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1、 高中英语阅读理解123解题模式供:There are so many ways to interpret body language and many, many more body language indicators. Below, well show you 20 of the most popular indicators. These can be important in almost any communication setting, whether its business, relationships, or even meeting someone new. How

2、close are they? Physical proximity is a frequently used body language indicator that many people dont notice. If someone is comfortable with you, they someone ac wont mind sitting or standing near you. So an interesting way to see if tually thinks youre okay is to go brush shoulders with them. If th

3、ey back away, you have your answer! Restless handsHave you ever seen someone drumming on a desk or a chair with their fingers? What about people playing drums on their legs? This can be a sign of impatience, restlessness, and even sometimes anger. If youre lecturing your kids and theyre drumming the

4、ir fingers on the table, chances are you may not really be getting through to them. When youre speaking with someone and theyre doing this, its time to switch tactics. Holding your hands behind your back Of all the body language indicators on this list, this one is the most ambiguous. People hold th

5、eir hands behind their backs for a number of reasons. Watch any mafia movie and youll see the Don holding his hands behind his back as a sign of power. People in the military are taught to do it as a sign of respect. Sometimes, people will even do it to be cute. Usually, when this occurs, you must r

6、ely on other indicators to determine the the emotion being displayed. It is still quite popular. Arms crossed! People often misconstrue what crossing arms actually means. People think it means that someone is angry. In fact, its actually used as a defensive stance. People who have their arms crossed

7、 are unconsciously defending themselves. They may not want to talk anymore or they may be hiding something they dont want to talk about. But crossing the arms means a person is trying to comfort themselves, meaning theyre uncomfortable. Surprise! This one is pretty obvious but we are talking about p

8、opular body language indicators. When someone widens their eyes or raises their eye brows, theyre most often surprised or shocked at something. There really arent any other reasons why someone widens their eyes. So this one is not only really popular, but really obvious and easy to spot! 结合点 需Body L

9、anguagesHow closeare theyRestless handsHolding yourHands behindyour back Hands balled into fistsArms crossedSurprise If someone is comfortable with you, they wont mind sitting or standing near youthis one is not only really popularbut really obvious and easy to spot!crossing the arms means a person

10、is trying to comfort themselves, meaning theyre uncomfortable.64.What can we do if we want to know whether someone likes to stay with us or not?A: we can stand close to him or her65. If someone is a soldier, he use a gesture like holding his hands behind his back to _?B. show his respect to others66

11、. According to para six, people who crossed their arms are often_?D. uncomfortable67. Which body language in this passage is popular and easy to spot?D. Widening ones eyes.People in the military are taught to do it as a sign of respect如何有效的找出结合点 1. 抓好限时训练做阅读理解训练时,尝试在原文中划出答案出处,这能帮助我们在阅读时以文章为依据,而不 凭空猜

12、想。 2. 养成良好的阅读习惯首先要避免“指读”。很多学生喜欢用手或笔指着文字读,这种阅读习惯容易使思维停留在手指着的局部单词上,会阻碍对中心思想的理解。其次要避免出声阅读。还要避免过多地停顿回读。 3. 掌握适当的阅读技巧常见的阅读方法有三种:(1)先文后题。即先把全文读懂,然后做题。这种方法的缺点是阅读的目的性不明确,记住的细节内容未必有用,有用的内容未必记住。答题时仍需到短文中去寻找,实际上等于降低了读速,降低了效率。(2)先题后文。即先读问题,然后带着问题读文章。这种方法的优点是目的明确,在阅读时有所侧重,能节省时间。该法比较适合类似广告性质的阅读理解题。缺点在于由于没有读过短文,不了

13、解文章的主题、细节分布情况,因而不可能很快找到所需信息,有时很有可能断章取义,不利于做推理题和主旨大意题。(3)文题文。即先快速通读全文,对文章形成总体印象,了解全文的题材、主要结构、中心思想、主题段、主题句,然后读问题,明白该文章的考查点,最后,再带着问题跳读文章,寻找与答题内容有关的词句,这样既提高了做题的准确性,又能有效地利用时间。因此,文题文阅读理解方法是多数人采用的,可提高阅读速度的有效方法。 4. 积累文化背景知识 这就需要我们通过大量的阅读来积累。我们要拓展知识面,注意社会热点。我们了解的东西越多,知识面越宽,对文章的理解就越容易。 5. 注重长难句的理解 一般地说,造成长难句的原因主要有三个方面:(1)修饰语过多;(2)并列成份多;(3)语言结构层次多。在分析长难句时应采用“先缩后扩”的方法。先缩,即首先找出句子的主语、谓语、宾语,这样就抓住了句子的主干,也就从整体上把握了句子的结构。后扩,分析句子主干以外的从句或短语的功能以及和主干的相互关系。


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