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1、2022年考博英语-湖南师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Competent researchers cite the most authoritative source, but what counts as authoritative again varies by field. Note the authorities whom researchers in your field cite most often, what procedures they trust, what records they regularly cite. If you are deali

2、ng with primary sources (original texts of books, plays, diaries, and so on), be sure that your edition is recent and published by a reputable press. There are on-line electronic editions of Shakespeare so sloppily edited that using them would label you as incompetent.When students are unfamiliar wi

3、th or cant find authoritative secondary sources-scholarly journals and booksthey often resort to tertiary sources: textbooks, articles in encyclopedias, mass-circulation publications. If these are the only sources available, so be it, but never assume that they are authoritative. Be especially cauti

4、ous about books on complex issues intended for mass audiences. Authors who write for the ordinary reader about brains or black holes are usually competent, sometimes distinguished researchers. But they must always simplify, sometimes oversimplify, and are always out of date. So if you start your res

5、earch with a popular book, look at the dates of the journals cited in its bibliography.Authority also depends on being current, but again, different fields judge currency in different ways. In the sciences, out-of-data might be a month ago. In the humanities, a scholar might judge as reliable a book

6、 more than a century old. The best way to judge currency is to skim dates in bibliographies of recent journal articles. What seems to be the cutoff date? Assume that most textbooks and reference books are out-of-date.1.The authors purpose of writing this passage is to tell students( ) .2.The authors

7、 would probably agree with which of the following statements?3.According to the authors, what are authoritative sources?4.Which of the following best paraphrases the sentence “what counts as authoritative again varies by field”?5.What can be inferred from the passage?问题1选项A.how to cite authoritative

8、 sourcesB.how to be competent researchersC.how to judge authoritative sourcesD.how to read authoritative journals问题2选项A.Competent researchers may not refer to on-line electronic editions.B.Scientific books might be regarded as out-of-date if they were cited a month ago.C.Students should not resort t

9、o tertiary sources even if they are unfamiliar with or cant find authoritative secondary sources.D.Original texts of books, plays, and diaries are not authoritative books.问题3选项A.On-line electronic editions.B.The edition that is recent and published by a reputable press.C.A reliable book more than a

10、century ago.D.Books on complex issues intended for mass audiences.问题4选项A.Authoritative sources are considered important in some fields.B.The number of authoritative sources varies in different fields.C.The importance of authoritative sources is different in research fields.D.Authoritative sources ar

11、e judged differently in different fields.问题5选项A.Out-of-date sources are not counted as authoritative.B.Students should not use popular books.C.Primary sources are the best authoritative sources.D.Secondary sources are hard to find【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。结合全文内容可知, 本文主要讲的是如何判断资源的权威性,

12、选项C更符合原文。2.推理判断题。选项A明显错误;根据第二段第一句可知, 选项C表述错误;根据第一段第三句可知, 选项D表述错误;根据最后一段第一句“Authority also depends on being current.”可推断, 作者认为权威是有时效性的。所以选项B。3.细节事实题。根据第一段第三句“If you are dealing with primary sources (original texts of books, plays, diaries, and so on), be sure that your edition is recent and published

13、 by a reputable press.” 选项B与原文表述一致。4.推理判断题。句意指“什么才算权威又因领域而异”, 再根据原文内容可知, 作者指的是“不同领域对权威来源的判断是不同的。”选项D符合原文。5.推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知, 作者强调权威资料具有时效性, 说明过时的资料不具备权威性。选项A正确。2. 单选题Most staff in this office did not like the manageress, for she was known to be sly, selfish and( ).问题1选项A.manifestedB.manipulativeC.c

14、onscientiousD.controversial【答案】B【解析】manifested显然的;manipulative操纵的;conscientious认真的;controversial有争议的。根据句意可知, 填空处应填入和sly,selfish意思相近的贬义词, 所以选项B更符合语境。3. 单选题Students who dont work hard will face( )prospects in the future.问题1选项A.meagerB.rareC.bleakD.slight【答案】C【解析】meager贫乏的,瘦的;rare稀少的;bleak惨淡的,无希望的;slig

15、ht轻微的,少量的。能与prospects搭配且符合句意的只有选项C。指前途惨淡的,无希望的。4. 单选题The ( )of modem bridge is made of concrete or steel and covered with something else.问题1选项A.archB.platformC.skeletonD.coating【答案】A【解析】arch拱形, 拱门;platform平台, 月台;skeleton骨架, 骨骼;coating 涂层, 包衣。句意:现代桥梁的拱是由混凝土或钢制成的, 上面覆盖着其他的材料。选项A符合句意。5. 单选题The detective watched and saw the suspect _ a hotel at the corner of the Street.问题1选项A.getting off the taxi and walking intoB.got off the taxi and walked intoC.get off the taxi and



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