2020高中英语人教版选修10阶段仿真检测二 Word版含解析

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料阶段仿真检测(二)A卷学业水平达标【说明】本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) AA tiny island is like a world in miniature (缩影). Rapa island lies separately in the South Pacific, halfway between South America and New Zealand. Its first settlers turned to violence when faced with the pressures of th

2、e environment and competition.Rapa is a very remote place, like another planet. When settlers arrived there, there was an immediate impact on the environment. With the population expanding, you can see the same thing on a larger scale today. It leads to social fighting.The first people to live on Ra

3、pa arrived by boat in AD 1200. They at first set up camp in rock shelters along the coast and probably got along well with each other. The peace wouldnt last. Rapa became fortified (设防的) about 300 years later. The island is 530 kilometers from its closest neighbor; those fortifications werent for ou

4、tside invaders. The competition for resources led the people of Rapa to split into warring parts.When the Polynesians arrived in Rapa, there was great erosion (削弱), clearing of the land and so on. They also brought things with them, like different crops and rats, as well as their main food of taro.T

5、he date the settlers arrived is actually much later than what was considered before, meaning that their ancestors had hung up their longdistance boat paddles for about 1,500 years after settling westerly islands like Fiji and Tonga.The same thing happened on those islands, but to a lesser degree. Th

6、ere were enough small places in the immediate area that people could move on rather than fight for resources only when other islands were exhausted (匮乏). They finally traveled to Rapa. About 2,000 people at the time were all forced to stay_put. There was just nowhere else to go this was the end of t

7、he line.1The text says Rapa island is like a world in miniature because _.Ait has different forms of landsBit is an island in the South PacificCit experienced the same problems as other partsDit is a wasted land at last解析:选C从全文看,Rapa island之所以被看成是世界的一个缩影,就是因为人口膨胀时与环境所发生的矛盾同世界其他地方是一样的,所以才说是一个缩影。2Acco

8、rding to the text, we know about Rapa that _.Ait lies in the North PacificBits closest neighbor is New ZealandCit lies in the east of FijiDits hottest weather is in July解析:选C由文章第一段可知,该岛在南太平洋上,也就是在南半球,而且是在新西兰和南美洲之间,所以选项A、B、D不对;由文章第五段可知,岛屿Fiji在Rapa岛的西边。3Why were fortifications built in Rapa island?ATo

9、 fight for resources.BTo fight against outside attackers.CTo keep them safe against animals.DTo protect their main food of taro.解析:选A由文章第三段“The competition for resources led the people of Rapa to split into warring parts”可知,建立防御设施是为了争夺资源。4The underlined words “stay put” in the last paragraph mean “_

10、”Ago to other placesBlive in the same placesCkeep fighting against each otherDwork hard on the farm解析:选B由文章最后一段可知,他们没有别的地方可以去,因此,stay put“待在原地”。故答案选B。BMost people have heard of Shakespeare and probably know something of the plays that he wrote. However, not everybody knows much about the life of thi

11、s remarkable man, except perhaps that he was born in the market town of StratforduponAvon and that he married a woman called Anne Hathaway. We know nothing of his school life. We do not know, for example, how long it lasted, but we presumed that he attended the local grammar school, where the princi

12、pal subject taught was Latin.Nothing certain is known of what he did between the time he left school and his departure for London. According to a local legend, he was beaten and even put in prison for stealing rabbits and deer from the estate of a neighboring landowner, Sir Thomas Lucy. It is said t

13、hat because of this he was forced to run away from his native place. A different legend says that he was apprenticed to a Stratford butcher, but did not like the life and for this reason decided to leave Stratford.Whatever caused him to leave the town of his birth, the world can be grateful that he

14、did so. What is certain is that he set his foot on the road to fame when he arrived in London. It is said that at first he had no money or friends there, but that he earned a little by taking care of the horses of the gentlemen who attended the plays at the theatre. In_time,_as_he_became_a_familiar_

15、figure_to_the_actors_in_the_theatre,_they_stopped_and_spoke_to_him. They found his conversation so brilliant that finally he was invited to join their company.5In the early life of Shakespeare, he _.Aattended a public schoolBlived in LondonCstudied LatinDwas put in prison for stealing cattle解析:选C细节理

16、解题。从文章第一段最后一句可知。6Why was Shakespeare forced to leave his native place according to this passage?ABecause he did not want to go to school. BBecause he left for London to become famous.CBecause he had stolen deer and was beaten.DNo one knows for certain.解析:选D推理判断题。由第三段可知,没有人知道为什么Shakespeare离开家乡。7In the underlined sentenc


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