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1、2015年下期千家峒学校四年级英语期中测试卷时间:60分钟 总分:100分 命题人:胡文娟班级:_ 姓名 得分:_一. 抄写。(18分) Aa L l I i Y y Oo_funny circle biscuits dumplings soldier_Nice to meet you ! We are pupils._Are you soldiers ? Yes. We are soldiers._ 二. 选择单词填空。(10分)noodles funny sheep squares right1. Look at the monkey. Its 2. There are four 3. P

2、lease turn 4. I like 5. There are 三. 单项选择题。(20分)( )1. Nice to meet you! - ! A. I am fine! B. Nice to meet you ,too! C. Good morning!( )2. Is this your dog?- A. No, this is . B.Yes, it isnt. C.No, it isnt.( )3. How many circles are there? -There five. A. is B. am C. are ( )4. What are you doing?- I A

3、. swimming. B. are swim C.are swimming( )5.There is apple in the tree. A. / B. a C. an ( )6. My sister likes dog,but she cat. A.likes B.dont like C. doesnt like( )7. Tom likes milk dumplings. A.and B. or C. but( )8.What are we? - We are . A . eight B. drawing C.soldiers( )9. Whats this ? Its a _. A.

4、circle B. Line C. square(_ )10. Look , there has a monkey. A.big B.fun C.right四. 连线。(12分)1. What are those ? A. Im fine , thank you.2. Do you like milk ? B. Yes , I do .3. How are you ? C. Theyre birds eggs. 4. Good morning . D. Its beautiful.5. Whats that ? E. Good morning.6. Look at the bird. F. I

5、ts a line.五选出不同类的一项,把序号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1. A six B. line C. four( ) 2. A square B . morning C . afternoon( ) 3. A elephant B .tiger C . noodles( ) 4. A beautiful B. funny C . scarf ( ) 5. A. left B. soldier C. Right六连词成线。(10分)1. like what do you (?) 2. there squares are how many (?) 3. to Glad see you

6、. 4. beautiful a bird there is. 5. I like dont dumplings ( . ) 七、阅读短文并填空。(20分)(1) Mike is drawing a farm . There are two chickens, a dog , a horse and a cow on the farm . Look at the cow . Its fat . Look at the chickens . They are beautiful . The horse is big . Look at the dog . Its funny . Whos the

7、 man? He is Mr Green . He loves the animals.1. The dog is 2. The horse is 3. The cow is 4. is drawing.5. There are chickens.(2) There are other animals on Mr Greens farm. There are four sheep, two cats, ten ducks and nine pigs. Look at those sheep, they are cute. The cats are funny. Look at these ducks. They are beautiful. And the pigs are lazy.1. There are four .2. There are ten .3. The cats are .4. The ducks are .5. The pigs are .


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