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1、名师教育 新高一英语测试题(满分100分,建议用时90分钟)一、 词语翻译(每个1分,共计20分)1. 与相似 2. 离远3. 完全不像;完全不4. 换句话说5. 期待;盼望6. 对印象深刻7. 参加8. 确定,确信9. 犯错误10. 取得进步11. 讲笑话;开玩笑12. 更喜欢做(某事)13. (飞机)起飞14. 被遗弃的农场15. 是的缩写或简称16. 到目前为止17. 做成某事;取得成功18. 与发生(化学)反应19. 理应,应当20. 由组成二、 完成句子(每个2分,共计20分)1. 你越小心,在实验中犯的错误就越少。The more careful you are, _in the

2、experiment.2. 要是下雨的话,我们在室内比赛行吗?_, can we play the match indoors?3. 她为自己的孩子取得的成绩感到无比骄傲。She _ in her childrens success. 4. 这个房间装有空调设备。The room _air conditioners.5. 我已多年不在那个村子住了。It has been years since _ in the village. 6. 钱对我来说没什么用处。Money _me.7. 我终于在巴黎同她取得了联系。I finally _her in Paris.8. 我买不起这么大的房子。I _s

3、uch a big house.9. 冬天就要来临了。Winter is _.10. 他无法和他的同事们很好地相处, 这让他很郁闷。He couldnt _his colleagues, which depressed him.三、 单项填空(每个2分,共计20分)1. He keeps a record of everything _he had seen there. A. the B. that C. which D. what2. Tell us about the people and the places _are different from ours.A. that B. wh

4、o C. which D. whom3. Last Sunday they reached Qingdao, _a conference was to be held.A. which B. that C. when D. where 4. Is this the museum _you visited the other day?A. that B. where C. in which D. the one 5. I began to work in Beijing in the year_New China was founded.A. when B. that C. which D. W

5、here6. Both of them will remember the months and the years, _they spent in the army.A. which B. when C. in which D. That7. _makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.A. What B. Who C. Whatever D. Whoever 8. See the flags on top of the building? That was _we did this morning.

6、A. when B. which C. where D. what9. One advantage of playing the guitar is _ it can give you a great deal of pleasure.A. how B. why C. that D. when 10. Please remind me _he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. A. where B. when C. how D. what 四、 阅读理解(每个2分,共计20分) AI am Johanna.So,with m

7、any of my friends going back to school for the last few semesters of their bachelors or their masters,I find myself missing school.Ive been out of university since May 2010 and its been quite an adjustment.The thing I miss most,however,is always learning new things or maybe being motivated to study

8、new topics.Now,when I get home from work,I dont always have the energy or the time to read some classic literature or study Spanish.I just want to escape,or clean,or walk the dog!So while my life starts to settle,around me,it seems my student friends are always moving and learning.But I dont like th

9、is feeling,so I have to decide to be more motivated to broaden my horizons and I mostly turn to the Internet to fulfill this need.I recently discovered,online,The University of the Streets Caf,which sounds like one option for continuing my education,free of charge.I also like its style of guided con

10、versation in an informal setting,compared with a lecture hall with a professor who cant even tell what he or she looks.I have also taken advantage of all the amazing lectures and talks on TED:Ideas Worth Spreading and Id like to share a few with you.My alltime favourite is a brief,funny speech by Ke

11、n Robinson on creativity and education.He also wrote a new book that is great for motivation to do what youre meant to do!School definitely provides more structure to learning.However,all these online talks and websites are great.This way of learning is a bit all over the place,kind of like this blo

12、g post.How do you keep your mind busy learning new things without school?1Whats the real reason why the author misses school?AShe just wants to take a masters degree.BIts a long time since she graduated from university.CShe feels she is not motivated enough to study new things.DShe wants to read som

13、e classic literature or study Spanish.2Seeing that her student friends are always moving and learning,the author feels _.Aangry BenviousCmotivated Dhopeless3If you are interested in surprising ideas,you can _.Avisit the website http:/ to the speeches on creativity and educationCtake a course on The

14、University of the Streets CafDbuy a book about motivation written by Ken Robinson4What was the authors purpose in writing this passage?ATo advise people to be more motivated to broaden their horizons.BTo tell people how to overcome the feeling of missing school life.CTo tell people that Internet education may be a good choice for you.DTo recommend you a free online school,The


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