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1、2020-2021学年贵州省贵阳市鹏程中学高二英语联考试题含解析 20xx-20xx学年贵州省贵阳市鹏程中学高二英语联考试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. The young man rushed out of the room, _ into his car and started it hurriedly, _ to get home as soon as possible. A. got, hoped? B. getting, and hoped? C. got, hoping? D. getting, hoped 参照答案: C 2. The worker are loading the

2、goods _ a car; that is, theyre loading the car_goods. A. with; with B. into; into? C. into; with? D. with; into 参照答案: C 3. When we get closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us but it will not be _ the earths. ? A. as a strong pull as? B. a strong pull as ? C. as strong a pull as? D.

3、strong as a pull as 参照答案: C 31. The suggestion put forward by him at the conference _. A. proved practical? B. was proved to be practical C. was proved valuable D. proved to be value 参照答案: A 略 5. In Singapore, people who litter and dirty the streets are more likely _. ? A. to fine? B. fined? C. bein

4、g fined? D. to be fined 参照答案: D 6. ?How about camping this weekend, just for a change? OK, _ you want. ? ?A. whichever B. however? C. whatever? D. whoever 参照答案: C 7. He is going to build a team that has a lot of potential and he thinks that is? excites him. A. that B. which? C. what D. as 参照答案: C 8.

5、 Linda carelessly _ at the note and then went out of the room. A. glanced? B. watched C. glared? D. stared 参照答案: A 句意:琳达不经意地瞥了一眼那张便条就离开了房间。glance at“瞥一眼; glare at“怒目而视; stare at指由于吃惊、好奇或恐惧等睁大眼睛“盯着。 9. Bring an extra pencil with you _ something goes wrong with this one during the exam. A. in case ?B.

6、 in case of C. so that ? D. in order that 参照答案: A 10. - Why did the project come to a stop half way? - It was partly _ financial difficulties A. away from ? Bthanks to ? Cowe to ? Ddue to 参照答案: D 11. Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie discovered radium and polonium, _ they won the Noble Prize

7、in Physics. A. asB. where? C. for which? D. on which 参照答案: C 12. I remember it in my heart forever that success anyone who has the most realistic dreams. A. is belonged toB. will be belonged toC. belongs toD. is belonging to 参照答案: C 13. It was only when they were told of the importance of time? they

8、 realized wasting time means wasting their life ? Auntil Bthat Cthen ? Dso 参照答案: B 14. When he was trying to break into the bank, the thief was caught _. A .in a spot? B. on the spot? C. from the spot D. in the spot 参照答案: B 15. It was in the library was built with stones by the workers he spent his

9、Sunday afternoon. A. which; that B. that; which C. which; which D. that; where 参照答案: A 【详解】考查定语从句及强调句。句意:他星期天下午是在工人们用石头建造的图书馆里度过的。第一空which引导定语从句,在定语从句中作主语;第二空that引导强调句,强调地点状语in the library,应选A。 【点睛】浅谈强调句 1. 用It iswasthatwho句型表示强调。 1陈述句的强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分通常是主语、宾语或状语+that/who当强调主语且主语指人+其它部分。 e.g. It

10、 was yesterday that he met Li Ping. 2一般疑问句的强调句型:同上,只是把is/was提到it前面。 e.g. Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping? 3特别疑问句的强调句型:被强调部分通常是疑问代词或疑问副词+is/was+it+that/who+其它部分?e.g. When and where was it that you were born? 注:被强调的部分通常是句子的主语、状语、宾语或宾语补足语放在iswas的后面,如被强调的是人,则后面可用who,whom等代替。 2. notuntil句型的强调句: 句型为:

11、It is/was not until+被强调部分+that+其它部分: e.g. 一般句:He didnt go to bed until/till his wife came back. 强调句:It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed. 3. 强调谓语动词:用助动词do, does或did加动词原形来强调谓语动词。注意:此种强调只用do/does和did,没有别的形式;过去时态用did,后面的谓语动词用原形。如:Do come early. 务必早来。He did send you a letter last week

12、. 昨天他确实寄给你一封信。 16. Im going to London next Monday. What a _! So am I. A. conclusion B. consequence? C. coincidence D. celebration 参照答案: C 17. The speed _ Tom drives his car is too high. A. in which B. at which ? C. at that ? D. in what 参照答案: B 18. Dont _ women . They are as important as men for the

13、development of society. ?A. look up to? B. look down upon? C. look out for D. look forward to 参照答案: B 略 二、 短文改错 19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号? ,并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只同意修改10处,多者从11

14、处起不计分。 In my childhood, my parent sent me to learn Chinese calligraphy, believed that it could benefit me a lot. Therefore, things were quite contrary to their expectations. Not only do I get bored with hours of practice but also I doubted the value of it. Nevertheless, when I entered into high school, it became a fantasy way for me to relax. Judging from my own experience, I want to say a little words to those who have the same trouble like I did. Do not refuse learn a skill when they are young, as in


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