2019版高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训21 语法填空(Ⅱ)(含解析)

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1、专题限时集训(二十一)语法填空()A(2018衡阳八中模拟)Tea is one of the 1. (much)popular drinks in the world.You make it by pouring hot water over the dried 2. (leaf)of a tea plant.For hundreds of years people believed that tea could cure illnesses,and they used 3. as medicine.Today scientists know that tea contains chemic

2、als that prevent cells from dying.Most teas have caffeine in them, 4. makes you feel more active.Some people have problems 5. (drink)tea because it can cause sleeplessness.The tea plant 6. (grow)best in tropical and temperate places where rain falls throughout the year.Teas can be grown from sea lev

3、el 7. about 2,000 meters,but the best quality grows in higher regions.Tea comes from the leaves and buds of tea plants.Wild plants can be up to 9 meters high,however,on tea plantations(茶园), 8. ( pull )the leaves 9. (easy),people cut them back to a bush of about a metre in height.It takes a plant thr

4、ee to five years before it is ready for plucking(采摘)A plucker can harvest about 20 kg of tea 10. day.On large tea plantations the leaves are harvested by machines,but the quality of tea is higher when the leaves are plucked by hand.【答案】1.most 2.leaves3.it4.which5.drinking6.grows7.to 8.to pull 9.easi

5、ly 10.a/perB(2018日照市校际联考)Poetry is never far away from our daily lives.Many of us grew up reciting classic poems,learning to enjoy this beautiful art form thats able to use just a few lines 11. (convey)such rich meanings.The Chinese Shijing,which dates back to the Western Zhou Dynasty,has a 12. (lon

6、g)history than the Homeric epics.Even today,classic poems 13. (appreciate)by a lot of people.To recognize the unique 14. (able)of poetry and capture its creative spirit,World Poetry Day is held by the United Nations on March 21 each year to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression.The

7、Chinese Poetry Congress 15. (feature)classic poetry is extremely popular.The competition saw over 100 hopeful participants taking part in 16. number of challenges.The participants,17. ages range from 7 to 70,include students,farmers,teachers and foreign competitors with an interest 18. Chinese liter

8、ature.And even TV series involving poetry are very 19. (success)For example,in The Legend of Zhenhuan,one of the dramas most moving songs was adapted from a poem 20. (write)by Wen Tingyun of the Tang Dynasty.【答案】11.to convey12.longer13.are appreciated14.ability15.featuring16.a17.whose18.in19successf

9、ul20.writtenC(2018泉州市质检)On September 21,2017,a Chinas new-generation high-speed train,the Fuxing,21. (leave)Beijing for Shanghai at 350 kilometers per hour.It is one of the worlds fastest trains and they are 22. (entire)designed and made in China.By the end of 2016,there were 2,595 high-speed trains

10、 23. (run)across China,which made up 60 percent of the worlds total high-speed trains.Now China is becoming 24. (know)as the leader of high-speed train technology.In recent years,25. number of Chinas technological innovation(创新)have been making 26. (they)moves in the world.Among them,Shared Bicycles

11、,High-speed Rail,Alipay and E-commerce stand out with a reputation of Chinas “four great new inventions” in modern times,which have made the 27. (day)life of the public more and more convenient.We have been bringing them to the worlds top level with our intelligence and make them Chinas calling card

12、,28. some of them are not originally from China.So whats next for China? It seems that we still have many more great ideas to look forward to.As the country has produced many 29. (graduate)in science,technology,mathematics and so on,we can expect lots of room 30. many more innovations in China.【答案】2

13、1.left22.entirely23.running24.known25.a26.their27.daily28.though/although29graduates30.forD(2018山东师大附中模拟)The Silk Road is actually the name given to a number of ancient trade routes.It is the worlds 31. (old)and most historically important overland trade route 32. (link)China and Central Asia.33. (e

14、stablish)during the Han Dynasty of China,it starts from the old capitals of Luoyang and Xian,34. (cross)the Yellow River at Lanzhou,follows the “Gansu Corridor”,and stretches along the edge of deserts and mountain ranges.In ancient times,Chinese people transported silk,tea and other products in exch

15、ange 35. horses with small 36. (king)in west of China.The famous explorer Marco Polo opened this trade route to the Middle East,Western Europe and North Africa.Now the route is no longer used for international trade 37. much history and many stories of 38. happened on the ancient road remain.The ancient Silk Road is 39. great treasure of history to China as well as to the world,and it has 40. (doubt)left i


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