2021版新高考英语一轮复习 Module 2 No Drugs课后达标检测 外研版必修2

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1、Module 2 No Drugs (建议用时:35分钟) .阅读理解A(2020海口调研)I was selfish as a teenager. I usually spent my time thinking about myself and taking care of my own needs. I let my older brother do most of the work around the house until he left for college. I let my mom and dad worry about our bills and problems whi

2、le I read books, played, and lost myself in my own imagination. This didnt change even when I went to college either. I studied hard but only to make my own life better. Even when I started to explore my faith, it was only to increase my own happiness.I married after graduation and decided to start

3、a family. Of course, I had no idea what hard knocks reality had in store for my selfish soul. Soon I found myself unemployed, deeply in debt, and with a new baby on the way. I found out that life has little sympathy for spoiled people. In fact, all of the struggles I was going through were beating t

4、he selfishness slowly out of me. Still, I didnt give up on happiness, I knew that there must be a way to find it. I finally realized, however, that it had to include more than just my own needs, wants, and desires. The answer began to make itself clear one night shortly after my baby boy was born. I

5、 got a bottle and held him in my arms. As I was feeding him I looked down and saw his big, innocent, trusting eyes. I smiled and talked to him. Then he smiled and I could feel my heart growing, expanding with love. I felt such peace and joy. At that moment I had a hint of the truth: It is by growing

6、 our hearts with love that we find our happiness.Carolyn Arends wrote:“The more people you let into your heart, the bigger your heart gets. The more love you get, the more love you have to give. It just keeps growing.” So, keep loving, keep living and keep caring. Keep growing your heart today, tomo

7、rrow, and always.【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要讲述作者由一个自私的人成长为一个心中对他人有爱的人,也明白了“爱他人即幸福”的道理的经历。1What do we know about the author form the first paragraph?AHe often helped his brother with housework.BHe studied hard for his family.CHe put his own needs above othersDHe was concerned about his family.C解析:推理判断题。根据第一段

8、中的“let my older brother do most of the work” “let my mom and dad worry about our bills and problems” “This didnt change even when I went to college either” “I studied hard but only to make my own life better.”和“it was only to increase my own happiness” 的描述可推知,作者在青少年时期较为自私,行为处事总是只考虑自己,几乎不为家人考虑,即他把自己的

9、需要放在别人的需要之上。故选C项。2What did the author realize after he suffered in life?ASpoiled people cant survive the hardship of life.BLife is cruel to spoiled people.CSpoiled people are never happy in life.DSelfishness is helpful.B解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Soon I found myself unemployed, deeply in debt, and with a new

10、baby on the way. I found out that life has little sympathy for spoiled people.”可知,作者在经历了人生的失意后,终于发现生活对被宠坏的人是残酷的。3What can be inferred from the passage?AThe author loved kids.BThe author often fed his baby.CThe author realized the importance of happiness.DWhen caring for his baby, the author got insp

11、ired.D解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“As I was feeding him I looked down and saw his big, innocent, trusting eyes. I smiled and talked to him. Then he smiled and I could feel my heart growing, expanding with love. I felt such peace and joy. At that moment I had a hint of the truth: It is by growing our hearts with

12、 love that we find our happiness.”可推知,作者在照料孩子的过程中领悟到了通往幸福的途径。4Which can be the best title for the passage?ALoving Others, a Way to HappinessBThe Elder One Grows, the More He GetsCHelp Others, Help OneselfDKeep Growing to Live a Happy LifeA解析:标题归纳题。根据最后一段中的“The more people you let into your heart, th

13、e bigger your heart gets. The more love you get, the more love you have to give. It just keeps growing. So, keep loving, keep living and keep caring. Keep growing your heart today, tomorrow, and always.”的描述可推知,这篇文章的主旨是“爱他人即幸福”。B(2020江西三校联考)When I was three years old, I couldnt speak. It was a strang

14、e reality that none of the doctors I visited could understand.One day, I was shadowing(尾随) my mother. She found herself looking in a mirror, and through it our eyes met. She began to speak to me through the reflection, and I slowly began to mimic(模仿) her mouths movements until I formed a word.It tur

15、ned out that Im deaf in my left ear, and have a slight problem in my right. Being hard of hearing has been difficult, but Ive never lived in a state of selfhating sorrow. Imagine being able to shut out all sound as you lay your head down to sleep by simply rolling over onto one side. Thats my realit

16、y when I sleep on my “good ear”, and it makes me feel like a superhero sometimes.People call my deaf side my “bad ear”, but when I wear my hearing aid, I have access to a range of features that some other deaf people dont. In cinemas, for example, with one click of a button I can enjoy a whole film as though it were whispered to me from the mouths of the actors.Owning a hearin


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