 需要保持我们的房子干净need to keep our house clean34. 前几天the other day35. 一个手在写字的同时另一个手画画write with one hand and draw with the other

7、 at the same time36. 用粉笔画3-D画draw 3-D pictures with chalk37. 从一个叫JOHN的人那得到它的名字get its name from a man called John38. 停下来吃饭stop for meals / stop to have meals39. 把肉放在两片面包之间put meat between two pieces of bread40. 在全世界流行开来become popular all over the world41. 投入使用be in use 到1935年,大约2000台电视投入使用By 1935, a

8、bout 2000 TVs were in use.= By 1935, there were about 2000 TVs in use.42. 要一个三明治ask for a sandwich (sandwiches)43. 迅速逃跑run away quickly44. 这个世界充满了神奇的事情The world is full of amazing things. 这是一个充满神奇事情的世界This is a world full of amazing things.45. 鱼是睁着眼睛睡觉的。Fish sleep with eyes open. 老师脸上带着笑进来了。The teac

9、her came in with a smile on her face.46. 大象的脚背上没有骨头,只有脂肪There are no bones in the back of elephants feet-only fat.47. 昨天你发生了什么事情?What happened to you yesterday?48. 当它叫唤时,它听起来像耳语声。When it miaowed, it sounded like a whisper.49. 他们很久前生活在地球上They lived on the earth a long time ago.50. 让人惊奇/很有趣Its interesting / amazing that +句子51. 我再也不怕蛇I am not afraid of snakes any more.I am no more afraid of snakes. 我再也不吃零食了I wont eat snacks any more.I will no more eat snacks.52. 你昨天忙吗?Were you busy / free / afraid yesterday?Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.53. 绝绝大部分家庭至少有一台电视。Most families have at least one TV.


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