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1、2023年海南大学英语考试考前冲刺卷本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.The advantage of drip coffee makers shown in the text is that _.Athey are much more economicBthey can produce only one cupCthey are more economicalDthey are more convenient and easier to operate 2.According

2、 to the passage, things formerly judged to be best left unsaid (in Para. 1) probably refers to _.Athe opinions, which contradict the established beliefsBcriticisms that shape everyones experienceCthe tendencies that help the newcomers to see office matters with a fresh eyeDthe ideas which usually co

3、me up with new ways of management in the organization 3.The reason why women and blacks play down their visibility is that they _.Aknow that someone in authority will reach down and give them a promotionBdont want people to think that their promotions were due to sex or colorCdont want to give peopl

4、e the impression that they work under false beliefsDbelieve they can get promoted by reason of their sex or color 4.Why does Harvey Coleman have these Ridiculous beliefAHe is an ironical person.BHe was mistreated by someone in authority.CHe has the privilege of experiencing those procedures him self

5、.DHe is one of the minorities. 5.The best title for this passage would he _.AThe Importance of Being VisibleBRole of Women and Minorities in ManagementCJob Performance and AdvancementDSex and Career Success 6.You must have seen a lot of interesting movies, _Adont youBdid youCmust youDhavent you 7.Th

6、e teacher went into the classroom, _ .Awith book in handBa book in handCwith a book in handDbook in hand 8.Smoking is not allowed here _ .Aat any timeBat one timeCat a timeDat times 9.There are only _ days left before summer holidays.Aa littleBlittleCa fewDmany 10._ you, I wouldnt accept this unfair

7、 deal.AHave I beenBWere ICWould I beDIf I had been 11.The teacher congratulated him _ getting the first prize in the speech contest.AatBforConDwith 12.He regretted _ so much time playing the computer games.Ato wasteBwastedCwastingDto be wasted 13.I will never forget the days _ we spent together.Atha

8、tBwhereCon whichDhow 14.Study hard, _ you will fail in the final examination.AorBandCbutDfor 15.That is the reason _ Mary failed to come the meeting.AwhatBwhichCfor thatDwhy 16.The opportunity to escape .the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop.A我想一家书店主要的吸引力是提供每天

9、生活的良机。B我想一家书店主要的吸引力是有逃避每天生活的良机。C我想一家书店主要的吸引力是提供了逃避现实生活的良机。D我想一家书店主要的吸引力是逃避了提供现实生活的良机。 17.Were more than halfway now; its only two miles farther to the hotel.A我们现在走了一半的路程了,离旅馆还有两英里那么远。B我们现在走了一半的路程了,离旅馆不到两英里。C我们现在走了不超过一半的路程了,但离旅馆不到两英里。D我们现在走了超过一半的路程了,离旅馆只有两英里了。 18.Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of.

10、A不必为失败而感到羞愧。B失败没什么,只是感到羞愧。C虽然失败了,但没感到羞愧。D虽然失败了,但还有什么可以感到羞愧的。 19.To keep the sun out of our eyes, we wear black sleep masks.A为远离阳光,我们戴上黑色睡眠面罩。B为避免眼睛受到阳光刺激,我们戴上黑色睡眠面罩。C为使阳光和眼睛保持距离,我们戴上黑色的面罩。D为使阳光从眼睛中出来,我们不能戴上黑色睡眠面罩。 20.The author is primarily talking to _.Aparents of teenagersBteenagersCteachers of te

11、enagersDnewspaper readers 21.Teenagers don t want their parents to approve of whatever they do because _.Athey have already been accepted into the adult worldBthey feel that they are superior in a small way to the adultsCthey are not likely to be superior to the adultsDthey have a desire to be self-

12、independent 22.What does the first paragraph mainly talk aboutAThe misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents.BThe dominance of the parents over their children.CThe teenagers criticism of their parents.DThe teenagers ability to deal with crises. 23.Why do teenagers tend to have strange cl

13、othes and hairstylesABecause they have a strong desire to be leaders in style and taste.BBecause they want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own.CBecause they have no other way to enjoy themselves better.DBecause they want to make their parents angry. 24.In order to improve parent-child relationships, teenagers are advised to be _.AcooperativeBresponsibleCobedientDcreative 25.When people live an identical and routine life, time seems to _.AstopBslow downCspeed upDbe in a psychological sense 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意)



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