人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Section B 2a2e导学案精修版

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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came(Section B 2a-2e)学习目标:1. 能够准确、流利的朗读文章。 2. 通过阅读,了解美国震惊世界的911恐怖袭击事件。 3. 通过不同的阅读方法,获取文章的主旨大意,提升阅读的能力。4. 学会用英语表达令自己难忘的事。重、难点:能够运用所学表述自己难忘的事。 独学准备:1.试读。试读文本,用红笔划出文章中的生词,完成随堂笔记一; 2.再读。利用教材或工具书查看生词的读音和真正含义,再读文本; 3.大声朗读。读后完成随堂笔记二. 激情激趣导入目标独立思考个

2、体探究分享交流合作探究展示提升启发探究随堂笔记导学引航目的、方法 独学指导内容、学法、时间互动策略内容、形式展示方案内容、方式重点摘记成果记录规律总结Step 1:Pre-readingTalk -Look at the pictures and title in the passage. What do you think the passage is about? Lead in the passageStep 2:While-reading1. Read for pronunciation. (1)检查独学落实情况(规定朗读&自由朗读)(2)Read the passage loudly

3、 and correctly with the help of the tape recorder.(跟读-自读-再跟读)2. Read for understanding. 1).Skimming-观画面,抓主旨。用心默读文章,体会文章的主旨大意,完成随堂笔记二。Read the passage and answer the questions below. What are the two events in the passage? When did they happen?2).Scanning-构画面,明意思。仔细品读文章,在脑海中形成文章的画面,完成随堂笔记三。1. Read th

4、e passage again. Check the following statements with T, F or NG.( ) 1.Everyone in America remembers who killed Dr. King.( ) 2.Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr. King was killed.( ) 3.Robers parents were shocked to hear the news.( ) 4.Kates Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the World Tr

5、ade Center.( ) 5.Kate didnt think her friend was telling the truth about the event.2. Read the passage and finish 2d on your book.3. Repeat How much do you remember about the events in the passage? Test your partner.Step 3:Post-reading1. Read for language. 经过今天的所学,相信你的脑海中已经形成了鲜明的画面,请结合对文章的理解,完成随堂笔记四

6、。1. People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.理解:_2. On this day, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed.理解:_3. We finished the rest of our dinner in silence. 理解:_4. Even the date September 11,2011 has meaning to most Americans.理解:_5. I didnt belie

7、ve him at first, but then I looked out of the window and realized that it was true. 理解:_2. Activity. Talk about what were you doing when Wenchuan Earthquake happened?对学对子检查独学完成情况。 群学1.组内互听互查朗读课文,纠正发音,做好展示朗读的准备。2.组内交流、讨论以下三个任务:A)随堂笔记二、三、四。B) 复述课文。比一比哪个小组复述的又快又准。3.Activity: 谈论汶川地震时你正在做什么。(组内分工明确,积极参与,

8、运用所学,大胆创新,流畅表达。)预展:针对展示方案, 组内积极思考,全员参与展示设计展示方式。方案一:文章共欣赏展示朗读课文。方案二:文段共赏析1. 解读2c。2. 复述课文。 可以参考补全短文复述,也可自己设计结构图进行复述,比一比哪个小组复述的又快又准。方案三:句子共解析解读对文中重点句子的理解。方案四:谈论你的烦恼及如何处理的,其他小组须认真倾听。随堂笔记一:新学会的生词或短语_ 我的收获:_ 当堂测评 分层达标基础落实一. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. What_ you_(do) when he arrived? I _(watch) TV at that time. 2. When

9、 I_ (walk) in the street, I_ (meet) my best friend Jim. 3. While my parents were doing some cleaning, my sister_ (shout) to me loudly. 4. When he saw the thief steeling things in the office, he closed the door and _ (call) the police. 5. What_ your parents_ (do) at nine oclock last night?二. 单选 ( ) 1

10、. My mother was cooking while I_ the radio. A. listened to B. have listened to C. was listening to D. is listening to ( ) 2. _ TV at that time? A. Did you watch B. Have you watched C. Were you watching D. Are you watching( ) 3. They arrived_ Paris _ a winter evening. A. at, in B. to, on C. in, on D.

11、 in, at( ) 4. Mr. Green told us_ too much time_ reading novels. A. dont take; on B. not to take; in C. not to spend; in D. dont to spend; on( ) 5. Do you know_? A. what he happened B. what the matter is with him. C. what happened to him D. what did he happened发展能力三.根据句意及首字母提示完成短文A good way to pass a

12、n exam is to work hard every day in a year. You may f_1_ in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a f_2_ days before the exam. If you are t_3_ an English exam, dont only learn rules of grammar. Try to r_4_ stories in English. Speak English whenever you can. A few days

13、b_5_ the exam you should go to bed e_6_.Dont go to bed late at night. Before you s_7_ the exam, read c_8_ over the question paper, try to understand the main m_9_ of each question. When you have finished your exams, read over youre answers. Correct(改正) the m_10_ if there are any and be s_11_ that you have not missed anything out.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._


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