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1、动名词语法解说GERND动名词即具有动作特性的名词。动名词是由动词原形 ing 构成,同目前分词形式同样,在句中可作主语,宾语,表语和定语。因此记住,不要觉得一种动词加上in后都是目迈进行式.1动名词的种类:动名词可分为两大类:1.名词性的动名词(Nominl Gerun),例:Seeing isbeivin.Nonalerund 可以加上定冠词(Denit artl,如 the)或不定冠词(Idefinite artil,如 a, an),其她可加在动名词前的尚有如:my, this,some,any, , 等等。举例如下:Te elwsigig o the brds nunes the c

2、oming sring.(nging前加定冠词 the及形容词ellw;coming前加 the)eke the robewa near hen w heard a fitstlg inh uses (ulig 前加不定冠词及形容词 ai)从上面的例子可看出如何将一种动词转成名词;但它和真正的名词还是有区别的,那就是没有单数或复数之分。但是,有某些动名词是可以变成真正名词,如:sying, writin,pnin, pating, cuing,hadin,feeling, being,sing, srouig,cossng, msunderstandin等等。它们都可以有复数的喔,措施就是在它

3、们的背面加个s,如:paintn。.2动词性的动名词(eral Gernd) 具有动词性特性可以带宾语,例:Starng roops s ecesary.Carelesly writg says annoy the ther.上面的句子里的wig是动名词,但前面有副词caeles(粗心地),背面又有宾语(Objet) esss。因此rtin就有动词的特性。Vb Gernd 此类动名词的前面可不能加上任何冠词(h, a,n.2动名词的形式:2.1动名词的时态21.1动名词的一般时:v-ng动名词的一般时表达动作与句中谓语动词的动作同步发生,或在谓语动词的动作之后发生。Ienjoswimmngn

4、e big rive21.2动名词的完毕时:完毕式 (havin + -d)动名词的完毕时表达动作在谓语动词动作之前发生。Weegrt having b uable toinformyou of he metinghe stunt having dn he work so well made svey apy.Sheregret not hav studedthe mpuer ard.Doouemebe ving prms metha?Talknglie thatisnt polite.erngfrom otherss iortant.tting on mre clothe is not so

5、 od .2 动名词的语态 积极和被动当动名词和它的逻辑主语是被动关系时,用动名词的被动形式来表达。2.2一般式的被动形式(bn + vd)edilike bin iteruped in hsech.hey cudnt stan bengteated ike that.I cantrealystn beineatedlike that222 完毕式的被动语态 (having en + v-ed)heardohis havin been con tbe te cah ofe tam.Some ofouctoerscomlaned of havig bn treaed rudl.3 在动词nd,

6、ant,rere, deserv之后的动名词(作为宾语),要用积极语态来表达被动的意思。Th fowsinte gardewanwatrin.hts oneof se qutionstatraly dont nednserg.3动名词的否认形式:nt+ 动名词 直接在其前加否认词,not v-ing,not hg oHe preted not knowng it all.We osidereot doing it ow.2.4带逻辑主语的动名词形式什么是动名词的逻辑主语呢?在句子中,除了原有的主语之外,属于动名词的主语,也就称为逻辑主语,一般位于动名词的前面。Hisein lokeddon u

7、on mae hm sik.41做主语的动名词,在动名词前加物主代词(如:, his.)或名词所有格(如:Marys,gs.)iscinghere helped us a ot(主语/逻辑主语his, 动名词comig)om ecaing fom he prson ad ruble frthejile(主语/逻辑主语Tom,动名词scaping)2.2作宾语(Oje)的动名词有自己的逻辑主语时,在动名词前加物主代词或名词所有格Doou minmysmoin in the rm? (逻辑主语my,动名词smokig)e isistedon Mas taygthere. (逻辑主语My, 动名词s

8、tayig)作为逻辑主语的名词/代词为无生命时,则用通格(of e): canno say t is no fear of he news spreadingmong intiatfriends (逻辑主语nes)2.3 在下列状况中,不能使用所有格:代词为 all, oh, each, e, severa, so, thi等作为逻辑主语时:I remember al o hem aig it .数词、名词化形容词(如ethree, theod.)作逻辑主语时:n spitef hthrengh same stry,I oul o belevei.构造中的逻辑主语是名子或短语,或受从句或短语修

9、饰时:Is there ay chnce o te eple in the ackof the room taling litle louer?3 动名词的功能与用法3.1在句子中用作主语(Subject)3.1作主语 动名词做主语时,谓语动词一般为单数Listening sic ismelesure Runningis goodexerise.Walkgtocoo isagoo ie3.动名词可以用 it 先行词替代, 而把动名词写在背面。it 做形式主语ts no ue wting r,lesgo hmeIts very difficlt cimbig thismonain用 + be+

10、.+v-ing句型Itsfun speakin Esh.It is ofgra imprtance fighing gainst pllutin用 Its后接no se no good, fu 等的句型itno god; itsno/ittle/ly ny/ use; its oadly/sarely use; it worhwhilIt is no seleani oy witut pracice.Iti u beglos inain.用It is 后接 ueess, nie, har,od, iteresting, worthwhle 等的句型tis rtle taighisito con

11、siderti.3.1.3 There + b+ n+ -ing 的句型Te isnookng about such matters.Tee so getgaongwithim.2 动名词作宾语(Object)3.1作动词/动词短语的宾语(置于动词或动词短语的背面)例: wouldappreciate_ bac hi aftenon.Aou tcall Bu call .yu allgDoure calling(y:C;换成yourcallg也对) 1.I annoelp lauh (我禁不住笑了起来)(宾语laughing)2. u so avoid quareling wit yur st

12、er.(宾语quaeing)3. You should pratice seakin nlis re. (宾语speking) 只能用动名词作宾语 cknowlege 承认;admit 接受;appecite; avoid避免;celerate; onser觉得; cntmat 注视凝视; deny 否认;defer推迟 延期; dea 耽误;dett 憎恨,讨厌; discontinue; islik不喜欢; ispe; joy享有;escap避免;exuse 原谅;explai; any想象; fii完毕;give; hnder; imaine 想象;ke; inclu涉及;mion; mind介意; is错过; tnecesstte; ardon; postpn 延迟;practe实践; even;recal; repent 懊悔;ot; resent怨恨;rest 抵制; rsk冒风险;suges建议;ndestand 尚有短语类: kep (o)继续 ontmind 不介意 annotelp 不禁 feellke; give up放弃 putf 延迟av off停止 burst out 闯出.此外尚有某些接形式的常用说法cat help;i


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