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1、2022-2023年考博英语-湖南农业大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 翻译题剽窃包括但不限于以下形式:为了完成学业所需要的论文,全部或部分抄袭他人的文章,不提原作者的名字;不经消化,也不顾是否符合自己的语言和风格,生搬硬套引用他人著作中的思想,同样是不提出处;巧妙地改写他人著作的某个章节,误导读者,伪装成自己的作品;未经任课老师同意,将同一篇论文用于多门课程;未经同意或授权,获取或使用同伴或他人的实际数据;更有甚者,为了验证所期待的实际结果,伪造或篡改实际数据。【答案】Plagiarism includes but is not limited to the following forms:

2、 in order to finishing the academic-needed paper, in part or in whole coping others thesis without mentioning the authors name; regardless of the language and style, mechanically citing the idea of other peoples papers not referring to the source; cleverly adapting the chapter of others writing to p

3、ass it as their own and deceive readers; using the same paper for more than one course without the admission of the teacher; without consent or authorizing, acquiring or using the companion others factual date; moreover, forging or tempering the date to verifying the expected result.2. 单选题After long

4、 negotiations, the firm _ to build a double-purpose bridge across the river.问题1选项A.contractedB.contactedC.consultedD.convinced【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项contracted“协定”;B选项contacted“联系”;C选项consulted“咨询”;D选项convinced“使相信,使确信”。句意:经历了长久的协商后,公司()在河上建一座两用桥。从negotiation可知,修桥这件事经过商讨的,协商后得出了要建两用桥,因而答案选A最为合适。3. 单选题Wh

5、en workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them _.问题1选项A.offB.asideC.outD.down【答案】A【解析】考查关于lay的词组。A选项lay off“解雇”;B选项lay aside“搁置,留存”;C选项lay out“展示,安排,花钱”;D选项lay down“制定,放下”。句意:当工人们组成工会后,雇佣者会发现很难把他们()。这道题考查关于lay的词组。雇佣者和工人之间的关系显然是雇佣关系,所以选项A更加符合句意。4. 单选题The Copperhead is a

6、venomous serpent, found as far north as the Blue Hills in Massachusetts, and _ bite has proved dangerous to hikers and joggers.问题1选项A.whoB.whomC.itsD.whose【答案】C【解析】考查物主代词和从句连词。分析题干,两个句子都不缺主要成分的,所以空格前应填一个形容词或者副词来修饰bite,结合选项,答案应该选C。干扰项D是错误的,如果填whose就是把后面看成了一个从句,但是两个句子是and,填whose会造成从句没有先行词。5. 单选题It is

7、time we( ) in bed.问题1选项A.should beB.wereC.will beD.are【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。it is time后面接虚拟语气,有两种表达方式,一种是should+动词原形,另一种是用过去式表将来时,所以答案A,B都可。6. 单选题The government( ) a heavy tax on tobacco, which aroused opposition from the tobacco industry.问题1选项A.pronouncedB.imposedC.compliedD.prescribed【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项

8、pronounced“发音,断言”;B选项imposed“欺骗,把强加于”;C选项complied“遵照”;D选项prescribed“开(药)”。句意:政府向烟草()重税,这引起了烟草行业的不满。这里的词义是要填征收(税),所以答案选B,固定搭配impose tax“征税”。7. 单选题_ the end of the whaling industry came hard times for seaports like New Bedford and Nantucket.问题1选项A.WithB.Was itC.ThatD.Moreover【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:()捕鲸业的终

9、结,像新贝德福和南塔开特这样的港口迎来了艰难的时刻。with the end of是固定搭配。因为这里是介词短语提前,所以主句用了完全倒装。选B选项会造成句子有两套主谓结构,不符合语法。C选项“那个”,D选项“此外”不符合句意。8. 单选题The goal is to use crops, weeds and even animal waste _ the petroleum that fuels much of American manufacturing.问题1选项A.in terms ofB.in favor ofC.in spite ofD.in place of【答案】D【解析】考查

10、词组辨析。A选项in terms of“在方面,就而言”;B选项in favor of“赞成”;C选项in spite of“不管,尽管”;D选项in place of“取代,代替”。句意:这个目标是用庄稼,野草甚至是动物排泄物来()为绝大多数美国人生产活动提供动力的石油。人们使用庄稼等有机物很明显是为了取代石油这种化学物来充当燃料的,所以答案选D。9. 单选题_ has finished the task ahead of time will be rewarded, though we dont know who it will be.问题1选项A.Those whoB.AnyoneC.W

11、hoeverD.Who【答案】C【解析】考查从句。句意:()在规定时间之前完成任务会受到奖赏,尽管我们不知道这个人是谁。空格这句话有两个谓语而且前面都缺少主语,所以可以判断句子是主语从句或者我们需要补个主语然后接从属连词来引导定语从句。从句的谓语动词需要和先行词保持一致,A选项中those是复数代词,而题干的has是第三人称单数,所以。Anyone不能引导从句,B选项排除;根据句意,C选项更符合题意。10. 单选题Not only( )me too much, but didnt do a good repair job.问题1选项A.did he chargeB.he chargedC.he

12、 has chargedD.has he charged【答案】A【解析】考查部分倒装。句意:他不仅收费高,而且修理工作也没有做得很好。Not等具有否定意义的词放于句首时,句子用部分倒装,所以排除B、D选项。but also后面那句话的时态是一般过去时,所以前面的句子也是用一般过去时,因此排除D选项,答案选A。11. 不定项选择题It is, perhaps, significant that along with the increase in violence comes a proportional increase in methods of self-defense. Current

13、ly the most popular of the various modish arts that has descended on the West from the opposite point of the compass is Kung Fu.As usual, when the West glamorizes something for commercial purposes, the whole weight of the communication media has been thrown into its vulgarization, with the result th

14、at we are treated to a new set of television and cinema wonders dispensing subtle and killing blows to the accompaniment of sententious epigrams in music-hall Chinese. This makes light of what is not only a craft but a distinct way of life.Kung Fu is Chinese boxing and probably first saw life as a development from Buddhist meditational exercises. At any rate there is pictorial evidence dating back 2000 years showing students engaged in temple boxing. The name itself means nothing but “trained man” and includes a range of combat forms a lot of which are based on the ways that animals fight,



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