牛津译林版八年级上册8A-Unit2-School-life知识点总结整理(DOC 5页)

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1、牛津译林版八年级上册8A Unit2 School life知识点总结整理8A Unit2 School lifeComic strip & Welcome to the unit 18191. Why dont/ doesnt/didnt sb do sth? = Why not do sth Why dont you give me some cakes? = Why not give me some cakes? 表示建议的句型:Why not / Why dont you How/ What about. Shall we. Lets do. Youd better do.2. hav

2、e to 不得不 * have to +v.原 * have/has/had to do sth (时态变化) * dont/ doesnt /didnt have to(否定形式) * 客观原因造成 He has to finish homework before watching TV. We dont have to go to school on Sundays. must 必须 * must+ v.原 * 无时态变化 * mustnt do(情态动词否定) * 主管原因造成 We must arrive there before 7 a.m.3. like * v. 喜欢 like

3、doing sth * prep. 像 be like doing sth / what be sb/sth like .怎么样What will your future be like? Its like being on the train.4. advertisement 可数n. advertise v.做广告5. * few / a few 可数名词 little / a little 不可数名词 few / little 否定(几乎没有) a few / a little 肯定(一些) * fewfewerfewest littlelessleast eg. He has the

4、fewest friends of the three. Nancy has less free time than John. Kitty has the least money in her family. I have fewer books than you. 翻译:I have a few friends but few true friends. He has a little milk but he has the least. There is less juice in this bottle than in that one. There are fewer books i

5、n your library than in ours.6. British adj.英国的 n. 英国人 Britain n. 英国 7. holiday * have a seven-day holiday (seven days) * be on holiday * go to sp for a holiday8. fall n. 秋天,瀑布 v. 落下 fall down9. plan for sth 10. practise doing sthReading 20221. life n. 生活 (复数lives) live v. 居住(三单lives) life (in a Brit

6、ish school) 介词短语作后置定语 a girl (with a ponytail) the boy (in blue)2. in Year 8 = in Grade 8 = in the 8th Grade3. FrenchFranceFrenchman/ Frenchwoman4. Learning foreign languages is fun. 动名词作主语 * learn to sthlearn to speak English * learn how to do sthlearn how to speak English * learnlearner * fun adj.

7、 愉快的 It is fun to swim in summer. n.(不可数) have fun doing sth * foreignforeigner5. during+ 一段时间 在.期间 during the summer holiday during my stay in New York6. borrow 借进 borrow sth from sb lend 借出 lend sb sth = lend sth to sb7. near the end of 在.接近结束时 at the end of 在.结束时/在.尽头 in the end = at last = final

8、ly 最后 (in the beginning = at first 最初,一开始 at the beginning of 在.开始时) In the end, we won the match. Near the end of the term, we will have a final exam. Youll find a hospital at the end of the road. at the end of the month8. discuss v. 讨论 discuss sth with sb discussion n. have a discussion about sth

9、with sb Please discuss the problem your classmates. They are discussing where to go for a holiday/ They are having a discussion about where to go have a holiday.9. seem 似乎,好像(系动词) * seem + adj. / 名词短语 He seems very tired. He seems (to be) a clever boy. * seem to do sth It seems to be a little cold t

10、oday. * It seems that 从句 It seems that the weather is getting colder and colder.10. learn more/ all/ little about sth11. * offer v. 主动提供 offer sb sth = offer sth to sb The girl offered her seat to the old man on the bus. * offer to do sth 主动做某事 She offered to lend me her umbrella.12. A is different

11、from B / A is the same as B13. than usual / as usual14. hard * adj. 艰苦的,硬的 What hard work it is! a hard brick * adv. 艰苦地 work hard15. win- won-winner16. own adj. 自己的 He has his own car. = He has a car of his own. V. 拥有 He owns a car. (同have)17. an article by a boy 此处的by用作介词,由.创作 This is a book by Mo

12、yan.18. else adj. 其它的 不定代词/ 特殊疑问词+else what else = what other things What else do you want to say? I have nothing else to say. Grammar 23241. little-less-least (at least / at most) few-fewer-fewest2. far-farther-farthest 距离 far-further-furthest 距离/程度Integrated skills 25261. number of students 学生的数量

13、the number of + n. 复 .的数量 作主语时,谓语动词用单数 a number of + n.复 许多. 作主语时,谓语动词用复数 eg. A number of teachers are present today, and the number of them is 400. The number of pandas is getting smaller and smaller/ bigger and bigger/ larger and larger.2. wear school uniforms3. have two weeks off两个星期的假期 have+ 一段时

14、间+off 休息多久,有多久的假期 May I have a day off ? We have two months off in summer every year.4. How much time/ How long do students spend on homework every day? = How much time does it take students to do homework ?5. half an hour for playing computer games and another half an hour for playing chess * another此处用作adj. 意为“又一的,再一个的,另外的” We can do that another time. Would you like another cup of tea? * half an hour 半小时 one hour and a hal


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