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1、采购的英文自我评价采购的英文自我评价篇一I am a third year mastermajor in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University,P. R. China. With tremendous interest in IndustrialEngineering,Iam writingto apply foracceptanceintoyour Ph.D. graduate program.Education backgroundIn1995,IenteredtheNanjingUniversityofScienceTechnology(

2、NUST) -widelyconsideredone ofthe Chinasbestengineeringschools.Duringthefollowingundergraduate study,myacademicrecordskept distinguished among the whole department. I wasgrantedFirstClass Prizeeverysemester,andmyoverall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students.In 1999, I got the privilege to ente

3、r the graduateprogram waived of the admission test. I selected theShanghaiJiao Tong Universitytocontinue mystudyforits best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization andNetwork Scheduling where my research interest lies.At the period of my graduate study, my overallGPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the

4、department. In thesecond semester, I became teacher assistant that isgiven totalentedand maturedstudentsonly. This year,I won theAcer Scholarshipas theone and onlycandidatein my department, which is the ultimate accolade fordistinguishedstudentsendowedbymy university.Presently,Iam preparingmy gradua

5、tionthesisandtrying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.Research experience and academic activityWhen a sophomore, I joined the Association of AIEnthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for myfutureresearch.In 1997,I participatedinsimulationtool development for the scheduling system

6、in Prof.Wangs lab.With thetoolofOpenGL andMatlab,Idesignedasimulationprogramfortransportationscheduling system. It is now widely used by differentresearchgroupsinNUST. In1998,IassumedandfulfilledasewageanalysisdisposeprojectforNanjingsewagetreatmentplant.Thiswas myfirstpractice to convert a laborato

7、ry idea to a commercialproduct.In1999, IjoinedthedistinguishedProfessorYu-GengXisresearchgroupaimingatNetworkflowproblemsolvingand Heuristicalgorithmresearch.SoonI was engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design. My duty was to pick up the useful information among differentkinds of gene matching forma

8、t. Through the comparisonandanalysisformanyheuristicalgorithms,Iintroducedanimprovedevolutionaryalgorithm-Multi-populationGeneticAlgorithm.Bydividingawhole population into several sub-populations, thisimprovedalgorithmcaneffectivelypreventGA fromlocalconvergenceand promotevariousevolutionaryorientat

9、ions. It proved more efficiently than SGA inexperiments,too.Inthesecondsemester,Ijoinedtheworkshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy DutyTyreplant.Theschedulingwasdesignedfortherubber-making process that covered not only discretebut also continuous circumstances. To make a balancepoint between o

10、ptimization quality and time cost, Iproposed a Dynamic Layered Scheduling method based onhybrid Petri Nets. The practical application showedthatthe averagemakespan was shortenedby a large scale.I also publicizedtwo papers in core journalswiththisidea. Recently, I am doing research in the CompositePr

11、edict of the Electrical Power system assisted withthe technology of Data Mining for Bao Steel. I try tocombine the Decision Tree with Receding Optimizationto providea new solutionfor the CompositePredictiveProblem. This project is now under construction.Besides,InJuly20xx,Igottheopportunitytogivea l

12、ecturein Englishin AsiaControlConference (ASCC)which is one of the top-level conferences among theworld in the area of control and automation. In mysenior year, ImetProf.Xiao-Song Lin,a visitingprofessorofmathematicsfromUniversityofCalifornia-Riverside, I learned graph theory from himfor my network

13、research.These experiencesallrapidlyexpanded my knowledgeofEnglishand the understandingof western culture.采购的英文自我评价篇二I am in May 20xx to entertheHualiancommercial buildings,a formalstaffofHualianhas been the whole eight months. Since that from astudent full of scholarly temperament can be turnedinto a single buyer.With young peoples enthusiasm forthe work, tireless refinement of the daily work. Havea strongabilityto adaptand communica


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