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1、Non-finite Verbs Used as Adverbial in Writing 非谓语动词作状语在写作中的应用 授课老师:陈丽璇 授课班级:高二1班Teaching goal: master the use of non-finite verbs used as adverbial in writing.Teaching important point: three forms of non-finite verbs (v-ing; v-ed; to v)Teaching difficult point: how to use non-finite verbs as adverbi

2、al to make sentencesTeaching steps:Step 1. Review: blank-filling 1. _(feel) tired, she went to bed early.2. She rang up her boyfriend _(say) sorry.3. _(see) a snake, she was scared.4. _(heat), water will boil.5. The child fell, _ (hit) his head against the door. Step 2. Discovery: try to rewrite the

3、 sentences (改写).eg. We were touched by the teachers words. We decided to work hard.Combination (合并): Touched by the teachers words, we decided to work hard.1) We sat around the table. He sang songs together.Combination:_2) He didnt know what to do. He turned to his teacher. Combination:_3) He worked

4、 hard. He earned more money.Combination:_4) _ _Combination: The workers had to work from dawn till night to complete the project.Discovery: how to rewrite simple sentences using non-finite verbs.(选填: to do, doing, done, 主句, 从句)I. 找简单句之间的关系,定_(主句/从句)。II. 找动词与逻辑主语的关系,改_(主句/从句)。(_表主动, _表被动, _表目的、固定搭配)I

5、II.多余部分可省去,切忌不可丢否定。Step 3. Practice: rewrite or combine. (尽量用非谓语)1) Mother went to work in a hurry and she didnt have breakfast. She was as busy as a bee these days and came back home very late._2) There are still lots of people. They have no houses to live in. Even if you have bought an apartment(套

6、房), Im afraid you have to pay off the money you borrow from the bank(还清银行贷款). You will work hard day and night all your life._Step 4. Extension: combine the sentences into five ones using non-finite verbs.(用非谓语将短文合并成5句话)2008年5月12日,一场特大地震袭击了四川省,造成了成千上万人无家可归。大量的人员受伤,甚至丧命。为了营救那些受困和被埋的人,政府及时采取有效的措施,派遣士兵

7、到受灾地区。听到这个消息后,全世界的人们都联合起来去帮助他们。 尽管失去了一切,但他们正努力去克服重重困难,重建家园。使用简单句: On May 12th, 2008, a worst earthquake struck Sichuan Province. The earthquake caused thousands of people homeless. A great number of people were injured or even killed. The government rescued the trapped and buried people. The governm

8、ent immediately took effective measures. The government sent the soldiers to the earthquake-stricken areas. When they heard the terrible news, the people all over the world came together to help them. Although they lost everything, they are trying their best to overcome all kinds of difficulties and

9、 rebuild their home.使用非谓语合并成5句话:_ _Step5. Homework: rewrite the short passage using non-finite verbs.北京市有大量的出租车司机,他们每天全心全意地为乘客服务,对北京市的交通发挥着重要作用。他们起早贪黑,赚钱养家糊口。有一次,我下车时不小心把手机忘在了车上,但当我和司机同志联系上之后,他立即开车把手机送到了我的家门口,让我感动不已。使用简单句:There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing. They serve passengers heart and soul. They play an important part in the traffic of Beijing. They make some money. They work from dawn till night. One day, I left my cellphone in the taxi I took. I got in touch with the driver. He drove to my home and gave it back to me. I was very excited.



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