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1、2022年考博英语-湖南农业大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题When the time for Janes( )came, there was great sorrow in the household.问题1选项A.separationB.departureC.depressionD.expedition【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项“离别,分别”;B选项“离开,出发”;C选项“沮丧,不景气”;D选项“远征,探险队”。句意:当时间到(),整个家庭都陷入到一种沉重的悲伤中。一般亲人启程去某个地方就会产生悲伤,所以答案选B。A选项后面应该填人,或者主语为复数,所以

2、不选。2. 单选题And because the bank lends on a large scale, its failures are _ on a large scale.问题1选项A.yetB.necessarilyC.likewiseD.definitely【答案】C【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项“然而,但是”;B选项“必要地”;C选项“同样地,也”;D选项“明确地,肯定地”。本句话题干意思是,因为银行借款是大规模借,所以坏账的风险()是很大的。句子中“on a large scale”出现了两次,空格前面的词义应该填“也”,所以答案选C。3. 单选题One of the res

3、ponsibilities of the Coast Guard is to make sure that all ships _ follow traffic rules in busy harbors.问题1选项A.cautiouslyB.dutifullyC.faithfullyD.skillfully【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项“谨慎地”;B选项“忠贞地,尽责地”;C选项“忠实地,如实地”;D选项“巧妙地,熟练地”。句意:海岸警卫队的职责之一是确保所有船只在繁忙的港口()遵守交通规则。根据关键词traffic rule,我们一般是如实地遵守,而不是说谨慎地、有技巧地遵守,所以

4、C选项最正确。4. 单选题The director gave me his( )that he would double my pay if I did my job well.问题1选项A.warrantB.obligationC.assuranceD.certainty【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项warrant“根据,证明”;B选项obligation“责任”;C选项assurance“保证,担保”D选项certainty“必然,确定”。句意:主管给我()如果我工作做得好他会给我双倍工资。根据从句后面的内容涨双倍工资只是一个保证,所以答案选C,A选项是指一种书面的证明,所以不能选

5、。5. 单选题( )the first to use nuclear weapons.问题1选项A.At no time China will beB.Never China will beC.Will China never beD.At no time will China be【答案】D【解析】考查倒装。句意:中国在任何时候都不会率先使用核武器。当具有否定意义的词或词组位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装。因此答案选D。6. 单选题The newly elected president has _ $13 million to the automobile industry for its su

6、rvival.问题1选项A.preparedB.promisedC.disposedD.pledged【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项“准备”;B选项“许下,应允”;C选项“处理”;D选项“保证”。句意:新当选的总统()花13亿元来拯救汽车产业。根据句意,空格中意思填“保证”最合适,pledge和promise都有保证的意思,但是pledge一般表公开场合的保证,意义比较严肃,promise只是承诺。总统说的保证肯定是比较严肃的,所以答案选D。7. 单选题( ), they would be happy.问题1选项A.If they will get marriedB.Have they

7、 got marriedC.Were they to get marriedD.They get married【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气的倒装。句意:(),他们将会开心。选D选项会导致两个句子中间没有连词连接造成语法错误。选A选项就是看作if引导的真实条件句,但是两边句子的时态不一致,所以也不选。虚拟条件句中含有 were,had,would等动词时,可以将if省略,然后将were,had,would等词移至句首。根据后面主句的时态,这是对现在或者将来的假设,所以B选项不选,这是对过去的假设;所以答案选C。8. 不定项选择题When you choose a freezer, remem

8、ber its probably going to be with you for a long time. No single style or size is best, so its important to know which freezer is right for your needs.First, decide if you want an upright or chest model. Uprights are more convenient. Their storage space is more accessible and they take up less floor

9、 area. However, chest models are more energy-efficient because less cold air escapes when they are open.If youre buying an upright, youll have to choose between frostless or manual defrost. Chest freezers are always manual. Frostless freezers automatically defrost at preset intervals and remove the

10、water. Manual models must be defrosted by hand every few months or whenever frost accumulates to about a quarter of an inch.To help your freezer reach a ripe old age, try to find a spot thats cool, dry, and away from drafts. Drafts and heat will raise the freezers cabinet temperature and make it wor

11、k harder to keep cool. That means wasted energy and a shortened compressor life.Dry air is important because high humidity can cause the freezer to rust outside and frost up inside. With proper care, a freezer can serve you for 15 years or more.Frostless models require less care than manual defrost

12、freezers. The interior of a frostless unit should be washed periodically with warm water and baking soda or a mild soap, rinsed, and dried.To get the most from your freezer, check regularly to make sure its providing a true zero-degree temperature.Keep the freezer at least three-quarters full. The e

13、mptier it gets, the more energy is was wasted. If more than three pounds of food per cubic foot of storage space is added every 24 hours, the resulting high or low temperatures can damage the food.1. Which is NOT the difference between upright model freezer and chest model freezer?2. The underlined

14、word “manual” in the third paragraph means( ).3. According to the passage, choosing the best place for your freezer means( ).4. Which is NOT mentioned about the factors which can influence the life span of freezers?5. Which statement best describes the main idea of the passage?问题1选项A.An upright mode

15、l takes less room on the ground.B.An upright freezer is easier for people to put in and take out food.C.A chest freezer is more effective than an upright one.D.A chest model need manual defrost while an upright one neednt.问题2选项A.man-madeB.automaticC.using handsD.everlasting问题3选项A.putting it in an unheated garage if possibleB.trying to keep it


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