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1、 Belarus教学设计兆隆小学 詹佳丽一、教学目标1. 知识目标(1) 听、说、读以下单词:Belarus, The Midsummer Festival.(2)学生能基本掌握白俄罗斯的概况,了解仲夏节习俗、饮食文化和旅游时的注意事项。2. 能力目标(1) 能够细看找出细节信息完成问题。(2) 能够借助生词、PPT展示的图片和音频等基本读懂短文大意。(3) 能够简单地向别人介绍白俄罗斯:位置、语言、节日、饮食、景点等。(4)通过递进阅读,提高学生阅读能力。3. 情感目标(1) 体会不同文化的魅力,感受白俄罗斯的风土人情。(2) 通过学习一带一路东欧国家白俄罗斯的仲夏节,学会尊重不同的习俗,尊

2、重他国的文化差异。二、教学重点 1.知识目标中的词汇。2.通过学习,基本掌握白俄罗斯的节日活动和饮食,以及习俗和禁忌。3.通过阅读和解决问题,提高阅读能力。三、教学难点1. 理解白俄罗斯仲夏节的习俗和饮食,掌握白俄罗斯的风俗和禁忌。2.学会尊重不同的文化,遵守各地的习俗和规则。四、教学准备 学生准备:学习用具。全班分六个大组,各组6-8人,课堂中有个人练习,小组合作练习。 教师准备:多媒体课件,教学设计,学生阅读文本和课堂练习,课堂板书图片,课堂道具和活动材料。五、 竞争机制 以小组为单位,正确回答问题的学生可在组内加一朵花,获得花朵最多的小组为获胜组,奖品为白俄罗斯巧克力。六、 教学过程St

3、ep 1. Warming-up1. Greeting2. Sing a song 3. Free talk &Lead- inT: Whats your hobby? Ss: Swimming./Skating./ Singing.T: I like reading and travelling. I would like to introduce an interesting book to you. It is about Belarus.【设计意图】通过学生熟悉的歌曲活跃气氛,以旅游爱好导入主题。Step 2. Pre -reading1.Watch a video about Bel

4、arus.2. Brainstorm: What do you know about Belarus?3. Predict (Lets guess): some questions about Belarus. Where is it? Is it beautiful?What color do they like? What do they eat? What do they like doing?.【设计意图】通过视听激发学生的学习兴趣,为接下来的学习作铺垫,对白俄罗斯稍作介绍。Step 3. While -readingPassage 11. Introduction of Belaru

5、s auto-played by PPT with pictures, words and sounds .【设计意图】视听结合,以类似绘本的方式呈现白俄罗斯的概况,有助于学生的理解和接受。2. Read the passage and choose.Q1: Where is Belarus? It is in Eastern Europe.(Show the parts of Europe on the map.) T:How can we get there? Ss: By train./ By plane.Q2:There are many lakes and forests in Be

6、larus.Q3:They speak Belarusian, Russian and English. Q4: Two Belarus ruble is about 6 yuan . (Show the Belarus ruble to Ss) Q5: They like singing and dancing.【设计意图】选择题的形式难度适中,检测学生对细节信息的获取能力。从地理位置、语言、环境、生活爱好多个角度了解白俄罗斯。通过现场展示实物白俄罗斯卢布,帮助调动学生阅读的积极性。Passage 2 1. Show the pictures (People are singing and

7、dancing).They are celebrating the Midsummer Festival. It has a long history in Belarus. 【设计意图】衔接短文一,由人们唱歌跳舞庆祝仲夏节的情景引入。2. Listen, read and think What do people do in the Midsummer Festival? 3.Match the activities with pictures. One group match on blackboard.【设计意图】开展任务教学,学生带着问题把第二篇文章分两次仔细阅读,突显其重要性,也增加

