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1、22年陕西省初中毕业学业考试英语试卷(满分:120分;考试时间:0分钟)第卷(共7分) 听力部分.听句子选答语(共5小题,计5分) 本题共有5个小题.每个小题你将听到一句话,读两遍,请从所给的三个选项中选出一个最恰当的答语。.A.Im sur I wll B.ButI hope so. Ct pleasure2Plase start. BNo,I wo .OK,I wll.3.ASor,Iwill. B.Dontwoy ab it.CSrr,Iwon o i again.4.A.Its abok. B.Itsoneul CIts writte y J.KRoing.5.No,bt Iwish

2、to. BIt agood ida CI n idea.听对话。选答案(共10小题,计10分) 本题共有10个小题,每个小题有一段对话和一个问题,读两遍,请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。6.Banaas. B.Ap PeaA.ons. B.andas. C.Tigers.8:0 B.9:00. C.10:0.9.he wmngot twrn nuber. BThmangot he right number CThe womngt anry.10AMathand Chiese B.nlishadhiory. CPsi anChine.11.AThesu. B

3、.Their leaves. C.hemselve.12.Mucwose. B.Muc eter. CNo ane13.A.he mn ie. .Hi wfe C.His dughter14A bike B.y bus CO foo5A oto BA teaher. CA poicea听短文。选答案(共5小题,计10分) 本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍,请从每个小题的三个选项中,选出正确答案。16.Wher id Tom e he adveriemnt A. a ho B a newsap In wndow17How muchas the bcye 56 dollar B55dllrs C54d

4、oars.18her did om go to buth bicycle AIn a hop .In asuermarkCOnthe nernet.19Whatproblm iomfind in the shp he bicyclwas ogood nuh. BTh pric wa too igh C.Thee was n asket n the icycle.20id pice includ the basket Im o ureBYe,it dd CNo,t idnt笔试部分.语言知识(共10小题,计0分) 本题共有0个小题.请从每个小题的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。21Whic of th

5、e foowg pitres mean“Pleasedonmake any noise.”2.I wont frget my teacer becuse she_sokin to e ine camethis chool. A.hs be B.wll be C.was Dis23.一Peter,howoldis or faththi year_And we jt had a party ohis_ brthdaylast eekend. A.Frtiet:forty BForty;fty .Fort:ftiethDotith;foithAftricusing,the studnts _so g

6、ood ieasto work on the proect Aput up B.se up C.cauht wthDcaep wt. asedme _ coud go o Beiin towtch th gabyplane. A.that .f Chow Dwha2His prntsoftn ecurae im_hrd A.work Bworking C.to wk Dwors27.We oul iv l to e chidren _lost their parents in the ahquae(地震). Awo B.wom Ctose Dwhh28Ou famiy hasboght a c

7、ar sow cntael _thn befre Amost esly B.les easly Casily moe esil9一Who ex paer it 一t_be Li Le.e alwayforgets o wie his me n i. A.cnt B.must Cshoulnt .may30一Lo! How_ the bs are! 一Ys.Theywn the game thi atnoon. .exciting BexitemeexciteD.xctd.完形填空(共小题,计0分) 阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。 O da

8、y a yogman pu n ad n mos ofthe nepaprs i Egland.He said hat his paents 31 im milos of pous(英镑)Hradated rom Oxford UniversityEveryo knw his uersityisone f 32 niversitie n the wolS h ha o great ecaton thereHe ike agil to be his 33 The girlust be lite oe i the bookswrten bySomerst Maugam(英国小说家及剧作家), 34

9、Mugamw hsfaurt his a wa re ad knn 35 y parets nd youn girls l over the ou.Pres e tshop to 36 teos.Theyboughths oos ort daughtes 37 preens.Grsrie to et thse boks 38 The ated to ko ha i o pers te wtr lio tht the coud mrry the you ma Ahe books ritten by Maugham 39 in shtti and the wrtebecme fos n you g

10、uesho the youg manwasIt wasSomeretMangham 40 ! Wt ceer an ewas !31.Agiv B.ve Chasgven will gie32.Atemst famus Bmor famou Cmos famoDfaous3.Afren B.lasmate C.wifeD.eacher34A.ou Bo Cbt becaue35.A.truly B.woyCsloy DquikyA.k t B.lo ov Clokor D.ookatr37.A.s B.with Cor D.like.to eep B.t sell Cto red Doow39

11、A.re sld t Bwer solu Cve sd ot D.sld o0.isel esef .iself Dtemselves.阅读理解(共小题,计5分) )根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A”表示,错误的用“B表示。(共小题,计分)(A) Its lunctme.Yue hungry andwanto etyr avourie al in thesaura,t here rea ltof eople aiting atedoorDon worryn yworld (网络世界),yu cn et yourma jstonhe Intrnet.“Shoppinghas nevr be o easyWit ust a igle lic on your



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