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1、高考英语答题模板:拿高分有技巧高考作文万能模板:图标作文s is shn by the figr/rcetage he tablept,_hs been rse decrease, sinficantly/dramatial risidersingfrom _ n _ to _ _ m te shar rise/decinete hart, igoes without sayingthat _. Threare a east wo good reasons acuntin for _. In onehn, _.nthe her hnd, _ isde to thefac hat _.Inadd

2、io, _ i resposibl fo_.Mayethre are some the rasos t show _t ii generallybeeed thattheaboventoned esons omonlyonincg. a as I am concened,Ihol th poin vi tha _ I a se my opinion bth ond and wellgounde 书信作文模板 our addessMonth, Dt, yearRecevers dresse , I am xtrmely leased to erfromyu And I would like to

3、 wria ette to el o that_. I ill greatlyaprae ponse fromyou a yur earliest cvein/I amlookigfrwrdoyour rplies at your aist convnienc Bstrgard or our halthsucess.Sincerelyours, 话题作文Nowadys, ere are more and ore_ in _ _ I is estimatd tat _.Why have thereben so man _? Maybet reons ca be lis s oll he irst

4、 on s _. Bside,_ Th third one is _.o sump, the min causef t is dueto_. I i high ime thatomething ere nepon itFor one thn,_.Fraother ting, _. Al hesemeasursl certainly educe e nmber of _.对比观点作文 ()规定论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的见解。1. 有某些人觉得。2. 另某些人觉得。3. 我的见解。 hepc f -(主题)s beoingore and mor popular enty Thre re tws

5、is f pinions aouti. Someeple sy is teir avorite.hey hold heiviw forte reason f -(支持A的理由一)What is mo,-理由二)Moever, -(理由三). Whil trs thik tat Bsabeter choice in thefollwing ree reasons irtly,-(支持B的理由一). Secndly (bsi),-(理由二) Thirdl(fnly),-(理由三). Frm my pont of view, I ik -(我的观点) Th reason istht-(因素). As

6、 matter o fac,hereare someotrrsons t xplainy cice Frme, he former is suey wse hoc (2) 给出一种观点,规定考生反对这一观点 Som people beiee that -(观点一). Frexample,he think -(举例阐明).ndit wlbringthem -(为她们带来的好处). I mopinon, nevehinkti rason an e the point. For o thing,-(我不批准该见解的理由一). Fo anr thig, -(反对的理由之二) Fom al what I

7、have said, I agreeto tthught t -(我对文章所讨论主题的见解).论述主题题型 规定从一句话或一种主题出发,按照提纲的规定进行论述. 1.论述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. . 分析并举例使其更充实.Te gd od povb -(名言或谚语)reminds ustht -(释义). Inded, we cnler many things fom i Fit of al,-(理由一).For examle,-(举例阐明). econdly,-(理由二) Aothe cse i ht -(举例阐明).Furthro , -(理由三). 解决措施题型 规定考生列举出解决问题的

8、多种途径 .问题现状2. 如何解决(解决方案的优缺陷)n recendas, weha o eI prolem-A, whic isbcoming mran mor sriou irst, -(阐明A的现状).econd, -(举例进一步阐明现状) Cnfronted with, wshould take aseies of effetive mesurest cpe wit thesituation. Fo one thing, -(解决措施一). For anothr -(解决措施二) Fina,-(解决措施三). ersolly, I blieve that -(我的解决措施). Cos

9、equnly,Im dent th abriht future isawatig s beau -(带来的好处).阐明利弊题型 这种题型往往规定先阐明一下现状,再对比事物自身的利弊,有时也会单从一种角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往规定考生表白自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测)1 阐明事物现状2. 事物自身的优缺陷(或一方面) 3.你对现状(或前景)的见解Nwads ma popl prefr A beauthas a sgnificant role n our diylife enerally,i advanges can be see sflws Fit -(A的长处之一).esides-(A的

10、长处之二). But everyn ha two sie The egtive spts a aso pparent. ne of the tnt dsadvanage isha -(A的第一种缺陷).To mkattsrse,-(A的第二个缺陷). hrugh ebove anays, Ieve atthe postive ascts overweigh th negative one. Threore,Iodlke t -(我的见解). (rom the coparison btwethese poitve ndnegative effcts of A, soul akeiresonbyand d t acodn tocicmtac e ae in. Onlyby is ay,-(对前景的预测).)现象阐明文Renly _,hat zesus moss_,t is tre that_. Tere ar anyreaon eplaiing_.Themain son i_.whtis more_thdy_.As aresult_ Coniderin al tere,_.For ne tng_


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