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1、中管理体东及进d伺料和饲料淋如制注册要求Management system of feed in China & Registeringrequirement of import feed and feed additives2009年07月30日July 30th. 2009第一部分中国饲料工业机况又伺料管理体余Part one overview of Chinese feed industry andmanagement system of feedI中国饲料工业发展概况Development overview of Chinese feed industry始于1980年代Began i

2、n 1980s 2008年商品饲料产量达13丄亿吨,居世界第二位The yield of feed commodities is up to 131,000,000 tonS/ ranked second in the world-饲料工业体系包括:The feed industry in eludes the following,嗖翻哉曹辔魏s誉业、饲料原料工业、饲料机械工业,以Feed process!ng industry , feed additives industry, feed raw materials industry, feed machinery industry, an

3、白 research, inspection and testingI2008年饲料生产总体情况The overall situation of feed production in 2008丄业饲料总产ftl.37亿吨,总产值4258亿元,分别增长丄08%利&5%,具中 Overall output of industry feed is 137,000,000 tons the gross output value is about 425,800,000,000 RMB, increase by 10.8% and 8.5% each,配合饲料l06亿吨,同比增长13.6%Mixed f

4、eed, 106,000,000 tons, increases by 13.6% compared to the same period last year浓缩饲料2530万吨,同比增长1.6/oConcentrated feed, 25,300,000 tons, increases by 1.6% compared to the same period last year添加剂预混合饲料546万吨,同比增长4.79%Pre-mixed feed additive, 5,460,000 tons, increases by 4.79% compared to the same period

5、 last year2008年饲料生产情况Production of feed in 2008配合饲料中:Mixed feed includes猪料2893万吨,占28%;Pig feed, 28,930,000 tons r accounts for 28% ;蛋禽料1993万吨,占19%;Egg-layed poultry feed , 19930,000 tons r accounts for 19% ;肉禽咄3814万阮占36%;Meat poultry feed, 38,140000 tons r accounts for 36% ;A水产料1296万吨,占12%;Fisheries

6、 feed, 12,990,000 tons r accounts for 12% ;a反刍料359万吨,占3%;Ruminants feed, 3,590,000 tons, accounts for 3% ;其他232万吨,2%;Others, 2,320,000 tons f accounts for 2%2008年饲料生产情况Production of feed in 2008浓缩饲料中:Concentrated feed includes*猪料1374万吨,占54.3%;Pig feed, 13740,000 tons f accounts for 54.3% ;蛋禽料565万吨,占

7、22.3%;Egg-layed poultry feed, 5650,000 tons r accounts for 22.3% ;肉禽制342万蚯,占13.5%;Meat poultry feed, 3420,000 tons r accounts for 13,5% ; 水产料16方吨,占0.6%;06:5 IT KA水产 0Fisheries feed, 160,000 tons f accounts for 0.6% ;反刍料191万吨,占7.5%;Ruminants feed, 1,910,000 tons9 accounts for 7.5% a其他43万吨,占1.7%Others

8、, 430,000 f accounts for 1.7% SA 肉禽 水产 反刍EJ其它中国饲料法规体系简介Overview on feed raw system of China饲料和饲料添加剂管理例AdminisM三ive regu-inion of feed andaddi 二 vc2008年饲料生产情况Production of feed in 2008添加剂预混合饲料中Additive pre-mixed feed includesa猪料310万吨,占56.8%;Pig feed, 3,100,000 tons f accounts for 56.8% ;蛋禽料108万吨,占19.

9、7%;Egg-layed poultry feed 1,08(),000 tons r accounts for 19.7% ; a肉禽命56万吨:占10.2%;Meat poultry feed, 560,000 tons r accounts for 10.2% ;水产料24分吨,占4.4%;Fisheries feed, 240,000 tons r accounts for 4.4% ;反刍料21万吨,占3.8%;Ruminants feed, 210,000 tons, accounts for 3.8%其他28万吨,5.1%Others, 280,000 r accounts fo

10、r 5.1%饲料添加剂和添加剂预混合饲料生产许可证管理办法 administrative rules on feed additive and additive pnmixed feed production license饲料添加剂和添加剂预混合饲料产品批准文号管理办法 administrative rules on feed additive and additive pre-mixed feed approval number新饲料和新饲料添加剂管理办法administrative rules on new feed and new feed additive进口饲料和饲料添加剂登记管理

11、办法administrative rules on import feed and feed additive registration动物源性饲料产品安全卫生管理办法Administrative Measures of Security and Sanitary of Animal Derived Feed Products丽生产企业审査办法review rules on feed production enterpriseConti.规范性文件Normative documents 饲料添加剂品种目录(农业部1126号公告)Lists of Additives permitted to u

12、se in feed (MOA Announcement No. 1126 ) 单一饲料产品目录(农业部977号公告)Single feed products directory (MOA Announcement No. 977 ) 饲料添加剂安全使用规范(农业部1224号公告)Feed additive safe use specification (MOA Announcement No. 1224 ) 饲料药物添加剂使用规范(农业部168号公告)Feed Drug additives safe use specification (MOA Announcement No. 168) 禁

13、止在饲料和动物饮用水中使用的药物品种目录(农业部176号公告)Drug directory inhibited to use in feed and animal drinking water (MOA Announcement No. 176 ) 食用动物禁用的兽药及其他化合物清单(农业部193号公告)Lists of banned veterinary drugs and other compounds in meat animals (MOA Announcement No. 168)Conti.standard system 两个强制性国家标准:Two obliged national

14、 standard: 饲料标签标准(GB10648-1999) Feed labeling standard (GB10648-1999) 饲料卫生标准(GB13078-2001. ) Hygienical standard for feeds (GB13078-2001 )国家标准一国家标准化管理委员会National standardStandardization Administration of China行业标准一农业部Industry standardMOA 企业标准一生产企业Enterprise standardmanufacturer各级饲料管理机构Feed administr

15、ative agency at all levels丰央政府管理职能central governnwnt manaKrnwnt function匡务院农业行政主管部门 中国农业部商牧业司全国饲料丄作办公車)State council administrative ciepartnwnl in charge of agrkulture MOA Department of Aninuil Husbandrynational feed uork office (NFWO)负责全国饲料.饲料潘加剂管理工作Be in charge of feed “nd feed additive administrative work- 立法定処一规范行业管AMake law and regulationspromote management- 政策规宜一促进忏业发展Plan strategyassist feed industry development- 行政许可一提高准入门楼Administrative licenseimprove admittance t



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