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1、2022年考博英语-中国政法大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题One study has found that job applicants who make more eye contacts are perceived as more alert, dependable, confident and responsible than _.问题1选项A.those who dontB.those who arentC.them who didntD.them who werent【答案】A【解析】考查语法。those指代前面的job applicants,who引导定语从句,因

2、为避免重复,所以后面略宾语,而用do代替前面的make一词,A项符合句意。B项谓语动词使用错误;C项代词使用错误;D项错误。句意:一项调查发现,那些能有更多目光接触的求职者比没有足够目光接触的求职者被视为更加机智,可靠,自信并且附有责任心。故正确答案为A。2. 单选题An arrow has a sharp, pointed head with which it perforates its target.问题1选项A.faces towardB.followsC.piercesD.flies toward【答案】C【解析】考查词义辨析。perforate表示“穿过,穿孔”。A项face to

3、ward“正对着”,B项follow“跟随”,C项pierce“刺穿,穿破”,D项fly toward“飞向”;句意:箭头前端很尖锐,可以用它来刺穿目标物。根据句意该题选C。3. 单选题Crying is hardly an activity encouraged by society. Tears, be they of sorrow, anger, or joy, typically make Americans feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. The shedder of tears is likely to apologize, even whe

4、n a devastating tragedy was the provocation. The observer of tears is likely to do everything possible to put an end to the emotional outpouring. But judging from recent studies of crying behavior, links between illness and crying and the chemical composition of tears, both those responses to tears

5、are often inappropriate and may even be counterproductive.Humans are the only animals definitely known to shed emotional tears. Since evolution has given rise lo few, if any, purposeless physiological responses, it is logical to assume that crying has one or more functions that enhance survival.Alth

6、ough some observers have suggested that crying is a way to elicit assistance from others (as a crying baby might from its mother), the shedding of tears is hardly necessary to get help. Vocal cries would have been quite enough, more likely than tears to gain attention. So, it appears, there must be

7、something special about tears themselves.Indeed, the new studies suggest that emotional tears may play a direct role in alleviating stress. University of Minnesota researchers who are studying the chemical composition of tears have recently isolated two important chemicals from emotional tears. Both

8、 chemicals are found only in tears that are shed in response to emotion. Tears shed because of exposure to cut onion would contain no such substance.Researchers at several other institutions are investigating the usefulness of tears as a means of diagnosing human ills and monitoring drugs.At Tulane

9、Universitys Tear Analysis Laboratory Dr. Peter Kastl and his colleagues report that they can use tears to detect drug abuse and exposure to medication, to determine whether a contact lens fits properly of why it may be uncomfortable, to study the causes of “dry eye” syndrome and the effects of eye s

10、urgery, and perhaps even to measure exposure to environmental pollutants.At Columbia University Dr. Liasy Faris and colleagues are studying tears for clues lo the diagnosis of diseases away from the eyes. Tears can be obtained painlessly without invading the body and only tiny amounts are needed to

11、perform highly refined analyses.56. It is known from the first paragraph that _.57. What does “both those responses to tears” (Lines 6-7, Para, 1) refer to?58. “Counterproductive” (Lines 7, Para, 1) very probably means “_”.59. What does the author say about crying?60. What can be inferred from the n

12、ew studies of tears?问题1选项A.shedding tears gives unpleasant feelings to AmericanB.crying may often imitate people or even result in tragedyC.crying usually wins sympathy from other peopleD.one who sheds tears in public will be blamed问题2选项A.Crying out of sorrow and shedding tears for happiness.B.The e

13、mbarrassment and unpleasant sensation of the observers.C.The tear shedders apology and the observers effort to stop the crying.D.Linking illness with crying and finding the chemical composition of tear.问题3选项A.having no effect at allB.leading to tensionC.producing disastrous impactD.harmful to health

14、问题4选项A.It is a pointless physiological response to the environment.B.It must have a role to play in mans survival.C.It is meant to get attention and assistance.D.It usually produces the desired effect.问题5选项A.Emotional tears have the function of reducing stress.B.Exposure to excessive medication may

15、increase emotional tears.C.Emotional tears can give rise to “dry eye” syndrome in some cases.D.Environmental pollutants can induce the shedding of emotional tears.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】56.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“根据第一段可知”。根据第一段第二句Tears, be they of sorrow, anger, or joy, typically make Americans feel uncomfortable and embarrassed(眼泪,不管是悲伤、愤怒还是喜悦,通常都会使美国人感到不舒服和不好意思)可知A项“流泪会给美国人带来不愉快的感觉”正确;B项“哭泣往往会模仿人,甚至导致悲剧”,文章第一段没有提到哭泣会模仿人,而悲剧不是哭泣导致的,因此B项错误;C项“哭泣通常会赢得别人的同情”和D 项“当众流泪的人会受到责备”未提及,因此该题选A。57.【试题答案】C【试题解析】判断


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