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2、,大人闻声赶到时,发现他不但磕破了嘴唇,还开始流鼻血。见到小翰突然“挂彩”,爸爸认为孩子磕磕碰碰很正常,擦干血,让他躺一躺就没事了。可过了一阵子,小翰的鼻血还是止不住,妈妈心里很紧张,爷爷奶奶坚持要马上送孩子上医院,吓得本来一直强撑着装镇静的小翰大哭起来,一家人慌得没了主张。专家支招:学点急救常识,遇意外莫慌乱专家认为,好奇好玩是孩子的天性,特别是生性好动、喜欢打打闹闹的男孩子,磕磕碰碰更是常有的事。现在正值寒假,时间充裕,玩伴也多,更容易出现意 外。家长除了提高防范意识外,最好学会一些急救常识,遇到小顽童磕磕碰碰“挂彩”时,一定要保持镇定,不要紧张或哭泣,冷静处理才能安抚已经受伤的孩子。在上

3、医院之前,如何及时处理孩子们容易出现的常见创伤,专家支招如下1.小割伤和擦伤可以用肥皂及冷水洗净伤口,检查是否有残留物留在伤口中,祛除残留物确保伤口干净。如果孩子摔在路面上,路面的灰尘会嵌到创伤处,这不仅容易造成伤口感染,而且会在伤口处留下永久的疤痕。这时,应用干净的毛巾或消毒纸巾将伤口处的脏东西擦拭掉,即使宝宝哭着叫疼,也不能忽略这个步骤。有时家长喜欢马上用双氧水给孩子洗伤口,这样做虽可以杀死细菌,但同时也破坏了帮助修复伤口的白细胞,会减缓伤口的愈合速度。任何皮肤创伤,即使仅 仅是轻微的擦伤,也可能成为细菌和病毒侵入的窗口,因此建议使用医院和药店出售的抗菌药膏。一旦涂抹了抗菌药膏,伤口被密封

4、好,大多数情况下会在八小时内 就开始愈合。如果伤口所在处经常和衣服摩擦,使用纱布或绷带便很有必要。是否使用创可贴可根据伤口的形状和大小来决定,并需每日更换。2.大出血或伤口很深儿童的血管壁很薄,宽大的止血带容易影响创伤处的血液循环,使肌肉组织无法得到足够的血液供给,导致永久性伤害。其实,控制伤口出血的最好方法是直接压迫,特别是将冰袋放在处理好的伤口上更有利于压缩血管、减少血液流失。但如果观察十分钟后仍发现出血未停止,则应尽快将孩子送到医院找儿科医生或急诊医生处理。如果创伤较严重,判断有骨折的可能,则应立刻拨打120,同时用纱布垫或其他消毒用品覆盖伤口。3.流鼻血孩子流鼻血时,切莫让孩子头部向后

5、倾斜,以免血液流入喉咙发生窒息或呕吐。正确的做法是让孩子保持直立或头部稍向前倾,最好让孩子含个冰块在嘴里, 通过冷却相关部位减慢鼻部血液的流动。但不是所有的孩子都受得了嘴里放冰块的处理方法,这时“冰镇”鼻梁也同样有效,即用冰块冰敷鼻根及鼻头510分 钟,以帮助鼻子血管收缩,达到止血的效果。待血止住后,可以带孩子到耳鼻喉科查明出血的位置及原因。若孩子出血的位置是在鼻腔的后处,则较不容易处理,需 查明原因以防止下回再度出血。4.烧伤或烫伤如果有衣物被粘贴在烧伤处,首先应立即剥离衣物,以防衣物浸满高温油脂继续灼烧皮肤。然后,马上用凉水(注意不是冰冻的冷水)冲洗伤处至少5分钟左右。如果是因化学品造成的

6、烧伤,用清水洗掉化学品。若没有出现破裂的水泡,可以在烧伤处涂抹抗生素软膏,覆盖住伤处,并用干燥的纱布绷带包扎伤口。如果水泡破裂或烧伤发生在关节处,则应尽早上医院治疗,以免在孩子的皮肤上留下疤痕。The Spring Festival, we the Chinese one of the most grand festival, family reunion, the children can enjoy playing, but parents friends must pay attention to the childs safety, burn happens every year,

7、broken, so parents friends want to learn some first aid knowledge.caseLittle urchin jousting accident injuredThe New Year, 9 years old little John (a pseudonym) to meet rectified not cousin cousin together again, plus the junior partner in the neighborhood, this year is really busy and happy. A grou

8、p of curious and active little urchin companion can be a lot of tricks to every day, the day before yesterday afternoon, a few small boys decided to play the game of challenge tournament, let the girls act as the audience and the judges.Small street urchins with low stool spell became a ring in the

9、home, just pendulum rise didnt take long, little John and rival on our bench suddenly shift sliding, he accidentally fell down, pain cries, adults heard arrived, found that not only did he scraped his lips, also began to flow nosebleed.See his little hands suddenly injured, dad think children hashin

10、g is normal, dry blood, do not have a thing to let him lie down. But after a while, little John is bleeding or uncontrollable coughing, mother in the mind very nervous, grandma and grandpa insisted that to send their children to hospital immediately, frighten had been clamped outfit calm little Joh

11、n burst into tears, the family didnt advocate lie.Expert action: learn some first aid knowledge, any accident dont panicExperts believe that curiosity is the nature of children, fun especially natural disposition is active, likes to beat the boy, hashing is often the case. During the winter vacation

12、, now enough time, playmates, also more prone to outside. Parents in addition to raising awareness, it is better to learn some emergency rescue, little urchin hashing injured, be sure to keep calm, dont be nervous, or cry, calm processing to placate has injured children.Before the hospital, how to t

13、imely handle children prone to the common trauma, experts recommend the following -1. The small cuts and scrapesCan wash the wound with soap and cold water, and check whether there is a residue in the wound, remove residues to ensure that the wound clean.If a child fell on the road, the road dust wi

14、ll be embedded into the wound, it is not only easy to cause wound infection, and will apply it to the wound left a permanent scar. At this time, the application of clean towel or paper towel to wipe the dirt from the wound disinfection, even if the baby cried and called ache, also cannot ignore this

15、 step.Sometimes parents like to wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide solution immediately, although to do so can kill bacteria, but also destroyed the help repair the wound of white blood cells, could slow wound healing. Any skin injuries, even if only is only a slight abrade, could also become the window of the bacteria and viruses, so it is recommended to use hospitals and pharmacies sell antibiotic ointment. Once apply antibiotic ointment, and dress the wound is sealed, in most case, it will begin to heal within eight hours. If a wound is located and clothes often friction, it is n


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