8、了输入,促进学生思考。老师带读单词,了解仲夏节习俗,为接下来的扩展做准备。4.Read again and judge. 【设计意图】练习的设置难度逐渐增强。5.Check the answer together. The Midsummer Festival is on July 6th or 7th. It is in the middle of summer. It is hot. It is the longest day of the year.The sun reaches its highest point in the sky. ( The origin of the Mids

9、ummer Festival.)【设计意图】解释其日期与名称的由来,加深对这个节日的印象。 The reason of lighting the fire (To frighten away the dark)【设计意图】由“why”引导深入挖掘文本,抛出问题“为什么要点燃篝火?”促进学生思考。wear wreaths of flowers(It is popular to wed on that day.)【设计意图】扩展讲解仲夏节的节日传统习俗,现场体验带花环,增强课堂轻松愉快的气氛。The reason of singing and dancing (It can drive away

10、the evil spirit and ensure a big harvest. ) But now it is just for fun.【设计意图】学生通过了解来源与历史,感受新时代背景下仲夏节节日文化的变化。The Midsummer Festival in the other countries.【设计意图】延伸至其他国家的庆祝活动,从不同方面、有根据地展示欧洲的仲夏节文化。6. It is a very important festival in Belarus. People have a big meal. What do they eat?【设计意图】抛出与食物有关的问题,承

11、上启下,引入第三篇文章。Passage 31.Listen and read 2.Group work: Fill in the blank.(完成小组任务卡)3.Check the answer together. Two groups show the mission card.【设计意图】学生已经阅读了两篇文章不免疲乏,所以第三篇文章采取小组合作完成。精美的任务卡问题简单,结构清晰,由优秀的学生主导,进行快速阅读与填写,做到人人参与。以图片动态地展示白俄罗斯的传统食物与做法,作为饮食文化的补充。4.Watch a video about Chocolate and cookies in

12、Belarus. 5. Share the cookies together.【设计意图】以一带一路特别节目的短视频介绍白俄罗斯的甜品店,展示中白两国的友好关系。现场分享白俄罗斯当地美食酸奶饼干。6.The food culture in Belarus VS ChinaRespect different culture!【设计意图】将白俄罗斯与中国的饮食文化进行简单地对比,深入挖掘,培养学生的跨文化意识,进行情感教育,我们要接受与尊重他国不同的文化。Step 4. Post -reading 1. If you want to be a good visitor, you should kn

13、ow some customs in Belarus.【设计意图】第四篇简单介绍白俄罗斯的习俗禁忌,并为作业做准备,提供旅游攻略,实则也是对白俄罗斯一种隐性文化的渗透。2. Show six tourist attractions with pictures quickly. 3. Video: a news that Belarus opens tourist visa to China.【设计意图】 一般谈及一个新的地方,特别是旅游方面,都会关注其美食和美景,在课上简单地展示首都明斯克与著名旅游景点,插播了白俄罗斯对中国免签证的相关信息,让去白俄罗斯游玩变得更加可行,也增加了材料的真实、可

14、靠性。Step 5. Homework1. Read passage 4 carefully after class.课后仔细阅读第四篇文章。2.Write a plan to Belarus.根据短文,制定一份去白俄罗斯的旅游计划。(Search the new words by students themselves. Tips: Youdao Dictionary & Google map. )不懂的单词可以查询有道词典与谷歌地图。Word Bankwhen(什么时候):on the Midsummer Festival, summer holiday, winter holiday.w

15、ho(谁): my friends, my family, my classmates.Food(食物):buckwheat porridge, muffin, potatoes, borscht, chocolate, cookies.Places(地方): Holy Spirit Cathedral 圣灵主教大教堂 Victory Square胜利广场 National Opera and Ballet Theatre国家芭蕾舞剧院 Tear Island泪岛European Centre 欧洲中心 National Library白俄罗斯国家图书馆.Activities(活动): go swimming, go boating, watch a show, sing and dance, have a big meal, have a party. My plan My name is . I am going with . I want to ea


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