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1、人教新起点三年级英语下册按要求写句子真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 句型转换。1He can seethe cat.(对句子提问)_can he_?2Sixbees.(对句子提问)_bees?3This is my bicycle.(改为一般疑问句)_this_bicycle?4The dogs are big.(改为否定句,保持意思不变)The dogs_.2. 按要求改写句子。1This is my English book.(改为一般疑问句)_this_English Book?2Open the window.(改为否定句)_the window.3It isa pen.(对句子提问)_i

2、t?3. 根据要求写句子。1His sister isnine. (根据句子意思提问)is his sister?2The tigers are big. (改为否定句,意思不变)The tigers.3This monkey isgreen. (根据句子意思提问)is this monkey?4He is a pupil. (改成复数)5The apples areten yuan. (根据句子意思提问)4. 下列否定句变成肯定句。1We are not students.2They are not monkeys.3She is not a teacher.4He is not David

3、.5It is not a bird.5. 按要求改写句子。1. Do you like toys? (否定回答)2. The monkeys like the hats. (改成一般疑问句并作肯定回答)3. Monkeys likebananas. (句子提问)4. They are cats. (改成单数句)5. I can seesome animalsin the zoo. (句子提问)6. 按要求改写句子。1.Ilikeplayingtabletennis.(改为否定句)I_tabletennis.2.Mikelikesmorning exercises.(改为否定句)3. Do y

4、ou like rice?(做肯定回答)4.有多少男孩?(翻译)_5.Amylikesreadingbooks.(改为否定句)Amy_books.7. 按要求改写句子。1、 It is a bird . (变为一般疑问句)2、 It isblue.(根据句子意思提问)3.Isitabird?(做肯定回答)4、helpyouIcan?(连词成句)5、Welldone!(译成汉语)8. 根据要求写句子。These are yellow bananas.(1)翻译句子:_(2)变为单数:_(3)特殊疑问句:_(4)一般疑问句:_(5)否定句:_9. 我会按要求选择。A. Where B. Whats

5、 C. it is D. it cant E. What animals1. Itsa bird. (对句子提问)_this?2.Is this a cow? (作肯定回答)Yes,_.3.Can a fish run? (作否定回答)No,_.4.Itsin the box. (对句子提问)_is it?5.Horsecan run. (对句子提问)_can run?10. 按要求改写句子。1.Thechildrenaresinginganddancing.(根据句子意思提问)2.gifts,how,are,many,there,?(连词成句)3.Theyreourparents.(译成汉语

6、)4.Dontopenthem.(译成汉语)5.圣诞节快乐!(译成英语)11. 按要求改写句子。1.Ilikeplayingtabletennis.(改为否定句)I_tabletennis.2.Mikelikesmorning exercises.(改为否定句)3. Do you like rice?(做肯定回答)4.有多少男孩?(翻译)5.Amylikesreadingbooks.(改为否定句)Amy_books.12. 按要求改写句子。1I dont like basketball.(改为肯定句)2Amy doesnt like noodles.(改为肯定句)3I like table t

7、ennis.(改为否定句)4My favourite season iswinter.(就句子提问)5Have you got a new sweater?(作否定回答)6Were you on the first floor?(肯定回答与否定回答)13. 按要求写句子。1. Do you like meat? (作否定回答)2. Does Lingling like oranges? (作肯定回答)3. I like apples. (改为一般疑问句)4. milk, I, like (.) (连词成句)5. Please, me, rice, the, pass (.) (连词成句)14.

8、 按要求写句子。1. Where are you from?(根据实际情况作出回答)2. My name isJack(对句子提问)3. Mike is fromAmerica(对句子提问)4. Are you Chen Jie?(作出肯定回答)15. 按要求改写句子。1They were on the second floor.(变否定句)2I was naughty at 2.(变一般疑问句,并根据实际回答)3My father issixty.(对句子提问)_your father?4Jim is inRow Five.(对句子提问)_is Jim in?5Emmascoat is ex

9、pensive.(对句子提问)_coat is expensive?16. 将下列句子改写为复数形式。1. What is this?2. This apple is red.3. It is my book.4. This is my friend.5. - Is this your pen? -No, it isnt.17. 按要求写句子。1I like bread.(改为否定句)Ibread.2Itssix oclock.(对句子提问)is it?3I like honey.(改成一般疑问句)like honey?4Is that your coat?(作否定回答), it.5Imnin

10、e.(对句子提问)are you?18. 句型转换。1.Iamsixyearsold.(根据句子意思提问)2.is/this/brother/my(.)(连词成句.)3.some/have/water/lets(.)(连词成句)4.Happybirthday!(做出答语)5.TheresZoom.(改为一般疑问句)19. 句型转换。1.This egg is for you. (改为一般疑问句)2.This is my book. (变为复数形式).3.I like this green schoolbag. (改为否定句)4.My key is on the desk.(变为一般疑问句).5.The birds arein the tree. (根据句子意思提问)页码 / 总页数


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