爱丽丝梦游奇境记 少儿精简版-英文

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《爱丽丝梦游奇境记 少儿精简版-英文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《爱丽丝梦游奇境记 少儿精简版-英文(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、您的潜力,我们帮您发掘 ALICE IN WONDERLAND (*_*) 主讲人:宋红年 Gina Tittle: ALICE IN WONDERLAND Written by: Lewis Carroll This is a story about a girls amazing dream!It was a hot afternoon. Alice was making a flower chain under a big tree. Her elder sister was reading a book.Suddenly, a rabbit ran past Alice. He kep

2、t looking at his watch and cried, “I am late, I am late!” Alice got up and ran after him.Alice ran into a tree hole after the rabbit. There, she saw a small door.“The door is so small. How can I get in?” Alice saw a small bottle on a table. The words on the bottle read “Drink me”. She drank it and b

3、ecame smaller.Then alice saw a piece of cake under the table. The cake read “Eat me”. “Nice! I am hungry!” she said. Then she ate the cake.After she ate the cake, alice grew taller and taller. Alice felt scared and started to cry. Her big teardrops formed a pool!At this moment, the rabbit ran past h

4、er again. He was very scared, and he dropped his gloves and fan.Alice picked up the fan and fanned herself. She became smaller again! But she was so small that she fell into the pool of her own tears!Then Alice met a mouse. “Hello, do you like cats? I have a pet cat called Dinah. She catches a lot o

5、f mice!”The mouse was scared. “Oops! I am so silly!” Alice realized why the mouse was afraid, “sorry! We dont talk about cats any more, ok?” but the mouse swam away quickly.Later, Alice met a lot of other small animals and they swam to the bank together.They were all wet now. How to get dry?“Lets ha

6、ve a race!” said a dodo. He drew a circle on the ground and said, “Lets run along the circle until we are dry.”At last, everybody ran to the finishing point. “Prize! Prize!” they shouted. Alice found a box of candies in her pocket. Then she handed them out.Just then, the rabbit turned up again. “Ali

7、ce, go to my house, and fetch me my gloves and fan!”Alice went to the rabbits house. There was a bottle of water on the table. “I hope it can make me bigger!” she thought. She drank it. As a result, she grew bigger and bigger. She almost broke the house!“Oh! You broke my house!” the rabbit shouted.

8、He and other animals threw stones at Alice. Strangely, the stones turned into desserts! Alice ate a few and became smaller again.On a big mushroom, Alice saw a cater pillar smoking a water pipe. “Hello!” Alice said to him.“Who are you?” the caterpillar asked.“I am Alice. I am strange today. I want t

9、o change back to my original size.”“Well, you see this mushroom? Eat from this side, and you will grow bigger; eat from the other side, and you will become smaller,” the caterpillar said.Caterpillar毛毛虫Mushroom蘑菇Water pipe猜猜看?Alice ate from the left side first. Oh, she became so tiny!She took another

10、 bite from the right side at once. Gosh! Her neck suddenly became very long!“Bad snake! Stealing my eggs again!” a pigeon thought Alice was a snake.She pecked at her angrily.“I am not a snake! I am a girl!” Alice cried.Alice tried many bites. Finally she got back to her normal size.Alice was walking

11、 in the forest. Suddenly she saw a small door on a tree. She ate some mushroom and became small again. She went into the door.The door led to a beautiful garden. Some poker soldiers were painting white roses red.“Why do you paint the white roses red?”“Because the Queen of Hearts hates white!”“But wh

12、y?” Alice asked. The poker soldiers were too busy to answer her.At the moment, the Queen of Hearts came. She shouted loudly, “why are there still white roses? Off with their heads!”The poker soldiers were dragged away. Drg 拖拽“How can you be so cruel?” Alice said angrily. kru:l 残忍的,残酷的“Who are you? H

13、ow dare you argue with me!” :gju:争论,辩论“I am Alice. I am just telling the truth!”“Umm, you are brave. Fit to play croquet. Take her away!” the Queen of Hearts said. krukei 槌球游戏“No.”Alice was taken to a garden. In the garden, there were many poker soldiers. They used flamingos as mallets and hedgehogs

14、 as balls.The game was out of order. The Queen of Hearts was very angry. She kept shouting, “Off with his head! Off with his head!”“What a stupid game!” Alice said to herself.flmigu 火烈鸟 flamingo mlit 球棍 mallethedhg 刺猬hedgehog Flamingo红鹤Hedgehog 刺猬After the game, Alice was taken to a court. The juror

15、s were twelve animals. The Queen of Hearts was the judge. k:t 法庭; dur 陪审团;法官“I decide that Alice is guilty! She did not play the game,” the Queen of Hearts said.” gilti 有罪的,有过失的“I dont know how to play it! And your game was stupid and cruel!” alice argued. stju:pid 愚蠢的“Arguing again! You are doubly guilty!” said the Queen of Hearts angrily.dbli 加倍地,双倍地,double,加倍的,双倍的During the trial, Alice grew bigger and bigger. trail 审问,审判“Its such a stupid trial! I dont like here!” Alice said.The Q


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