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1、毕 业 设 计(论 文)题 目: 基于单片机的烟雾检测报警系统 (英文): Detection Alarm System of Smoke Based on Single Chip Microcomputer 院 别: 机电学院 专 业: 机械电子工程 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 日 期: 2012年5月 基于单片机的烟雾检测报警系统摘要本文设计的用单片机控制的烟雾检测报警系统,是采用催化燃烧效应原理的探头制成的烟雾浓度测量及报警的仪器,适用于家庭、中小型煤矿、农村沼气池等存在可燃气体的场所,进行多种可燃气体(液化石油气、氢气、甲烷)在空气中的浓度测量,系统能够根据可燃气体报警界限进行声、


3、为系统提供稳定的电压;继电器控制电路为用户需要留下扩展功能。该系统的特点是测量气体种类多,测量范围宽,精度高;结构简单,成本低;可靠性和稳定性好;具有死机自动重启、双通道传感器测量功能,是一种电路设计新颖、参数测量准确、操作方便的多种烟雾浓度检测与报警的实用设备。关键词:烟雾检测;传感器;单片机全套设计,加153893706Detection Alarm System of Smoke Based on Single Chip MicrocomputerABSTRACTThe alarm system designed in this article, which is controlled

4、by the MCU and its used to detect the smog, its a device which can measure the density of the smog and give an alarm using probes with the principle of combustion catalysis. It can be applied to the places such as ordinary houses, medium scale collieries, rural methane tanks where a flammable gas ex

5、ists. It can measure the density of multiple kinds of flammable gases (LPG, hydrogen, methane etc.) and give an alarm (sound and light) according to the limits of the content of the flammable gases. The system also saves the port which can be directly used for the extended function and the port can

6、be used for the safety control devices (air exhaust, whistle etc) depending on users needs.The system consists of a microcontroller with the A/D converter module and the Watchdog module, sensitive components, the front small-signal amplifier circuit, electrical display, keyboard circuit, sound and l

7、ight alarm circuit, the mode switching circuit, power circuit, the relay control circuit, etc. Which single chip microcomputer as the core of the system, complete the data collection, processing, output, display and other functions; the sensitive element of the double channel mode for accurate detec

8、tion of smoke, the output voltage signal corresponding to the smoke concentration; small the signal amplifier circuit is used to enlarge the sensitive components of the output voltage; display circuit is used to display the concentration of smoke; the keyboard circuit is used to adjust the alarm lim

9、its and silencers; the alarming circuit used to smoke to overrun audible and visual alarm; the mode switching circuit for switching measuring what kind of combustible smoke (liquefied petroleum gas, hydrogen, methane);the power circuit provide a stable voltage power supply circuit for the system; th

10、e relay control circuits need to leave behind for user extensions.The system has lots of characteristics. Firstly, it has wide measuring range high precision; secondly, its structure is simple with low cost; thirdly, it has marvelous reliability and stability; finally, when the system crashes, it ca

11、n automatically restart; whats more, it has a double channel sensor measuring function. All in all, its practical equipment for detection and alarm of a variety smoke concentration with novel circuit design, accurate parameter measurement and convenient operation.Key words:Smoke Detection; Sensor; S

12、ingle Chip Microcomputer目 录1绪论11.1论文研究来源、目的和意义11.1.1论文研究来源11.1.2论文研究目的和意义11.2烟雾报警系统的国内外现况21.3本论文的主要任务与创新思路32系统的总体方案设计52.1烟雾传感器的选型52.1.1烟雾传感器介绍52.1.2烟雾传感器的选型82.1.3 MC101型烟雾传感器的工作原理82.1.4 MC101型烟雾传感器的特点与技术指标92.2烟雾报警系统总体设计方案112.2.1烟雾检测报警系统工作原理112.2.2烟雾检测报警系统的结构112.2.3烟雾检测报警系统的功能112.2.4烟雾检测报警系统的主要技术指标13

13、3烟雾检测报警系统硬件设计143.1单片机的选型143.1.1单片机的选型143.1.2 STC12C5410AD单片机的特点153.2烟雾检测报警系统硬件电路设计173.2.1信号采集及前置信号放大电路173.2.2声光报警电路183.2.3数码管显示电路193.2.4键盘控制与模式切换控制电路203.2.5安全控制装置电路213.2.6直流稳压电源电路223.3基于单片机的烟雾检测报警系统硬件总电路234烟雾检测报警系统软件设计244.1 STC12系列单片机调试及开发工具244.2烟雾检测报警系统软件流程及设计254.2.1主程序设计及流程图254.2.2主程序初始化设计及流程图264.

14、2.3数码管显示程序设计274.2.4外部中断0程序设计及流程图274.2.5 T0中断程序设计及流程图284.2.6 ADC中断程序设计及流程图295仪器标定及误差分析315.1烟雾检测报警系统标定315.1.1爆炸下限(LEL)概念介绍315.1.2仪器的标定325.2烟雾检测报警系统误差分析33结论35参考文献37致谢37附录A391绪论1.1论文研究来源、目的和意义1.1.1论文研究来源随着科技的发展,越来越多的巨大的隐患由工业生产和人们的日常生活而产生。为了早期发现和通报火灾,防止和减少火灾危害,保护人身和财产安全。保卫社会主义现代化建设,防止火灾引起燃烧、爆炸等事故,造成严重的经济




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