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1、 Module 11Body language.单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1When you go to a party for _ first time, you should arrive there on _ time. A/; / Bthe; the Ca; the Dthe; /2Are the visitors _?Yes, they are from _. ARussia; Russian BRussians; RussiaCRussian; Russian DRussian; Russians 3Mr Green only _ at me but said

2、nothing.Thats good. A happy face means hes pleased(满意的) with you.Akissed Bshouted Cmoved Dsmiled4Why were you so _ to your mother? Im sorry Im wrong. I wont be like that again.Anice Bfriendly Cpolite Drude5My computer is different _ yours, but it is the same _ hers.Afrom; from Bas; asCas; from Dfrom

3、; as6I put my bag _ in my bedroom. But now I cant find it. Asomewhere BanywhereCeverywhere Dnowhere7Can I stand _ people in the Middle East?Yes, you dont have to stand _Aclose to; far away Bclose from; far fromCfar from; close to Dfar away; close from8I want to get Helens telephone number. Thats _ I

4、 want to call her. Abecause Bso Cwhy Dwhat9Dont _ people when you _ them in Britain. Atouch; talk Btouch; talk toCtouch; talk about Dtouches; talk to 10_ do they usually touch the face when they meet?Twice, left and then right. AHow often BHow longCHow many times DHow far .完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)It

5、is important for us to learn about different traditions in different countries. The _11_ to Western countries need to know these. Dont touch the _12_ things of the Western people. If this happens, say sorry politely. Some elder Western people think its _13_ of you to help them without their agreemen

6、t(同意). They may feel unhappy.In Europe, its all right to cross your legs when you are sitting. But dont cross your _14_in Thailand. It could bring you trouble. People in Thailand also believe the _15_ hand is not clean. So dont hold food or _16_ others with your left hand, or they may think you are

7、_17_In India, shaking your _18_ usually means “yes”, while (然而)_19_ your head means “no”. Its quite different from that in our country. So when you are in _20_ countries, remember to be polite. 11A.writers Bvisitors Cmusicians Ddoctors12A.personal Breal Cexpensive Dnoisy13A.polite Beasy Crude Dfrien

8、dly14A.mouth Bhands Clegs Dknees 15A.right Bleft Cfirst Dsecond 16A.touch Bdraw Csend Dreceive17A.happy Bsad Csuccessful Dimpolite18A.hand Bhead Cfoot Dnose19A.nodding Bshaking Cwaving Dmoving20A.big Bforeign Cbeautiful Drich.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)The meaning of shaking ones head is not always the s

9、ame in different countries. Maybe some visitors would be surprised when they first come to India. Indians always shake their heads when they talk to others. But it does not have the same meaning as our “No”. If someone wants to visit India, he should know this, or it will bring him some trouble.One

10、day, a foreign officer went to India on business. He hired(雇用) an Indian to drive his car. When he told the driver to send him to his office, the Indian shook his head at once. The officer said again, but the driver shook his head again. At last, the officer, of course, got angry.“How dare(敢) you re

11、fuse(拒绝) my order?” he shouted, “Drive me to my office at once!”The driver answered in quite a loud voice, “Yes, sir!” But to the officers surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time.The car started, and the foreign officer was too surprised to say a word. He thought about it for a while, a

12、nd then he nodded with a smile, “No_means_Yes_here!”21The passage mainly tells us about the_ in India.Abody language Bclothes Ctrouble Dfestival22An Indian will shake his head when he_Agets angry Bagrees with othersCwaits for others Dgets tired23The foreign officer was surprised that the driver_Ashook his head as he said “Yes”Bcouldnt understand himCrefused his order Dshouted loudly24The underlined sentence “Nomeans


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