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1、2022年考博英语-外交学院考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题In scientific studies, supporting evidence is much more satisfying to report than are discredited hypotheses, but, in fact, the( )of errors is more likely to be( )than is the establishment of probable truth.问题1选项A.formulation, permittedB.correction, ignoredC.dete

2、ction, usefulD.accumulation, agreeable【答案】D【解析】考查名词与形容词辨析。A选项formulation,permitted“制订,规划;系统阐述;表达方式;制剂,配方”,“被允许的,可能的”;B选项correction,ignored“改正,修正”,“被忽视的;被忽略的”;C选项detection,useful“侦查,探测;发觉,发现;察觉”,“有用的,有益的;有帮助的”;D选项accumulation,agreeable“积聚,累积;堆积物”,“令人愉快的;适合的;和蔼可亲的”。句意:在科学研究中,报告支持的证据比不可信的假设更令人满意,但事实上,错

3、误的积累比可能真理的建立更容易令人满意。因此D选项正确。2. 单选题George is only a stalking( ), his mother is the real boss问题1选项A.horseB.catC.duckD.tiger【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项horse“马,骑兵,脚架”;B选项cat“猫,猫科动物”;C选项duck“鸭子,鸭肉”;D选项tiger“老虎,凶暴的人”。stalking horse“用以掩人耳目的人(或物),用以掩蔽的事物,(为试探对手支持率而推出的)掩护性候选人”。句意:乔治只是个幌子,他妈妈才是真正的老板。因此A选项正确。3. 单选题Wha

4、t amazes me is her complete disregard for anyone.问题1选项A.ignoranceB.biasC.focusD.emphasis【答案】A【解析】考查同义名词辨析。A选项ignorance“无知,愚昧,不知,不懂,忽视”;B选项bias“偏见,偏爱,斜纹”;C选项focus“焦点,中心,清晰;焦距”;D选项emphasis“重点,强调,加强语气”。句意:使我吃惊的是她对任何人都漠不关心。Disregard“忽视,无视,不尊重”,A选项与该词词义最相近,因此A选项正确。4. 单选题Should everyone be getting more fo

5、lic acid? Thats the question on a lot of doctors minds. Though not as famous as vitamin C, folic acid plays a crucial role in the development of just about every cell in the body. Member of the B-vitamin family, its found naturally in orange juice, beans and green vegetables. There is some evidence

6、that folic acid may reduce the risk of heart disease, but it is best known for its role in preventing spinal bifida and other birth defects. Indeed ever since 1998, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration mandated that it be added to cereal products, the number of so-called neural-tube defects ha

7、s dropped nearly 20% across America.Now comes word that the vitamin may, just may, help ward off the ravages of Alzheimers disease. In a study of more than 1,000 older adults published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers at Boston University and Tufts University found that subjects w

8、ho had high levels of a particular amino acid called homocysteine in their blood were twice as likely to develop Alzheimers as those who didnt. The finding is important because one of the easiest ways to lower homocysteine levels is to get plenty of folic acid.The study, although not definitive, is

9、the strongest evidence to date that homocysteine plays a role in Alzheimers. Previous research had found that Alzheimer1 s patients often have high levels of the amino acid in their blood-though that could be because folks with Alzheimers often dont eat very well.The new study lays that explanation

10、to rest. As part of the famous Framingham study, which has tracked the development of heart disease among residents of Framingham, Massachusetts, for more than 50 years, .researchers in the 1970s started measuring the homocysteine levels of men and women who had not yet developed dementia. Those pat

11、ients whose homocysteine levels measured over 14 micromoles a liter while they were still healthy were twice as likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimers disease later on.That doesnt mean that if you have high homocysteine levels, you will get Alzheimers, or that low homocysteine levels will protect yo

12、ur from dementia. Its not even certain, warns Dr. Sudha Seshadri, a neurologist at Boston University who led the study, that lowering homocysteine levels will lower the risk of Alzheimers. But the case for adding folic acid to your diet is getting better all the time.Of course the best source of any

13、 vitamin is a healthy diet. For those of us who still dont eat our beans and vegetables, most multivitamins contain the recommended daily folic acid dose of 400 micrograms. (Eating four slices of enriched bread gives you the equivalent of roughly 100 micrograms.) There is no risk of overdose, althou

14、gh high levels of folic acid can mask the signs of pernicious anemia in people who have developed the disorder. Folic acid by itself may not keep the doctor away, but theres no harm trying.1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?2. The word “pernicious” in the last paragraph means

15、( ).3. When did the U.S. Food and Drug Administration mandate that folic acid be added to cereal products?4. The disease of “dementia” (paragraph 4) has something to do with( ).5. Which of the following is NOT true about folic acid?问题1选项A.Folic acid is best known for its role in preventing spinal bifida.B.There is a risk of overdose of folic acid.C.There is evidence that folic acid may reduce the risk of heart disease.D.If you have high homocysteine levels, you will get Alzheimers.问题2选项A.mildB.fatalC.moderateD.benign问题3选项A.1998B.1990C.2000D.1997


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