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1、PA测验准备Evan讲座(二)1023作者:日期:/PA考试准备 Evan讲座(二)Finan cial Acco un ti ng前言FA呢,我准备按照 CGA的competency来说,答题的时候,不要考虑 competency是什么,是否拿得到 分,直接写就好。 FA涉及的考试范围:FA占20-25%的比例,PA1和2都有,所以它的重要性我就不重复了。FA,说到实质就是 CICA handbook ,也就是考试范围,只具体范围是:Part1 IFRS ;Part2 ASPE ;Part3 ASNFPO ;Part4 Pension ;Part5 Pre-IFRS ;以及 Public S

2、ector Accounting Handbook.其中,Pre-IFRS :基本可以忽略。Pen sion :具体的不会常考,但是要掌握以下知识点:1)pension 白勺 2 个 ben efit ( Defined ben efits VS Defined con tributi on pla ns);2 )记账方法:如何 defer、如何recognize ;账方式主要在 IAS19中描述,注意去查阅,Google并看summary。3)关于 Valuation : pension 的具体数值要 value,这部分可以找 valuation specialistIFRS、ASPE、AS

3、NFPO必考,public sector也可能有,至少作业里岀现过。如果实在没有时间,那就重点应放在前3个。千万不要小看 ASNFPO ,因为NPO会有很多问题,比如 HR、resources、control、tax issues等。 所以说NPO的case岀现机率等同于IFRS,只要一岀NPO的case,那么ASNFPO肯定会用到。 当时我唯一认真地一句句看的就是ASNFPO。 Case中的角色第2个题外话是role,不管是pal还是2,写case必须要有role,什么角色 就演好什么角色,否则写岀的case必有问题。Controller 的责任: determine accounting

4、policy ;Exter nal auditor 的责任:Complia nee with sta ndards whole complet ing an exter nal auditEvaluating misstatement, FS and notes 。只要case里说了 role,那么就要演好,否则分数肯定低。写case时要注意的:1 )不要岀现自己的名字;2) 如果 case 给名字和日期:比如说 Ivan, Sep30, 20x2 , 那么就写 from: Ivan. Date: Sep30, 20x23) 如果case没有给名字和日期:写from: ME, date: DA

5、TE ;4) CGA的用法:如果名字是Ivan, CGA ,那么就from: Ivan,CGA ;但是case里要是没有给 CGA,只给了名字Ivan ,那么memo里万万不可以写Ivan, CGA , 否则直接fail,切忌。答题注意事项FA的competency 般是要指岀现在使用准则的不适当之处,也就是问题是什么,然后要分析这个帐应 该如何记录,并且有哪些不同的记法,分析好坏,最后才是建议如何记录。光从CGA对这些competency的解释,仅仅是 Definition的解释,CGA就用了:1) Whats the problem?2) Why its a problem?3) How

6、to resolve the problem with alter native and an alysis?4) Whats the recomme ndati on?连定义都能按照这套评分模式来,所以说,各位写 case 只给建议的小童鞋,我不得不再说一次,这也是作死的节奏阿!1、2、3、4项都没有说,那是直接mississue 了,0分写了 1那是1分,写完1又给了 2或者4,那是2分,写了 1、2、4外加一点点3,才是3分可 以pass 。只有全部都详细的写了,才有满分4分.任何一个CGA competency都是这样打分的各具体考点(共12个)1、FA01: Formulates,

7、an alyze and process tran sacti on in accorda nee with professi onal sta ndardsFA01 compete ncy ,主要是以下几点:1)Determine the current process & sector the organization operates within2) Evaluate the framework under which transaction could be recorded (e.g., NPO, public sector,private, public compa ny.PS:

8、 public compa ny may use US GAPP.) ;3) Recommend the applicable professional standards that should be used.这个可以举例一个 issue: Going public, what the con cer n?这里也就是ASPE换到IFRS,也就涉及一个revaluation的问题,也就是2个准则的区别,这个最好是去 网上搜索一下,群里也有分享可以去找一下;这里重点是,Fixed Assets & In vestme nt.(1) Fixed AssetsASPEIFRS1) Record a

9、t FMV at purchase, the n becomes COST for later years.2) Depreciate whole assets, impairme nt n ever reverses.1) Record at FMV at purchase, the n periodically revalued in subseque nt years, differe nee go to Revaluati on Surplus, OCI, Equity;2) depreciate at comp onen ts;3) Impairment can be reverse

10、 if condition change, impairment test more frequently.(2) Investment(joint venture & subsidiary)ASPEIFRS1) Can use equity method,;1) Con solidati on, not equity method;2) Sign ifica nt in vestme nt can use cost method.2) Must use equity method.(3) In come TaxASPEIFRSMeasures as In come Tax PayableUs

11、es comprehe nsive tax allocati on which results in deferred in come tax.(4) Financial InstrumentASPEIFRS1) does not permit entitles to AFS;1) uses HFT, AFS, HTM,2) gain or loss reported in P&L2) gain or loss reported in P&L or OCI.(5) DisclosuresASPEIFRS要求的Disclosure较少。要求的Disclosure很多。具体有:FMV、Impair

12、ment、 Reversal、OCI、Future Liability*注:只是总结,一定要看具体的准则去IAS Plus上面看具体的,以下standards强烈推荐看:IFRS 9: Finan cial In strume ntsIAS 16: Property, Plant and EquipmentIAS 36: Impairment of AssetsIAS 40: I nvestme nt Property和以上准则涉及科目有关的Presentation、Disclosure也要看。2、FA02: Evaluate, interprets, and advise on accoun

13、ting policies and procedures inprofessi onal sta ndards具体来说,要求是:1) Evaluate - determ ine the tra nsacti on to be recorded un der appropriate sta ndards& framework;2) In terpret - compare alter natives of how the tran sacti on could be recorded,3) Advise - recomme nd how the tran sacti on to be recor

14、ded.所以从FA02就可以看岀来,当选择不同的standard或者policies的时候,直接说建议是不对的,是拿不了分数的,一定要 evaluate、interpret、then advise!这里呢,说个很重要的知识点,也基本是必考的,reve nue recog ni tio n!这个不可以只看大概,一定要把整个reve nue recog ni tio nstandard从头到尾完全看个明白,包括 note、disclosure。其中:判断是否能确认收入的5个标准 :1) 所有权及风险转移(risk, delivery );2) 没有保留与所有权相联系的管理权or控制(control

15、 );3) 收入的金额能可靠计量( certainty );4) 相关的经济利益很可能流入企业;5) 相关的已发生or即将发生的成本能够可靠计量。3、FA03: Research, evaluate, and advise on appropriate accounting treatment for COMPLEXtra nsacti ons.具体来说,1) Research - determ ine the curre nt process used or the history of the tra nsacti on;2) Evaluate - analyze how the transaction COULD be recorded (list options, discuss criteria & discussn eed for a specialist);3) Advise - recomme nd how the tran sacti on should


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