高中英语导学案:Module 4 Music Born in AmericaSentence Explanation 外研版选修七 含答案

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1、 精品资料SENTENCE EXPLANATIONS请和你的同学一起认真分析下面句子,并补全所缺内容。这种学习方式能逐步提高你理解长难句的能力。1. The DJs at block parties in the 1970s played a lot of soul music and they noticed that people preferred the percussion breaks in the songs because they were the best parts to dance to. (P44)【分析】 本句是一个由and连接的并列复合句; and前的分句是“主语

2、(The DJs)+谓语(played)+宾语(soul music)”结构,介词短语at block parties及in the 1970s作定语,修饰_; and后的分句中,that引导的从句作noticed的宾语,该宾语从句中又包含一个because引导的原因状语从句。【句意】20世纪70年代街区舞会上音乐主持人(DJ)播放很多灵乐。他们注意到大家更喜欢乐曲中的打击乐,因为打击乐非常适合跳舞。【仿写】如今,在闲暇时间去远足很流行。我注意到许多人喜欢周末去爬山,因为这是一种不错的放松方式。_2. DJ Herc, one of the most popular Jamaican DJs

3、at the time, noticed that New York audiences didnt really like reggae music, so he started playing other kinds of music, including rock and disco music. (P44)【分析】 本句是一个由so连接的并列复合句; so 前面的分句为“主语(DJ Herc) + 谓语(noticed) + _从句(that New York audiences . reggae music)”结构。one of the most popular Jamaican D

4、Js at the time作DJ Herc的同位语; so后面的分句为“主语(he) + 谓语(started) + 宾语(playing other kinds of music)”结构。including 意为“包括”,表示部分同位关系,即用来举例。【句意】埃尔克是当时最受欢迎的牙买加音乐主持人之一,他注意到纽约观众并不真正喜欢雷盖音乐,于是他就开始播放其他种类的音乐,包括摇滚乐和迪斯科。【仿写】所有的人,包括我在内,听完这个笑话后都笑了。_3. Later, they experimented with different vocal and rhythmic approaches,

5、using rhyming words, often words from African-American culture. (P44-P45)【分析】 本句是一个简单句; 句子的主干是:主语(they)+谓语(experimented with)+宾语(different vocal and rhythmic approaches); using rhyming words是动词-ing形式短语作状语。words from African-American culture是rhyming words的_语。【句意】后来,他们尝试用不同的发声和奏乐方法,使用的押韵词汇经常来自美籍非洲人的文化

6、。【仿写】你能用我们刚学的五个新单词编一个故事吗?_4. The first time that rap artists recorded their music, musicians recorded the backing tracks (the music without the singing) in the studio and the rappers added their vocals later. (P45)【分析】 本句是一个主从复合句; 主句由and连接的并列分句musicians recorded the backing tracks . studio和the rappe

7、rs added their vocals later构成; The first time that引导_从句。【句意】说唱艺术家初次录制音乐时,演奏师先在录音室里录制背景音乐(一种不加歌声的音乐),说唱歌手过后再加进歌声。【仿写】我第一次听周杰伦的歌时,我就被他的歌声深深地打动,成了他的粉丝。_5. In England, a new music form emerged, called trip hop, a mixture of jazz, hip hop and electronic music (for example, music played on computers.) (P4

8、5)【分析】 这是一个_句; 其主要结构是:主语(a new music form)+谓语(_); called trip hop是过去分词短语作_语,修饰a new music form; a mixture of jazz, hip hop and electronic music是trip hop的_语。【句意】在英国,一种被称为迷幻舞曲的新音乐形式出现了,它融合了爵士乐、嘻蹦乐和电子音乐(例如电脑上播放的音乐)。【仿写】在美国,一种被称为篮球的新运动诞生了。_参考答案1.【分析】The DJs【仿写】Going hiking in spare time is very popular

9、nowadays and I notice that many people prefer to climb mountains on weekends because it is a good way to relax.2.【分析】并列复合;宾语【仿写】Everyone laughed after hearing the joke, including me.3.【分析】同位【仿写】Can you make up a story using the five new words weve just learnt?4.【分析】时间状语【仿写】The first time that I heard Jay Chous song, I was deeply moved by his singing and I became his fan.5.【分析】简单;emerged;定;同位【仿写】In America, a new sport emerged, called basketball.最新精品英语资料



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