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1、Unit One1. How do you understand Love without limitations?From this passage we can know there had never been any limitations to what Jimmys love could accomplish. I think the title “love without limitations” is the way we treat others. Love the people around us no matter whether they are healthy, cl

2、ever or kind-hearted. In our lives, we often see some people treat the disabled people badly. This is a very shameful action. We should have a kind heart no matter what we are doing. Jimmys love teaches the people around him love without limitations.2. Peoples attitude toward the disabledThere are a

3、 lot of disabled people in our world. Some of them are disabled when they were born as Jimmy, and others were injured in some kind of disabling accident. Almost all of us feel sorry for them, but still some have the wrong attitude towards people with disabilities. While we should come to the conclus

4、ion that we have duty to take care of those disabled people, and we cannot look down upon them. They are the same as us, and even do better than us in some aspects. After all, we should try our best to help them, to show our love for them. As Jimmys sister, I will help Jimmy overcome the difficulty.

5、 Even though Jimmy is disabled, he also can learn many things. And he can also help others. I will help him learn to live by himself. In the present life, he lives with his family members, but later I will help him stand up . I will try my best to help him, help him be confident. And Jimmy has a kin

6、d heart. He also makes us happy.3. The beggars in disguise in the street.Some people say:The most hateful people are those beggars disguising as beggars for sympathy.”And I do not believe in beggars any more or believe that they actually have other means of living. They arent poor at all. They are n

7、ot worth of our sympathy and help. They are cheats. I would not give them any money, for it would encourage them to stay a bum and continue panning for money. Meanwhile, some effective measures must be taken to eliminate the beggars in disguise. It is high time to identify the frauds and teach them

8、a proper lesson so that the really needy can continue to get help from society. In addition, the establishment of social welfare and social security system plays an urgent role in dealing with this kind of problem.Unit Two4. What do you know about the relation between iron and health? The iron is re

9、lated with our health. When our body is lack of iron, we will feel weak, tired, and out of breath. Most of the people think if we do exercise, we will be healthy. But we always ignore the element. Most of the people dont take care of the iron. To some people, they should have a yearly blood test to

10、check blood iron reserves. If iron levels are low, talk with a physician to see if the deficiency should be corrected by modifying your diet or by taking supplements. In general, its better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich food to diet, so in our daily life, we need to eat more food incl

11、uding iron such as meat , chicken, and fish . We also can eat some dates, beans, and some leafy green vegetables. Dont wait until our bodies lack iron.5. What do you know about the relation between exercise and health ?Discuss what contributes to good health? There is adirect correlationbetween phys

12、ical exercise and overall health. If you get regular exercise and dont totally junk out regarding your diet, you will, in general, be healthier than someone who doesnt exercise. There is no medical practitioner or physiologist alive who will disagree with this idea. Not a single one. It is not neces

13、sary to become an athlete to improve your health, your quality of life, and your longevity.Exercise can help us keep healthy . More and more people in the modern life dont have much time to do exercise . So people dont have a healthy body . Most of us students always sit for a long time . We even ne

14、ed take exercise . But not all of the sports fit us very well . Some people like those Aerobic exercise(有氧运动). Some people like running , surfing and swimming . Doing exercise is good for our health . Exercise can Increase our body function and reduce fatigue .When we feel tired , we can do some exe

15、rcise .Eating a balanced diet. If you dont think that you are getting enough vitamins try vitamin supplements and of course exercise around half an hour 5 times a week is good and if you eat a banana before doing exercise it helps with your metabolism so you burn off more calories!Keeping a good sta

16、te of mind is also important for good health. Happy every day. 6. How do you understand mind is body, and body is mind ?Exercise benefits both body and mind. Just as exercise strength the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it can also power up the brain. Some scientists speculate the reduction in mental function often attribute to getting old may really be a penalty of neglecting to stay physical active.Mind is ti


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