(湖南专版)2011高三英语一轮复习 模块5 unit1Getting along with others随堂检测 牛津译林版

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1、.单词拼写1I told him it was a bad idea,but David was so s_that he just wouldnt listen.【答案】stubborn 2He would never b_his country even the enemy decided to kill him.【答案】betray 3I cant choose between staying where I have friends and family and taking that good job in a faraway city.Im in a d_.【答案】dilemma4

2、I tried to_(说服) him to stop smoking,but he didnt listen.【答案】persuade5We decided to_(拖延,推迟) our meeting because the headmaster has gone abroad.【答案】delay6The gentleman is_(慷慨大方的),and he has helped many poor students.【答案】generous7He kept jogging every morning to build up his_(体力)【答案】strength8Professor

3、Wang is absorbed in his_(学术) research.【答案】academic9Mother said that if he couldnt finish his homework well,she would beat him as p_(惩罚)【答案】punishment10Dont_(犹豫) to ask me for help if you have any problems.【答案】hesitate.完成句子1这些学生对友谊有着不同的看法。The students have_ _ _friendship.【答案】different attitudes towar

4、ds2他患有失忆症。He is_ _the loss of memory.【答案】suffering from3由于他的懒惰,他没有通过考试He didnt pass the exam,_ _ _ _his laziness.【答案】as a result of4昨天晚上肯定下雨了。_ _ _ _last night.【答案】It must have rained5小李被北京大学录取了。Xiao Li_ _ _Peking University.【答案】was admitted to.单项填空1His words discouraged us_going_with the experiment

5、. Ainto;onBfrom;forCfrom;on Dto;to【解析】句意为:他的话阻止了我继续那个实验。discourage sb.from doing sth.;go on with sth.是固定词组。【答案】C2His daughter is always shy in_and she never dares to speak to_. Athe public;the public Bpublic;the public Cthe public;public Dpublic;public【解析】句意为:他的女儿总是在公众场合害羞,她从来不敢对公众讲话。in public公开地;th

6、e public公众。【答案】B3I must apologize for_ahead of time.Thats all right.Aletting you not know Bnot letting you knowCletting you know not Dletting not you know【解析】句意为:我必须为了没让你提前知道而道歉。没关系的。apologize for doing sth.,否定形式apologize for not doing sth.。【答案】B4Ouch!You hurt me!I am sorry.But I_any harm.I_to drive

7、 a rat out.Adidnt mean;tried Bdont mean;am tryingChavent meant;tried Ddidnt mean;was trying【解析】句意为:哦,你弄疼我了!对不起,我不是故意伤害你的,我只是在赶走一只老鼠。谈论的事情已经过去,排除B和C,D更好,可以强调刚才的动作。【答案】D5We have to_the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.Aget away Bget acrossCget through Dget in【解析】句意为:我们必须尽快把麦子割完,

8、因为暴风雨马上来了。get in收割。【答案】D6Change Satellite is named after a famous Chinese fairy,who is said_to the moon.Ahaving flown Bto have flownCto be flying Dflying【解析】考查特殊句型。后半句是“its said that.”的另外一种表达方式,而嫦娥奔月是中国民间故事,是已经发生的事实,因此用不定式的完成时。【答案】B7I went to see him,_him out.Afinding BfindConly to find Dfound【解析】句意

9、为:我去看他,却发现他出门了。to do作句中的状语成分,表示一种意料之外或不好的结果。【答案】C8_big or small countries,we will make friends with anybody who admits that there is only one China.AInstead of BThanks toCExcept for DRegardless of【解析】句意为:无论大国还是小国,我们将同任何承认只有一个中国的人交朋友。D解释为“不管”。【答案】D9When shall we hold the meeting?It_be better to put i

10、t off until next week.Amust BcouldCcan will【解析】考查情态动词。此处could表示可能性、推测:说不定会。如:It could be better to stay here.说不定呆在这里比较好。【答案】B10(2008年南通三模)I dont know why Tom was absent from yesterdays meeting.He must have been sick,_?Aisnt he Bwasnt heCdidnt he Dmustnt he【解析】句意为:我不知道为什么汤姆缺席了昨天的会议?他肯定是生病了,是吧?带有情态动词h

11、ave done的句子的反意疑问句应该看该句所带或所暗含的时间状语,本句暗含的时间状语是昨天,所以应用一般过去时。【答案】B.易错模块1She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to_her.Ahave seen BseeingCsee Dseen【解析】句意为:她渴望他的回来和他自己渴望见到她是一样多(都盼对方回来)。估计不少学生会错选C,这里应该是词组look forward to doing sth.。【答案】B2Im sorry to have delayed_your email.Ato answer Bto

12、 respondCanswering to Dresponding to 【解析】句意为:对不起推迟了给你伊妹儿的回信。delay doing sth.推迟干某事;C去掉to 才行。【答案】D3When_help,one often says “ Thank you” or “ Its very kind of you.”Aoffering Bto offerCto be offered Doffered【解析】句意为:当被提供帮助时,一个人经常说“谢谢你”或“你真好”。因为one和offer之间存在被动关系,所以要选D。【答案】D 4Although he is good at Englis

13、h,hes still considering_English.Ato go on to practise to speak speaking Bto go on practising to speak spokenCgoing on practising speaking oral Dinsisting practising speaking spoken【解析】句意为:尽管他擅长英语,他仍然在考虑继续练习说口语。这里考查到以下词组:consider doing sth.;go on doing sth.;practise doing sth.。【答案】C5I_believe that he was_ to win the race,but,to my surprise and joy,he took the first place.Adid;impossible Bdidnt;impossibleCdid;unlikely Ddidnt;unlikely【解析】句意为:我真的相信他不太可能赢得那场比赛,但令我惊讶和高兴的是,他得了第一名。第一空格did加动词原形, 表示强调;第二空格,因为人作主语,所以只能用likely; 而(im)possible一般用作it主语。【答案】C.完形填空(2009年山东卷)



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